Here's a "rarity" for ole Scotty....

Y'all seem to be pretty set in where you live and all, never thinking of pulling stakes...

I've lived so many places that I can't remember them all...


I've kept up with my hometown newspaper, online, for about the last 10 years.
Registered as a free user...
In the last 10 years, I have only posted maybe 6 comments to stories. All within the last 2-3 years.

Tonight I posted a comment about:

"It now is significantly easier for Lawrence City Hall to buy all sorts of goods and services — some costing as much as $50,000 — without going through a bidding process"

My comment was:

Bad Idea.
As the prices of goods and services fluctuate almost on a daily level, I would want the money spent on taxes paid to obtain these goods and services for the best possible price. By eliminating the bidding process, this also discriminates against new businesses trying their hand at "Free Enterprise."

I may be back in Lawrence in MY future....

Would this comment upset the "Left?"


But, Really is this too harsh?



Bet that my Degree would work very nice with Kansas University.

Isn't there a VA in KC?

Ah, Yes!

Been there!


What a story of frustration and.....
One day I might tell of it...
Back in the 80's I believe....

Scott, my long term plans are to pull up stakes. I've just been delayed a bit! But my other house in Florida is just waiting for us. Best thing about that? I've locked in my housing cost for that area. Like you I have lived many places, my favorite being Southern California!! But that being said, the destruction a certain political party has imposed on California has made for a intrusive big govt and out of site taxes, along with major immigration problems...
So I must settle for reasonable housing prices, low vehicle registration fees and NO STATE INCOME TAXES!!! In Florida. I'm not trying to be political, but this is reality. Maine is also out of control with all the above issues. Pick your new place of residence carefully!!
Of course there's always Chicken Alaska!!!
If your adventurous!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Scott, my long term plans are to pull up stakes. I've just been delayed a bit! But my other house in Florida is just waiting for us. Best thing about that? I've locked in my housing cost for that area. Like you I have lived many places, my favorite being Southern California!! But that being said, the destruction a certain political party has imposed on California has made for a intrusive big govt and out of site taxes, along with major immigration problems...
So I must settle for reasonable housing prices, low vehicle registration fees and NO STATE INCOME TAXES!!! In Florida. I'm not trying to be political, but this is reality. Maine is also out of control with all the above issues. Pick your new place of residence carefully!!
Of course there's always Chicken Alaska!!!
If your adventurous!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Actually, I believe that there is still gold in Alaska.

Isn't there still "Homesteading" opportunities yet available in "God forsaken" areas?

How cold is it?

"It's a 3 dog night!"

Dig the Bell-Bottoms! Ever hear of "elephant ears?"



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Perhaps "random variables of outcomes" are in play here?

Random Variables

Much to consider as I hike to the summit of a new mountain this weekend!



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Actually, I believe that there is gold in Alaska.

Isn't there still "Homesteading" opportunities yet available in "God forsaken" areas?

How cold is it?

"It's a 3 dog night!"



I believe it gets -40 to -50 at night in the winter. Way to cold for me!! I'd like to see it in the summer though. Several years ago I purchased a good nugget that was mined in Chicken and had a jeweler put a gold loop on it. I gave it to my wife and she wears it on a necklace. Lots of interesting history up there. The book Tisha is a true story of Chicken

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Bering Sea Gold on tv right now. Put that diving aspect to the search.

Took the boys out for another successful fishing trip this morning. 5 am comes really early!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Middle of the night is early alright...
Great picture.
What'd cha's catch?

Awesome I need to post those Atocha find pictures. Yeah not fair what'd ya catch? Pics????

Gnome their brother Scott[emoji106]

The boys caught numerous bass and perch. I was going to keep a few but one boy was really concerned about making sure we released all of them so they could all live. I couldn't really argue with that. He does have a good heart.

Some interior pics of sailboat. It has a Mercury outboard, I need to buy a dingy still but I have all fall and winter to look.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Another successful overnight fishing trip. Even weathered a strong but small thunderstorm!! Woke up to really strong wind as well!! I had a blast!!! My wife...well she did in the morning when she caught her very first fish!!! Now I think she's hooked! Lol
She didn't like the thunderstorm at all! I call it character building!! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Hey Fowledup are you holed up? Where ya hiding? Haha.....just one day at a time.......

The boys caught numerous bass and perch. I was going to keep a few but one boy was really concerned about making sure we released all of them so they could all live. I couldn't really argue with that. He does have a good heart.

Some interior pics of sailboat. It has a Mercury outboard, I need to buy a dingy still but I have all fall and winter to look.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

It is good and within Nature's call that no life shall be taken needlessly;

"If a man needs to eat, let him take of nature to sustain him and nothing more."

You certainly have your priorities in order! :notworthy:

My admiration of your strength and guidance,


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I have returned early from a weekend adventure in the mountains.

Due to rain and a "Police" action last night....

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

About 10:00 pm last night, after monitoring the weather visually for the last 3 hours,
I decided to not make a fire for dinner...

Instead, I draped a couple of tarps over my tent and placed all gear in the back of my truck and covered it with a tarp before retiring to my tent for the evening.

Good call.

By 10:30, there was "traffic" going beyond my campsite but nowhere else to camp.
Going up to the "Dead End."

Soon, the sprinkles started.
The traffic continues....

By now,
My count is only one beyond me at the top of the road. Been there about 10 minutes....
Then, A Pick-up truck heads up past me...
My Friends with the Georgia DNR.

10 minutes later, another truck.

Yep. DNR.

I have pretty good ear sight of trucks.....

About 11:00, it pours!

Glad I draped my tent and covered my gear!

Well, for the next 2+ hours,

After 10-12 different vehicles driving past my campsite, coming and going,
I lost count. Drug or sex related?

Finally, about 3 am, I was able to sleep....


Last I recalled, to the best of my ability, was that there were still 3-4 vehicles above me on the mountain.

I awoke this morning about 7 am to a truck and an SUV leaving from the top.

Then, about 8 am another truck leaving.

And at 9 am, a Lumpkin County Sheriff car leaves....


I fire up the Coleman to heat coffee water and say to myself,
"Self, Ain't you had enough fun, Son?"


I've had enough fun for a hot minute....

I didn't get a chance to enjoy the Port meal planned in the mountains....

Perhaps tomorrow on the grill at the house?




Two separate dreams that I remember from last night...

I had bought a big motorcycle, needing repairs, and easily fixed it and was getting ready to take it on it's first ride...when....We fade to the next dreamvision...

The other was.....
It involves military items~Therefore, no further info is available. Period.



Thank You for understanding why a Vet may not want to discuss their "Service" with you....

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A crossed eyed Moray............the Florida Keys................and what if you found this hunk of silver coins??????? It was from the Atocha

As an old man, I have no trouble drooling....

You're not helping! :laughing7:

Thanks for the pics!




I especially like the pic of the keys....

Makes me realize that I can make it any WHERE in the world,


Any TIME in the world!

Now then,

Where did I place my Cigar?

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Awesome pics TGF!! I never get tired of seeing treasure! Lol
I think those Florida Keys are still out of my price range! Haha

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

And now, for your enjoyment, I offer:

Hope all are well and ready for the Holiday Season soon upon us!



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On a 707, a 747 or a MAC... here I go again...

Leading me where? :dontknow:

Your Friend always,


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