Just talked with my Friend up north in Larryville, KS.
He says, "Come on up, Brother!"
But, every time that I've lived in Lawrence, I couldn't wait to leave!
Perhaps a quick Semester or two at KU?
A "stepping stone" to Boulder?
I saw today a locksmith job posted for Boulder...
Locksmith job - Polytechnikey, LLC dba City Lock - Los Angeles, CA // JobInventory.com
I thought that old people move South, not North....
Looks like I need another trip into the mountains soon, to be influenced by a warm campfire....
You DO know that without mountains, and being in a colder area, and at my age that I would have a hard time....Well, OK. The
REAL hardship would be no mountains in Kansas to hike and camp....
In fact, the more that I think about it, I....
Looks like I can get coach, red-eye round trip from ATL to KCI and back for a Franklin or two.....
I got rides to and from the airports. Dig?
I'll just have to rent a car for a few days....
The Holidays approach....
Haven't seen my Mom's grave since my Grandmother and Uncle are now there.