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Communicating tonight with a Lady that was a Manager of one of the
D****** pizza places that I once worked for as I started back to College,

We reminisced of the times and memories of people that we both know.

The subject came to camping and another delivery driver whom I still call my Friend. Wherever he may be today....

I get the feeling that he was of a fine English Upbringing...


This was my personal message to Jesy:

Patrick? Ha! One camping trip, we hiked and climbed the mountain, searching for the Summit. As I know the mountains, I led the way. Just before we reached the summit, I told Patrick to lead the way, that way he would be the first to summit. After another 50 yards and we are upon the cusp of the summit, He FREEZES in his tracks. I had warned him of snakes among the rocks.... I quickly hike to his side, looking about the rocks that I tread for a poisonous pit viper that I must deal with. Seeing no threat underfoot, I look up to Patrick's gaze and see that it is fully at a horizontal angle. My head quickly followed his stare and I saw a 300 pound black bear merely 30 yards ahead of us. I immediately and quickly rushed ahead 10 yards, rucksack and all, and presented a formidable opponent. The bear raised to his hind legs and growled. My hand tightened on my protection....The bear lowered to 4 legs and scampered into the woods. I then said to Patrick, "I like this mountaintop. Let's camp here!"




Believe it or not, I've got some photos of that trip!
If I find them, I'll certainly post!

(Remind me if I forget, OK?)

(no bear pics...)

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I need advice from my Friends...

Here's the dilemma....

Y'all know that I'm good at Poker, et al.

And my truck runs just great right now after my work....:thumbsup:

Shall I go with a coupla "Franklins" to here?
About a coupla hours north...

Buffet? $30!!


Now that My beloved S-10 is given new life, shouldn't I give more to keeping her right? Like shocks?

But, put me on ANY poker table....


We all have dreams of success.
Whether it be correctly guessing the next "hot" stock or working diligently every day. Or perhaps that guy or gal who decided to spend a buck and ends up winning the Lottery! We all have our Dream!




Sounds like "Boston?"

Well done!
There's a reason...Perhaps you already know why....

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Still got a card from the last time I was there....6-8 years ago?

With a chick that I hardly knew.....
HEY! I was "inebriated"...OK?

"Are you sure that you want me to put it all out there?
And still be on your 'Christmas Card' list?"


But here's a pic....

Of ....
(Just under the tax laws. If you're gonna win, win smart, DIG!)


We all have to make a living somehow.
Never ask how.....
It's best to use the mind.
Standard deck. 52 cards.
4 suits.
13 cards per suit.
12 "paint" cards.
Odds of what?
Drawing to an inside straight? As opposed to an open end?
Perhaps a flush?

I can make my decisions quickly....

I'm pretty much "All In" with a pocket of bullets or Big Slick....

Let's play.
Wanna do some bettin'?

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"Our Faith in ourselves determines how we shall live as a Free People or die."©Scott



(See? I'm certainly not shouting.....)

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My "domestic" chores now completed,
I have time this evening to see what courses I might be interested in for this Spring Semester:
UNG | Psychological Science | Bachelor of Science

I'm looking more into Bachelor's of Arts Degree as opposed to a Bachelor's of Science....

I'll take notes and I've already hinted to my Locksmith Friend that I'd like to have Friday off to head to the mountains for serious contemplations.

Hope all have a Great Week!


Golden Corral Veteran's Appreciation Day meal is the following Monday.

I have went for the last 5-6 years to the GC in Buford, off of exit 4.
I ALWAYS give generously to the DAV who are there collecting donations.
As I am always alone when I go, I look for other Vets who are alone and offer to share our meal,
conversation and time together.

One year, there eventually was 6-8 other Vets at our table who had come to the
Golden Corral alone but shared a meal with Fellow Brothers!

And yes, I tip the Servers heavily!

Maybe I'll find another restaurant on Friday that is serving Vets and get a lunch to go for my trip into the Mountains!

Best Wishes,


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My last Guinness, and I'm now tuned.

Let's play!

Here we go.. in the key of E....

Let's think of dreaming while you play. Shall we?
I do.



Yeah, I was at this concert!

Kemper Arena!
Arrived on my bike with my Lady.
It's easier to park a bike, Dig?

(Kevin played an Ovation Guitar this concert, also.)

They spelt it wrong.... :tongue3:




Every time that this tune finds it's way to my thoughts,

I think of my mountains!

I am planning my trip as I type this post!

Such beautiful Fall colors!

Certainly I will take many photos!

Now then....

which Mountain shall I explore?

A SHORT week!




Nobody else dares to?

Scotty sez,
"I'm your Guy. Give me the mission, Sir!"

1968. Nixon.

2016. Clinton.

48 years later,
Some things have certainly changed.....
Haven't they?

I'll stop before I invoke a thought of politics again.




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Soon it will be time again for sleep.

Sleep entails dreams....

Let's hope that the "Dream Police" keep all of our dreams pleasant!

(Once keyboardist of the group, "Spooky Tooth")

Best Wishes Always,


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Now, please forgive me as I must finish my daily chores of...
Cleaning and oiling.

I was saving these up for zombies, but I may need them sooner.....


I'm certain that I am familiar with every weapon shown. Intimately familiar.



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The week has begun!

Welcome to Monday!




"Oh! My, my, my, Child.
I bet you didn't see that coming, now did you?"



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The week has begun!

Welcome to Monday!



Bro.....It aint monday yet....

Sorry talentless replacement singer!!

Real deal.


Tomorrow my 77 year old uncle will be laid to rest. What a day, we the USA shall vote for our future. Yes I'm concerned!!!!!!! God be with us.....

Tomorrow my 77 year old uncle will be laid to rest. What a day, we the USA shall vote for our future. Yes I'm concerned!!!!!!! God be with us.....

My condolences to his family.

Hey, I'm a supporting member!
Some one supporting me is the reason....Thank you. You shouldn't.

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