Today my locksmith Friend and I went to make a key for a 1975 Dodge "Camper Van."
(Helpful image of a 1975 Dodge "Camper Van.")
Door key, ignition key and locking gas cap key.
Yeah, we got this.
The blank called for is a Y-153 blank. Yep.
We got them, Boss. At the shop. In the "OLD" section that I maintain.....
So we show up at the job site and a woman meets us there.
I need to describe this woman. Really.
She was maybe a year or two older than me.
The story is that she and a few friends had purchased this vehicle after graduating high school in the late 70's with thoughts of traveling the country. I think, "Yeah....OK. Doesn't really help me to make a key...."
When my locksmith Friend and I retreated to the van to regroup, I looked at him and said,
"We got us a 'talker.'"
I told him that I would keep her occupied while he worked.
Well, I did both.....
She was about 5' 6'' and weighed every bit of 250 pounds.
To make a key, you must pull the door lock, break it down and read the pins to cut a key.
The same key works the ignition.
So I'm removing the door panel to get to the door lock and she is telling the story again. Sheesh!
So I said, "I thought you might have wanted to follow the Grateful Dead across the country."
She said, "No, I'm more into Janis Joplin."
So, As I started to disconnect the linkage and remove the door lock,
I starting singing softly,
"Didn't I make you feel, like you were the only one....."
WOW! She damn near crowded me while I was working!
(What's the name of Scotty's aftershave lotion?)
Long story short....
We made keys for the door and ignition and I picked open the locking gas cap and we took it back to the shop where I have my "Tryout" keys.
After about the 10-12th key that I tried, I found one that worked perfectly.
I cut 2 duplicates and will call her tomorrow to come pick them up.
A new locking gas cap is what, $30?
I'll charge maybe $10.
If she sings some Janis for me!
Hope that everybody's day is so new and interesting!
Her Dodge was in a less better condition, having sat for a few years....(Think about it for a minute.....)