A "tie in" to Rocket Fuel" and the bombing in 1970 at the Campus....

The next Summer, I extorted, ahem, I mean NEGOTIATED a brand new Black Sabbath album from my Sister after picking her diary.

She had my parents install a keyed lock set for her bedroom door.

Pfft! Are you trying to keep ME out? 8-)

"Into The Void"

Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the night sky they blast
Through the universe the engines whine
Could it be the end of man and time?
Back on earth the flame of life burns low
Everywhere is misery and woe
Pollution kills the air, the land and sea
Man prepares to meet his destiny, yeah

Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the black sky so vast
Burning metal through the atmosphere
Earth remains in worry, hate and fear
With the hateful battles raging on
Rockets flying to the glowing sun
Through the empires of eternal void
Freedom from the final suicide

Freedom fighters sent out to the sun
Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution.
Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
Find another world where freedom waits.
Past the stars in fields of ancient void
Through the shields of darkness where they find
Love upon a land a world unknown
Where the sons of freedom make their home

Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves
Leave them to their future in their grave
Make a home where love is there to stay
Peace and happiness in every day



Years later, I gave back to her all of the albums I had "Negotiated!"
Including this one. :thumbsup:

They had been well taken care of and many were now collectible!

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Just got news my house in Florida is ok!!!! I thought I would be waiting until Sunday to find out. That's a big relief considering the massive oak trees around it!! I'm glad I had all the tree work done last year!

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Looks like you get to host a gathering at your Florida house soon!

Glad all worked out for you, my Friend!

I can deal with hurricanes and tornadoes~ Plenty of warning!

But, Earthquakes?

No thank you!
If I want that kind of "rock and roll," I'll just do this....



Looks like you get to host a gathering at your Florida house soon!

Glad all worked out for you, my Friend!

I can deal with hurricanes and tornadoes~ Plenty of warning!

But, Earthquakes?

No thank you!
If I want that kind of "rock and roll," I'll just do this....



Lol! Now that's funny!!
I've been through a couple small earthquakes when I lived in California. The freight train sound they speak of...yes it's true. The only time I was nervous of earthquakes was when I was deep and in abandoned gold mineshafts around Big Bear California. Man I could tell stories about doing that! Everything from near death, rattlesnakes, dangerous 4x4 hill climbs, getting lost with not much fuel, weird people coming to find us because they saw the light from my flashlight...Some of the best times of my life!!!

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Lol! Now that's funny!!
I've been through a couple small earthquakes when I lived in California. The freight train sound they speak of...yes it's true. The only time I was nervous of earthquakes was when I was deep and in abandoned gold mineshafts around Big Bear California. Man I could tell stories about doing that! Everything from near death, rattlesnakes, dangerous 4x4 hill climbs, getting lost with not much fuel, weird people coming to find us because they saw the light from my flashlight...Some of the best times of my life!!!

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Having lived in "Tornado alley," as it's known, for a goodly portion of my life, I've experienced my share of tornadoes.

I wrote a paper in my meteorology course a few semesters ago.
Received an A and the Professor wanted a copy for his records of one who once went through a "Kansas Twister."

I obliged, with signature.... and if I can find it, I'll post it.


Windows whatever again....

Gimme some time...I'll find it.....



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I'm "Hep!"
(as my Grandmother would have said....)

Here is "The Tornado Event."

Scott Xxxxxx
Geog. 1112
Oct. 26, 2014

A “Tornado Event”


Xxxxxx 2

A typical Monday evening, June 29, 1998, in Northeast Kansas, I had gotten off from work as a construction worker building my Boss’s new house. I had stopped off to get a 6 pack of cold ones. I lived in rural Jefferson County with my girlfriend in a 100+ year old house. By the time I got home, about 6:00 pm, the sky had started to cloud over and the low rumbling of thunder could be heard in the distance. Doesn’t look like I’ll go catfishing tonight….
Soon, my girlfriend came home from work and we sat outside in the yard and watched the storm approach. We waited for lightning to flash and then counted until the report of the thunder signified the distance away. The count steadily decreased for about a half an hour until in one giant flash and explosion of thunder I said, “That’s close enough!”
As we headed inside, the sky had turned to a putrid greenish-yellow color and the wind that had been steadily building up in speed suddenly stopped.
The air was completely calm; dead calm. No birds singing. No breeze. Then we heard the tornado sirens from Lecompton go off (4-5 miles to the south) and we decided to head down to the underground shelter in the back yard.
As we were inside the house gathering candles and a radio, the INTERIOR doors started to slam shut! I shouted, “Forget the candles, we need to get to the shelter. NOW!” The short run of about 40 yards away to the shelter in the back yard was one that I’ll never forget. Large limbs from stately old cottonwood trees were being ripped off and were flying and falling all around us. I remember the air pressure was such that I had some difficulty breathing.
We made it to the shelter, my girlfriend ahead of me, and as I stood on the steps, trying to pull the door shut, I was losing to an invisible force. I finally managed to get the door shut and latched just as a deafening roar from outside clouded out even my thoughts. With no electricity for light, nor candles, we sat huddled in each other’s arms in the dark for what seemed an eternity.
Eventually, after about a half hour, I unlatched the door and we emerged to an unfamiliar landscape. The house was still standing but had sustained damage from the falling limbs. The working windmill in the back yard was still standing but every blade was curled in on itself. The detached garage was still standing but missing two walls, never to be seen again. The power line running to the house was pulled down but still attached to the house. I immediately broke the security seal on the meter box and pulled the meter. Let the Power Company scold me later but right now, I have to cut power to the house.
We were worried about our pets, a dog and a cat. We looked everywhere and then we saw them come up out of the shelter. They had beaten us in there and we didn’t even know they were there safe with us the whole time.

Xxxxxx 3
We later learned that there was significant damage at Perry Lake, about 10-15 miles to the northwest. It took me a month to repair the windmill and house and I hooked up the tractor and pulled down the remaining walls of the garage. I dragged all the debris to a section of open land on the property and we had one of the biggest Fourth of July Bonfires probably ever had in the county. Several times Deputies stopped by to check on the fire. They were rewarded with hot dogs and hamburgers. I believe word had gotten out that there was free food and Coca-Cola.
This was not by any means the only tornado I’ve experienced in my years growing up and living in Kansas but it is the closest. The closest I hope to never be again.

(From: News Archives |

The Capital-Journal
Severe weather Monday night damaged property across northeast Kansas -- including extensive damage at the Lake Perry Marina -- and treated Kansans to an early fireworks show courtesy of Mother Nature. The severe weather, which included thunderstorms, funnel clouds and high winds, forced many Kansans to move to their basements for safety. Much of northeast Kansas was under a tornado watch through the evening and warnings were issued for parts of Wabaunsee County, Osage County, Jefferson County and Douglas County.
The storm caused minor injuries to two campers who had been near the Lake Perry Dam but wrought the most devastation at Lake Perry Marina, on the east side of the lake, where authorities said it ripped the roof off a restaurant, damaged the marina building and appeared to have destroyed a building used to house boats.
Many expensive boats had been inside the aluminum building, about a third of which was ripped away, said Jefferson County Undersheriff Jeff Herrig. Residents who had been at the marina said they had been warned of the storm before it came, but some chose to stay and ride it out. Several said the swirling nature of the storm made them think it was a tornado.
It wasn't until about 30 unsettling minutes after the storm passed through that authorities knew everyone at the marina had survived, Herrig said. Reported injuries were limited to two campers who were in a trailer that overturned at the Outlet Park campground. The pair suffered lacerations and went to a Perry grocery store where an ambulance took them to a hospital for treatment, Herrig said.

Xxxxxx 4
Brad Woodrow, a Topeka Fire Department lieutenant who was at the scene, said his friends former Kansas Gov. Joan Finney and her husband, Spencer, had been at the marina shortly
Before the storm but were OK. Woodrow, who said he keeps a house boat and bass boat at the marina, lamented that deputies late Monday weren't letting anyone into the lake because of the debris and damage.
"I guess my bass boat's gone, along with eight or 10 others," Woodrow said. Herrig said no damage estimate had been made but it was safe to say "dozens" of boats had been damaged, with several being "thrown around." Herrig said it appears some of the hundreds of boats situated at the marina had escaped damaged, but most of the marina's docks had been pulled away from shore, and all appeared damaged.
Additionally, Herrig said, power lines had fallen in the water, prompting authorities to cut off electrical power to the area. Herrig said there were no reported damages or injuries at a Boy Scout camp situated near the north end of the lake.
Debi Thompson, who lives on Ferguson Road on the east side of Lake Perry, said she was convinced a tornado touched down and destroyed a metal barn on her property about 7:30 p.m. Monday. She and her husband were in their berm home when the storm struck.
"I've been in another tornado, so I know what happened," said Thompson, 43. "I thought it was going to take the roof off our house. It scared me to death." Debris from the barn, which was built in the spring, was scattered around her property and some of it landed across Ferguson Road, about 75 yards to the east. The Fairview Township Fire Department said debris from the barn likely knocked down a power line.
In Douglas County, the storm caused wide-spread power outages, downed trees, damaged some structures and caused some street flooding, but it was mostly a night of close calls.
Douglas County storm spotter Marvin Wiedeman Jr., Lawrence, said at least two funnels were spotted over the county -- one a few blocks north of the University of Kansas campus and another in the Lecompton area.
Sitting in a Perkins restaurant with his fellow spotters, Wiedeman showed Polaroids of the storm -- classic wall clouds with a green tint.
"I've been a spotter for 22 years, and this is probably the best I've ever seen," Wiedeman said.
While Wiedeman was watching for funnels, his home in south Lawrence was being damaged, he said. His car port was "blown apart," he said.
Another spotter, Brian Modig, was in the Vinland area south of Lawrence when visibility was reduced to zero as 60 mph to 70 mph winds turned the falling rain horizontal.

Xxxxxx 5
A storm that spawned a tornado at Perry Lake damaged 45 boats and caused at least $500,000 in damage to a marina, while thousands of downed limbs were being cleared in Lawrence and other areas on Tuesday. ``We're trying to do everything at once,'' said Bob Best, owner of Lake Perry Yacht & Marina. ``All the docks are pretty mangled.'' At the marina, the tornado ripped walkways connected to docks out of the ground and threw them in the lake.
Part of the roof of a lodge near the marina was torn off, and a sheet metal building housing boats was destroyed. The storm also pulled a large satellite dish and its concrete base out of the ground. Several dry-docked boats were overturned and one boat was submerged in the lake near the marina. Roofs on five of the docks also were damaged, Best said.
About 50 volunteers and several contractors were working Tuesday to restore electricity and plumbing to the marina area. ``We're trying to get the facility functioning by July 4,'' Best said. A fireworks display and other activities will go on as scheduled on Saturday, he said. The marina area was closed to the public Tuesday. Concerned boat owners were escorted into the area by Jefferson County officials. The marina is scheduled to reopen at 8 a.m. today. Best estimated damage to the marina at $500,000, not including damage to privately owned boats and other property. Nearby, powerful winds tore a barn apart at 3366 Ferguson Rd., about two miles north of Perry, flinging part of the roof to the south, glancing off the chimney of a house. The top of the chimney crumbled and windows were blown out. The old barn, which was empty, is in shambles.
``It's just one of those things that happen,'' said owner Thelma Seetin. Thelma Seetin and her husband, Fay, have weathered almost half a century of storms at their 150-year-old farmhouse, but Monday night brought the most ferocious storms they can remember. ``You just keep looking, and you see more things damaged. The barn's gone, it's just demolished, it's everywhere.''
Image Image
(Where I lived at the time.)

Best Wishes to all!


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Scotty, you eat better than I did camping
I used to backpack and ate mostly freeze dried food

Ever sampled "C-Rats?"
Ever hear of "mermite" cans?

Ever sat in a bunker for 8 hours when it was 10 degrees?

"Here comes....DINNER!"

A jeep drives by quickly and throws a box at you.

It's dark.
Where's that box?
Hope you got your P-38....
Hope that was a US jeep....

Ever hear of the C-rat term, "John Wayne Bar?"



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Y'all remember my conversation with Senator Butch Miller concerning "Cold War" tags?

I hadn't heard from him for a slow minute.....

So, I sent this last week....

Honorable Butch Miller,

I was curious to learn where this proposition is at this time.
As I have indicated, I am always ready to do whatever you may find for me to do to help
bring this idea to a reality.

Hope you have been well.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx

Did I mention that he is involved with a local Car dealership and is frequently on the local talk radio show that I listen to?

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I had my "Tailgate" Georgia game ready with some Brats.....

(And a beer or three that I snuck on....)

Ahem! We all know that likker ain't allowed, right? OK, then....

And Georgia still lost to Tennessee with only 10 seconds left....
Sad, ain't it?



(Scotty camps right!)

Hope you are well, my Friend...


But the Brats and beer in the mountains lessened the sting of the loss....

Just seconds before.....


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All is well on the Eastern front..... possibly a good nights sleep? Good night friends!

All is well on the Eastern front..... possibly a good nights sleep? Good night friends!

One of my favorite times of the year is Fall....

The notice given to Nature to start the pageantry of the tree's leaves changing colors...

Whenever Nature is concerned, I'm concerned.



Halloween is soon.....
How 'bout we go get a coupla punkins?
Yeah, we can do the "Corn Maze," Right?

"Scott's Corn Maze?"

Not found here....

Heh, Heh...

I got ideas for carving.......
And I got knives....:tongue3:
Shall I dress as a clown?


You have to ask?



(More later)

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"So, you think that you can avoid the terrors that await your sleep?"


"Not likely, you weak human"

"I see you fighting sleep, again,
But you know that I will win."

"What shall the dreams be about tonight?
Dreams of my goals that never turned out right?"

'Or being in a room full of rabid rats.
A room with no doors or windows...Imagine that."

Maybe a pleasant dream....

"Perhaps a trip, to my mountains one more time,
A request, granted to me, sweeter than wine...."


I see another "Scary Movie Pizza Saturday Night" ahead! :thumbsup:

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(Fiddle excellence!)

Yet another payday.....

Time to add again to the next treasure tube! 8-)

Best, Always,


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Made a key for a Toyota Camry that was a repo at my bank this past week,

It involved drilling the ignition.

Yeah. I know where to drill to defeat the active retainer....

I replaced the ignition that matched the factory Specs.
And cut 2 keys for the customer.

Have I mentioned that I know about Locksmithing?

Always me.
Always Scotty....

My advice?


Scary movie....:icon_scratch:


"Quickly! Tell me! What shall it be....
A tale of my mountains~Just you and me?"


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Y'all know that it's possible that I''ve used a bit too much of Uncle Bill's peppers tonight....



Ya know, Friends,

I've had just about enough (deleted) for today.
How 'bout you?

Let's see what tomorrow brings our way, shall we?

Good night, y'all!



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I must offer an apology of the implied language that I used and an explanation.

I had just been made aware of another VA disgrace.

I'm sorry if my reaction caused anyone to be offended.


Thanks, TH! :notworthy:

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As atonement,
I offer a short video taken last weekend.

You know that I just had to cross that log and explore a new area....



As atonement,
I offer a short video taken last weekend.

You know that I just had to cross that log and explore a new area....



Crossing a creek on a log I broke a twig with an eyeball.
Saw the broken twig swinging.
A couple days of red and black were followed by a couple weeks of double vision in the one eye.
A pair of trash bags came into use to wade across after that....
Creeks here are sandy or in places well tumbled/ glacier scoured stone or gravel. Not as pokey.

"I went to the woods (sea) because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life,
to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms." - Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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This year is the 50th anniversary of "Foxfire."

One of my favorite readings as a youth.

Some wisdom now put into practice as an adult! :icon_thumright:

Have a Great week, my Friends!



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Crossing a creek on a log I broke a twig with an eyeball.
Saw the broken twig swinging.
A couple days of red and black were followed by a couple weeks of double vision in the one eye.
A pair of trash bags came into use to wade across after that....
Creeks here are sandy or in places well tumbled/ glacier scoured stone or gravel. Not as pokey.

Ah, my Friend! It is best to NOT fall into the stream!

View attachment 1368174

In my thoughts frequently,




Are you perhaps mentioning, "Ghosting?"

The same location, a few hours later....

No moon...A thick forest canopy....
"Let's go up this new mountain and explore tonight, shall we?"


AH! There's our campsite!

See it?

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