As intermission music, I offer~



Mental Health - Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC

Ya know, this is what pisses me off about the VA,

Scroll down just a bit and you will find that mental health has hours!

Yes indeed! Imagine that.....

And what about ALL HOURS?

A number to call?
A link to click?

A Friend who is always there?


Somebody should turn Scotty loose on this :censored:!



Sometimes I get a little bit like I got a pebble in my shoe and have to say something.

22 Vets every day take their own life.
Let's work to keep our Vets alive.

We all good?



My bad.

I see the "side ads" and such, but not in the "main body content."

But it's almost like flipping through the yellow pages.......:lock:

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"Turn the Page."

My Friend, Scotty,
A word of advice is to move on.....Travel lightly, Bro. :icon_thumright:
Lose some old things and gain some new things.....
The allure of life!



Ummm...Yeah. Scott's talking to himself again.
{Smart money is on Scott for most any discussion!}




"Halloween, you ask? I'll mug neighborhood kids for their candy.

Why do you ask?"

"It's weird and spooky, but,
I like weird and spooky!"

('Cause I had a lousy Halloween year more than once as a kid....)


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From last weekend...

The path less taken will bring you joy!

View attachment 1374492

Especially in the dark.


Let's go then! I'll lead....
Our ruck is packed, we are about to climb a mountain. And go down the opposite side about so many degrees....
You brought the compass? Right? No?

Don't matter. I got this.

Only another coupla more miles to an old campsite of mine....
Follow the sound of the creek....
Haven't been this way in at least 4-5 years....

You gather wood when we get there and I'll make dinner. :thumbsup:
How do you like your steak cooked?



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I have a bag of donuts, a gallon of ice cream, a banana or two and a gallon of ice cold milk to cozy up with Carl Sandburg's third volume!

Until later my Friends....
(when my weight has grown...)




Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

My guys won't believe this. Today I got in my truck to go get the kids from school. I was about 1/2 way up in the driveway. As I started looking for my sunglasses ( vehicle running) BAMMO..... I get this violent shake....WHAT THE...... I start looking around see a vehicle in my rear view mirror....... she had it under my truck, hit my rear tire!!!! It was my daughter's E boyfriends mom...... she was trying to turn in my driveway and hit my damn truck!!! Luckily my truck sits so high she went under the truck and smacked my tire...... AAARRRGGGHHH I WAS MAD!!!!!

My guys won't believe this. Today I got in my truck to go get the kids from school. I was about 1/2 way up in the driveway. As I started looking for my sunglasses ( vehicle running) BAMMO..... I get this violent shake....WHAT THE...... I start looking around see a vehicle in my rear view mirror....... she had it under my truck, hit my rear tire!!!! It was my daughter's E boyfriends mom...... she was trying to turn in my driveway and hit my damn truck!!! Luckily my truck sits so high she went under the truck and smacked my tire...... AAARRRGGGHHH I WAS MAD!!!!!

Lol, at least no body damage!! That's what is important! I bet her car is messed up!

P.s. Does she look anything like the witch in the cartoon? Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


Ole Scotty is gettin' serious about sellin' his stuff for a move.

Just posted a Craigslist ad.

Delta Benchtop Bandsaw

I have much to sell but will wait to see how this goes before I post more goods....

Hope all are ready for the weekend!

It's an awkward time of year for lawn chores---
Do you mow one more time to mulch the early fallen leaves and ensure an uniform height of the grass for easier leaf blowing later
OR just blow the leaves and head inside for a Guinness?

I guess y'all know what I WANT to do as opposed to WHAT I'll do....

Best Wishes,



Ole Scotty is gettin' serious about sellin' his stuff for a move.

Just posted a Craigslist ad.

Delta Benchtop Bandsaw

I have much to sell but will wait to see how this goes before I post more goods....

Hope all are ready for the weekend!

It's an awkward time of year for lawn chores---
Do you mow one more time to mulch the early fallen leaves and ensure an uniform height of the grass for easier leaf blowing later
OR just blow the leaves and head inside for a Guinness?

I guess y'all know what I WANT to do as opposed to WHAT I'll do....

Best Wishes,


I plan to mow one more time as I usually do this time of year. I mow the leaves mulching some and blowing them into the woods so I have a good non matted start in the spring. Here's a pic of my front yard this afternoon with Lulu (the dog)

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


I already got bites on the Band Saw!

Gonna have to open a seperate bank account to add proceeds of sales towards a new truck.


Forgot to mention that a Friend offered advice on my truck's misfiring....

He said to look at the plug wires for signs of white.

I did and found 2 that had white.

I wrapped electrical tape over the places and my engine problems reduced about 90%!

Looks like I'll replace my plug wires and plugs this weekend and go ahead and change the oil and filter, fill up the radiator with fresh anti-freeze and top off the washer fluid.

Anything I may be forgetting?



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I already got bites on the Band Saw!

Gonna have to open a seperate bank account to add proceeds of sales towards a new truck.


Forgot to mention that a Friend offered advice on my truck's misfiring....

He said to look at the plug wires for signs of white.

I did and found 2 that had white.

I wrapped electrical tape over the places and my engine problems reduced about 90%!

Looks like I'll replace my plug wires this weekend and go ahead and change the oil and filter, fill up the radiator with fresh anti-freeze and top off the washer fluid.

Anything I may be forgetting?



What exactly is your trucks engine issues?

Often times even if the engine is in need of replacement it's more economical to replace with a good used engine rather than replace the vehicle. This becomes much more so I it's a stick shift vehicle as a looming automatic transmission failure is a HUGE concern and expense from a aging transmission.
(Keep that in mind if you do decide to replace your truck with a used one)...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


Ole Scotty is gettin' serious about sellin' his stuff for a move.

Just posted a Craigslist ad.

Delta Benchtop Bandsaw

I have much to sell but will wait to see how this goes before I post more goods....

Hope all are ready for the weekend!

It's an awkward time of year for lawn chores---
Do you mow one more time to mulch the early fallen leaves and ensure an uniform height of the grass for easier leaf blowing later
OR just blow the leaves and head inside for a Guinness?

I guess y'all know what I WANT to do as opposed to WHAT I'll do....

Best Wishes,


Take the bandsaw ad down, put it bakc at 100 bucks!!
Great saw.....

Will you be selling any music related gear? Effects, pickups necks, bodies tremolos etc.
I have found vintage tortoise shell guitar picks on eBay and at garage sales. Agate picks I'am also looking for.
Keep in mind some guitar picks from certain concerts are worth a fortune! If you have any of course....

Good luck in your sales!!!

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Take the bandsaw ad down, put it bakc at 100 bucks!!
Great saw.....

Will you be selling any music related gear? Effects, pickups necks, bodies tremolos etc.
I have found vintage tortoise shell guitar picks on eBay and at garage sales. Agate picks I'am also looking for.
Keep in mind some guitar picks from certain concerts are worth a fortune! If you have any of course....

Good luck in your sales!!!

I'll send you a link via PM...



I have many picks...
One that I remember was given to me by the Bassist of Head East after a concert at "Jimmy's Jigger" in KC on state line Ave.....Back in the 80's...
The party was in the kitchen. In back.

Wow! I've never drank that much Jager before or since....


I will see what picks you might be interested in.

Perhaps some of my home-made picks that I've used on stage?

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Please indulge my "ear worm."

This melody has been running through my mind all day and now that I watch the video,

I feel a sense of poignancy somehow...:dontknow:

(Could it be the 12 string Ovation?)

Best Wishes.....


I'll be home soon enough...


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What exactly is your trucks engine issues?

Often times even if the engine is in need of replacement it's more economical to replace with a good used engine rather than replace the vehicle. This becomes much more so I it's a stick shift vehicle as a looming automatic transmission failure is a HUGE concern and expense from a aging transmission.
(Keep that in mind if you do decide to replace your truck with a used one)...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Like I said, the mis-firing was happening because 2 of the 4 spark plug wires had, over time, vibrated and wore through the insulation just enough to cause the spark to discharge on a neutral ground.
Causing mis-firing.
Or something like that.

Now then, If I can just get this manifold to exhaust "donut" replaced you might not hear me slide through the neighborhood....

I sure like my little S-10.
Mostly 'cause it's paid for....

And lots of memories taking me into the mountains....
To College on Tuesdays and Thursdays for several years....
I've mistreated my little 5 speed a bit by neglecting certain routine maintenance...
But, hopefully I can pull another miracle or two again out of my hat....
(Mostly minor stuff, but nickel and dime, Dig?)



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