If the plug wires are falling apart I'd go ahead and replace them with lifetime warranty ones from Autozone and I'd just go ahead and do plugs, cap and rotor (if you're truck is old enough to use these) along with fuel filter, air filter, and change the oil. While the plugs are out I would definitely do a compression test on all cylinders to gain some hard data on the real condition of the motor. A vacuum reading can offer some great insight as to the condition of the valves as well. If those check out and it has good oil pressure, just keep on trucking! I'd take nickel and dime any day over payments!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Ya know, there just might be an idea here....
To ALL of Scott's truck woes....:laughing7:

Perhaps? :icon_scratch:



Ya know, there just might be an idea here....
To ALL of Scott's truck woes....:laughing7:

Perhaps? :icon_scratch:



That song kinda reminds me of how I built my truck! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Here ya go Scott!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Right off of jump street, as a locksmith, I notice that it is a GM product that she's jamming a key into the ignition.

Look at all the crap on that keyring!

No wonder she will have ignition failure soon!

A 10 cut GM ignition with a sidebar!

A guy brought a whole ignition assembly to the shop today.
A similar 10 cut, that he had pulled from a junk yard.

Wanted a key made.


Non chip. How about 2 keys for $45?


I got his name and number, told him that I would get right on it and call him when it was ready.

30 minutes later, I called him! :thumbsup:


I'm sorry.
I've digressed again.

My apologies...



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Right off of jump street, as a locksmith, I notice that it is a GM product that she's jamming a key into the ignition.

Look at all the crap on that keyring!

No wonder she will have ignition failure soon!

A 10 cur GM ignition with a sidebar!

A guy brought a whole ignition assembly to the shop today.
A similar 10 cut, that he had pulled from a junk yard.

Wanted a key.


Non chip. How about 2 for $45?


I got his name and number, told him that I would get right on it and call him when it was ready.

30 minutes later, I called him! :thumbsup:


I'm sorry.
I've digressed again.

My apologies...



It's all about the proper jiggle when installing the key! Lol!!
Your definitely the expert when it comes to keys!!

I did find it humorous it was a s10 blazer and it mentioned plug wires!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


"You want 'Fun and Games?' Yeah. I'll give you fun and games.... Come and git ya some....."


"We interrupt this post to prevent any rumors to start concerning the..."ahem" sanity? of Scott.
If you ask Scott, well, imagine the stories that he can tell...

Where was I going with this?


"I don't know, but please continue. It is verrry interesting!"



My Goodness! Would you look at the time!

Haven't had anything all day but a pot of coffee for breakfast.

Now I'm making a Taco Casserole with....


Some of Uncle Bill's peppers!
(Can't get enough of that hot stuff!)



I'm sincerely embarrassed that no one has posted this video concerning my Friend Bill's peppers!




...As my eyes water with the heat and my hair sweats....

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Scott this is funny.... I just watched Predator!!

Right off of jump street, as a locksmith, I notice that it is a GM product that she's jamming a key into the ignition.

Look at all the crap on that keyring!

No wonder she will have ignition failure soon!

A 10 cut GM ignition with a sidebar!

A guy brought a whole ignition assembly to the shop today.
A similar 10 cut, that he had pulled from a junk yard.

Wanted a key made.


Non chip. How about 2 keys for $45?


I got his name and number, told him that I would get right on it and call him when it was ready.

30 minutes later, I called him! :thumbsup:


I'm sorry.
I've digressed again.

My apologies...


He didn't come in this afternoon and so I'll expect to see him in the morning.

I'll take my camera in tomorrow and take some photos that may help show what was involved to make a 10 cut GM ignition key, including "Secret Knowledge!"
(concerning defeating the 10 cut side-bar)

I also made keys for a 4 wheeler and an old Nissan.
How old?
It took a DA31 Blank!



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"It' a deep drive into left field....From WAY out in left field, Scott heads back to the wall! He's at the warning track...

He leaps...And...."

Hope all enjoy this World Series.
It's likely that no one reading this post was alive the last time either team won a World Series....



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I just got off the phone with the VA. I swear I have NEVER dealt with such a bunch of idiots in my life!!!! No wonder GI's are killing themselves at a rate of 22 per day!!!! If you don't have people skills, you shouldn't deal with people!!!! I have a name, I am not a " case" ARRRGGGHHHH

Joke for the day-- What sex position creates the ugliest children?

Ask your mother! Haha ok ok I read this today. It's been a really tough week, but I thought this joke ( not meant for my friends) had to be shared...........

Lol, now that's funny!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Joke for the day-- What sex position creates the ugliest children?

Ask your mother! Haha ok ok I read this today. It's been a really tough week, but I thought this joke ( not meant for my friends) had to be shared...........

I was doing a rekey today for some "good ole boys,"
and had the opportunity to tell this little story on myself:

"When I was just a little squirt, my Daddy said, 'Son, there's people in the world who are really fast. Then there's folks who ain't fast at all. But you, Scott, you're in the middle. You're half-fast.'"

Hope all enjoy their weekend




I forgot to take my camera for the 10 cut GM ignition photos and he came to get it.

All things NOT being equal, I think I'd rather go explore that mountain in the distance this weekend than perform lawn chores and truck work....

How 'bout you?

View attachment 1375518



As intermission music, I offer~



Come on...

One artist of this group just recieved a Nobel Prize in Literature.

A more worthy choice for a Nobel than.....


You know where I was gonna go...

But really.

Just a coupla more tunes, OK?

For ole Scotty?

Best Wishes,


Ya know,
While searching for an easier way of doin' things that I got to do this weekend,

I stumbled onto these geniuses!

Certainly ideas will soon come to me!

Best Wishes,


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