'Cause I don't remember....I'm old....

And get off my lawn!
I just spent the weekend working on it!

Damn kids!


Perhaps I should start another new Weblos Den?

There's an idea! :thumbsup:

Haven't been involved with Scouting for about 40+ years.

Wonder if it's changed much?

Show them Unity, Compassion, Patriotism and a desire for education?
Most of your lib friends would say....


Goodnight, All!



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The right doctor could offer a nugget. It may be worth the gamble of revolving contacts. If nothing else , an opportunity to learn about doctors
Charts don't feel or bleed though ,they just note.
I met two people that stood out as real. Don't recall any charts involved. One a physician who gained info by asking what's goin on,what else is goin on?
And the other a constantly returning Nam Vet who dealt with technology... and was a kayak fan involving folks with disabilities to compete.

Neither let go of the rope , that was /is on me.

I totally agree, ironically my wife would not be here today if not for the revolving dr. run around of our medical system. Not until she saw the right doctor the one who asked the right questions did she get the diagnosis that ultimatley saved her life. The approaches of the different doctors all seemingly searching for the same outcome was amazing, it went from completely absurd to way the hell out there in left field. I've had the same doctor for years and have of late been thinking that I should find a new one for much the same reason.


I still had time to work on an idea...

I started with this....


Ended up with this....


Think I'll make another half dozen...

Hey Scott, the other day my front door lock set stopped working with the key, something fell apart inside not allowing the key to be inserted all the way. That's what I get for buying Kwikset! I have had many fail... So last night I stopped at Lowes and bought a digital lockset from Schlage. Way better quality!!! Not cheap though, about $139.00 minus the 10% off coupon I bought (while in the store using their wifi). Easy install. I'm happy.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

My 10 y/o got a 60% on his first reading test. The first thing I noticed it said open book. So I asked him why didn't he open and use his book --- Oh no Grandpa , that would be cheating...... His answer is admirable. I'm doing the right things

So today I voted for state and local government. I have some crazy t-shirts. So with the way this messed up world is I was looking for my best Gun toting, 2nd amendment t-shirt to wear. Yeup I went looking for a I have this t-shirt that has an M-4, with an Aimpoint. It's not very detailed but you can tell what it is and it says " It's because I'm black isn't it?" Hehe. Nobody has ever commented, but I get the I get out of my truck I'm met by a man running for county commissioner wearing a Marine Corps cover. We shake hands, he tells me he was a Marine, he has endorsements from Col Danny McKnight of Blackhawk Down fame, and he doesn't answer to special interest groups. I said " Colonel McKnight is a friend of mine, if the Colonel backs you then I back you" "But you didn't need that for my vote. Two things- you were a Marine and 2 you are out here right now. You have my vote Marine. We shook hands like men do. When I came back out from voting I told him I voted for him, which I did, now give them hell Marine!!! You should have seen the looks I got from wearing that shirt!!!!!!!!! Haha Sooooooo I'll be watching tv tonight, I hope a fellow warrior wins.

Good luck with the election!!! Love the shirt choice! Haha

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I wear another shirt that looks like a Lifeguard tshirt but it says Waterboarding Instructor..........hehehehehehe Enjoy

So my wife left me to take her patient to New York again. I guess she belongs to a Yacht club and this is the time of year they have races. Her father belonged the the club, but they have NEVER owned a wife says people there shun the woman its a big waste of time.

I get put through heZZ here. My son, my lazy daughter who refuses to get out of the bed, got herself a drug problem. 33 years old, Im raising her 14 year old and have since expected to raise her 5 year old daughter but I refuse. This kid is mean as hezz. Her father is a cop........was an active duty sailor, 2 DUIs and a sexual harassment and they told him he couldnt reenlist. So now he's a reservist......13 year E-5. They need to raise their kid.......Look I'm not raising another kid..............NOT MY JOB OK PEOPLE..........Now I hear my son's wife is due to drop another one, lets see that will be 4 for him.....hes not a father to little man..........Little man's mother comes over and says "Oh lord I dont have money to feed my other 2 children...........well come eat with us I dont like that. Dad did my package come today. Yes OH look my new sandals...what the ?????? I dont get it......

Anyway off my horse..........A dream come true was little man coming into my life. Check this out. I NEED A Momma is coming home Thursday. I told her I want to go to Key West. She says "Book it" I get on and you wont believe what I found Dram and Fowledup.........only in Florida BABY...........This guy has 3 sailboats for rent. Like a hotel. And if you rent he will take you on a 2-4 hour cruise, crew provided.....So he has a 44 foot Irwin center cockpit, tied up within staggering distance of Turtle Kraals and Mallory Square. I rented it from 2 - 5 September. My wife said "I might not want to sleep on it, me and her will geta hotel........I said for 3 days me and little man will be living our dream on a 44 foot Irwin right in the heart of Key West HARBOR...........I AM SO HAPPy Quick Uncle Bill, Scotty PINCH ME...............Me and my buddy gonna live our dream for 3 days cant beat that. WHOO HOO........I guess the woman knows I am at the end of my rope..................

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My Friend,

I am at a loss for words after reading your post.

I always find myself with a stronger respect of your insights and perception.

Thank You for the post! :notworthy:

I'd really like to help you with that tractor, but I'm so far away...
And, there lies the rub....:laughing7:

You're always in my thoughts, Friend.

Best Wishes,


After re-reading your post many times,
I now have found some words to respond with:

"Mental Health" and sometimes just needing to talk to a Friend has certain stigmatizations associated.
Certainly why a civilian would shun such a need. And, you are correct about Vets eschewing such assistance.

I have ideas of how to "mainstream" such and any similar need while shedding the "I can't do it alone so I'm a loser" thought perception.

Once again, RC,

My Friend,

Thank you for your post! :notworthy:

Hope all is well!

Best Wishes,


So today I voted for state and local government. I have some crazy t-shirts. So with the way this messed up world is I was looking for my best Gun toting, 2nd amendment t-shirt to wear. Yeup I went looking for a I have this t-shirt that has an M-4, with an Aimpoint. It's not very detailed but you can tell what it is and it says " It's because I'm black isn't it?" Hehe. Nobody has ever commented, but I get the I get out of my truck I'm met by a man running for county commissioner wearing a Marine Corps cover. We shake hands, he tells me he was a Marine, he has endorsements from Col Danny McKnight of Blackhawk Down fame, and he doesn't answer to special interest groups. I said " Colonel McKnight is a friend of mine, if the Colonel backs you then I back you" "But you didn't need that for my vote. Two things- you were a Marine and 2 you are out here right now. You have my vote Marine. We shook hands like men do. When I came back out from voting I told him I voted for him, which I did, now give them hell Marine!!! You should have seen the looks I got from wearing that shirt!!!!!!!!! Haha Sooooooo I'll be watching tv tonight, I hope a fellow warrior wins.

That's what I mean about getting things done!

Sure hope that you got his cell phone number and call him after his win to congratulate him!

Perhaps he might remember you and help you with some issues you might have in the future! :thumbsup:

Thank you, from one Vet to another, for continuing your Patriotic Duty by Voting! :notworthy:


Best Wishes, Brother!


From a post or 5-6? above,
I said that I must get serious. Now.

So, tomorrow, I'll call Boulder Locksmith to see if they need a pro....

Then I'll request Transcripts of my Degree to send to Colorado University.
I'll also make an Admissions "Friend," Dig?

I'll also look into an auctioneer to "get a nickel, now a dime, here now."
(I could do it myself, but what a hassle with paperwork, etc....Besides, I'm not licensed....)


Bigger mountains to climb. :thumbsup:

Wanna come along?




College transcripts are $8.00 each.
Sent by "Secure electronic format."

So, I better be sure where I'll try to land.....

First I'll check on jobs, including part-time for the University.

Then I'll look into housing.

I haven't picked up for awhile.

Might be a bit easier with the internet this time to help plan my next jump!



This link may not work because it was accessed by my Student portal, but, let's give it a shot, shall we?


I'm drying up some of those habanero peppers for you....

Regards + HH



  • DSC00963 (640x625).webp
    DSC00963 (640x625).webp
    60.4 KB · Views: 50
College transcripts are $8.00 each.
Sent by "Secure electronic format."

So, I better be sure where I'll try to land.....

First I'll check on jobs, including part-time for the University.

Then I'll look into housing.

I haven't picked up for awhile.

Might be a bit easier with the internet this time to help plan my next jump!



This link may not work because it was accessed by my Student portal, but, let's give it a shot, shall we?

Academic Transcripts

Your link made it..
Campus work can equate to a housing allowance on campus too?
Locksmithing a portable skill that with networking should help out on the side.
A neighbor wondered how much some one could make just answering vehicle lock outs and jumpstarting low batteries at schools in winter.
(His kid is goin north for school.)

Hey Scott, the other day my front door lock set stopped working with the key, something fell apart inside not allowing the key to be inserted all the way. That's what I get for buying Kwikset! I have had many fail... So last night I stopped at Lowes and bought a digital lockset from Schlage. Way better quality!!! Not cheap though, about $139.00 minus the 10% off coupon I bought (while in the store using their wifi). Easy install. I'm happy.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Pictures, man, PICTURES!

How can I diagnose your symptoms properly without pictures! :laughing7:

Glad that you are happy with your choice! :thumbsup:

The push button code eliminates the need for a keyed access.
Even when the battery fails, most models have a keyed bypass, like my personal apartment lock that
I installed.
A reconditioned (by me) lock from a previous job....


You don't like using keys or pushing buttons?

How about "Biometric" locks?


House, auto, safes....

All you need is your fingerprint!

Scotty better keep up!



Now perhaps I might step on some toes,

Politics and all,

But, I do not think that there is near the persecution and oppression once known in America.

Yes, These prejudices and stereotypes were wrong, as any from the human race cannot deny.
Surely a "black eye" of American History.
African Americans? Yes...

Native Americans?


And where is the "Native American Lives Matter" group at?

Well, they ain't burning and killing in their own neighborhoods.

'Nuff Said.

But when a multi-million dollar third string wanna be quarterback pulls this stunt of his,
I wonder if he should give up his wealthy lifestyle, give up his career

Sorry if that was too much politics.

I'll tone it down now.....


"So, We're done here? Good, cut my mike, OK?"

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I'm drying up some of those habanero peppers for you....

Regards + HH


Ive got a similar dehydrator!

How would you keep the racks so clean after 4 racks of deer jerky? :icon_scratch:
Bleach? :laughing7:



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