Today my locksmith Friend and I went to make a key for a 1975 Dodge "Camper Van."


(Helpful image of a 1975 Dodge "Camper Van.")

Door key, ignition key and locking gas cap key.

Yeah, we got this. 8-)

The blank called for is a Y-153 blank. Yep.
We got them, Boss. At the shop. In the "OLD" section that I maintain.....

So we show up at the job site and a woman meets us there.


I need to describe this woman. Really.

She was maybe a year or two older than me.
The story is that she and a few friends had purchased this vehicle after graduating high school in the late 70's with thoughts of traveling the country. I think, "Yeah....OK. Doesn't really help me to make a key...."

When my locksmith Friend and I retreated to the van to regroup, I looked at him and said,
"We got us a 'talker.'"
I told him that I would keep her occupied while he worked.

Well, I did both.....

She was about 5' 6'' and weighed every bit of 250 pounds.

To make a key, you must pull the door lock, break it down and read the pins to cut a key.
The same key works the ignition.

So I'm removing the door panel to get to the door lock and she is telling the story again. Sheesh!

So I said, "I thought you might have wanted to follow the Grateful Dead across the country."

She said, "No, I'm more into Janis Joplin."

So, As I started to disconnect the linkage and remove the door lock,

I starting singing softly,

"Didn't I make you feel, like you were the only one....."

WOW! She damn near crowded me while I was working!
(What's the name of Scotty's aftershave lotion?)

Long story short....

We made keys for the door and ignition and I picked open the locking gas cap and we took it back to the shop where I have my "Tryout" keeys.

After about the 10-12th key that I triede, I found one that worked perfectly.

I cut 2 duplicates and will call her tomorrow to come pick them up.

A new locking gas cap is what, $30?

I'll charge maybe $10.

If you sings some Janis for me!

Hope that everybody's day is so new and interesting!





Her Dodge was in a less better condition, having sat for a few years....

Hmm, I think she wanted a date!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


My best pal and dive buddy relaxing

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Hmm, I think she wanted a date!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Sure, that's all well and good, But,

I determined long ago that I'd only date within my own species.....:tongue3:

Narrows it down just a bit, don't it? :icon_scratch:



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Some pictures to get us talking. Our new found friend on the mast said he was afraid of heights. I told him he should have waited until I got back.....All of our new friends when talking about living aboard said the same thing "Just do it" The guy on the mast said his girlfriend's father passed away and gave them this 31 foot catamaran. They knew nothing about sailing, and sailed it from Tampa to Key West. She is a bartender, he works at West Marine. they are good people. I had a case of water left before we were leaving as he walked by I gave it to him. He thanked me and said "Fresh water, a sailors best friend" Chad was good people. Of course my graqndson was a little Ambassador at night time. We walked along the pier/docks and talked to a lot of the local liveabord captains who all said the same thing. " You only live once, just do it" We made a lot of friends and had a great time. I have more pictures to post. You guys will love the pictures from the Atocha's treasure. I am going to email Sherry Culpepper, the diver who worked with Mel Fisher and invite her here. She said it sounded interesting. She was awesome. She told me how Mel Fisher lost his son and I believe 4 more in the ship that sunk looking for the Atochas treasure...first hand knowledge. Oh man we could have talked for hours. I have to transfer the pics from my phone to here then get some more out for all to see. See those monster tarpon waiting for their meal behind the fishing cvessel. Those are dolphin we call them here or Mahi mahi. I think they caught 17.....anyway, dream is over, back home, but the little man and I had a blast.........learned a lot about living aboard. Tell you one thing, a 44 footer is barely enough room for 2 people. later gang, I'm tired got to get up early.......not feeling well............and guess what, the little man never once asked to watch tv, the 14 year old would have had a meltdown of he couldnt get to his video games.........WE LOVED IT......G'night my friends, I wish you ALL could have been there with us. Maybe one day I'll get that boat and you will, we a shark I have the taste now haha. Plenty more pics to follow. Our boat was aptly named the "Wild Thing " hahhaha PS they get you coming and going........$88.00 a month for unlimited dinghy parking isnt that something?

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What "Treasure" is all about!

I present a link for images of the "Atocha" Treasure!



Every time I'm at the treasure coast in Florida, I love watching the treasure boats with the large down draft tubes work right off shore in Sebastian. I wish that was my daily job!!
Boats like this one...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Sweet pictures TGF!!!!
Glad you had fun!! I hope going back to reality doesn't sting too bad!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well that's all and good, But,

I determined long ago that I'd only date within my own species.....:tongue3:

Narrows it down just a bit, don't it?




Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

They call those tubes mailboxes. Thanks pal!!

I have pics of 2 of those large bars of silver! They were huge!!!!

They call those tubes mailboxes. Thanks pal!!

Ah, my Friend, you obviously follow my Treasure Clues! :notworthy:

Soon the treasure will be found!

Perhaps by YOU!



Dang! Look at the time!
And I haven't yet thought of my supper.....

Sumthin' quick! Gotta be on deck and on point, Fresh, early in the morning....Dig?

Got Ramen?


"Hell, No! We ain't playin' that college bullsh*t game again!"

"You got peanut butter, right?"
"And water for your bowl of breakfast "Froot Loops, Right?"
"I got the Kool-Ade!"

"Let' make today Happen, Bro!"

Well, maybe later we might play a game or two...........

"You like roasted 'guana? On an open fire. Right?"

I'll make the fire, you catch the guanas....
(Fast little buggers, aren't they? Well, not really but they do have a bite.....)

No worries, mate,

I got this.....Dig?


Another Guinness!





You DO like Vegemite, right?

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Dang! Look at the time!
And I haven't yet thought of my supper.....

Sumthin' quick! Gotta be on deck and on point, Fresh, early in the morning....Dig?

Got Ramen?


"Hell, No! We ain't playin' that college bullsh*t game again!"

"You got peanut butter, right?"
"And water for your bowl of breakfast "Froot Loops, Right?"
"I got the Kool-Ade!"

"Let' make today Happen, Bro!"

Well, maybe later we might play a game or two...........

"You like roasted 'guana? On an open fire. Right?"

I'll make the fire, you catch the guanas....
(Fast little buggers, aren't they? Well, not really but they do have a bite.....)

No worries, mate,

I got this.....Dig?


Another Guinness!





You DO like Vegemite, right?

Love that song! It's downloaded on my phone!
Lol! I had to read your post twice!!! I thought you said guano!!! Lol!!

An interesting read...if you can look past the end of the world environmentalism at the end of the story...
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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Off roading it seems brings to attention salt/rust weakness in a vehicle.
Day two with no truck again. Awaiting parts from Ford dealer put it,no one has needed such parts before.
Tranny fill tube and oil dip tube lasted eight years as with power steering line.

Cleaned up one of the boats to sell. Put the muffs on and fired it up.
Temp alarm and smoke out the tell tale .
Impeller was good ,not sure now due to heat , but thermostat is suspect.
Got that " touch" goin on! L.o.l.. Gotta have projects...a truck would help..

Still ,a beautiful day; rain likely and humid.
Rumours of fall though in the half light.

It gets better!!!!


Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

It appears that I'll be able to enjoy some time in the mountains this weekend as all of my obligations have been fulfilled! :thumbsup:

I'll probably head out Saturday morning and I got Monday off.
A nice, relaxing 2 night adventure to the other side of a new mountain where I have never been! :headbang:

As for the Fine Tawney Portuguese Port, it appears to be an aperitif....

When camping it can be thusly consumed.
And as an accompaniment. And with a dessert including wild blackberries and raspberries.....

I believe the berries in the mountains might be ripe 'bout now!

Hope I don't have to wrastle any bears for a wild berry bush's yield! The thorns will be enough, Thank You!

The meal planned?
I'll actually cruise the meat section for once and pick a fine cut of meat, perhaps a Filet Mignon...
Of course I'll have a tater in the coals!


I'm workin' myself up in anticipation!

Hope All have a Great Weekend!

Best Always,


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Close your eyes and open your ears....

The "Man in Black?"

Yeah, I'd give him some of my change.
Hell. ALL of my change!

Maybe more if I could talk to him and learn his story....



Here's a "rarity" for ole Scotty....

Y'all seem to be pretty set in where you live and all, never thinking of pulling stakes...

I've lived so many places that I can't remember them all...


I've kept up with my hometown newspaper, online, for about the last 10 years.
Registered as a free user...
In the last 10 years, I have only posted maybe 6 comments to stories. All within the last 2-3 years.

Tonight I posted a comment about:

"It now is significantly easier for Lawrence City Hall to buy all sorts of goods and services — some costing as much as $50,000 — without going through a bidding process"

My comment was:

Bad Idea.
As the prices of goods and services fluctuate almost on a daily level, I would want the money spent on taxes paid to obtain these goods and services for the best possible price. By eliminating the bidding process, this also discriminates against new businesses trying their hand at "Free Enterprise."

I may be back in Lawrence in MY future....

Would this comment upset the "Left?"


But, Really? Is this too harsh?



Bet that my Degree would work very nice with Kansas University.

Isn't there a VA in KC?

Ah, Yes!

Been there!


What a story of frustration and.....
One day I might tell of it...
Back in the 80's I believe....

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