bill from lachine
Platinum Member
4 Non Blondes - What's up.
4 Non Blondes - What's up.
What if I said:
I'm having melancholy thoughts of the season approaching.
Never a good time for ole Scotty....
Ever hear of "SAD?"
I'll certainly keep the spirits flowing, I mean, "My spirits up!" And I'll live through another winter....
How would you react? What would you say?
Not to worry...I'm OK...
A research project of my own concerning why mortality is higher during this time period...
And every day, 22 of America Vets commit suicide....I want to change these numbers; to make a difference in as many lives as I can while I still draw a breath!
A "Light Summer Fare" that is not only visually appealing, but I'd bet delicious also!
Kudos on the "plating!"
Have you ever been a chef, also?
An informative site of how to make it all work!
Thanks Dram I have to figure out how to get their podcasts
Sunlight and circadian rhythm thoughts to start.
Isolationism to follow.
From my limited contact,vet s tend to isolate themselves ....not as much geographically ,or for the able bodied, a single dwelling or room but socially.
Multiple reasons you are familiar with , but reaching out or saying I need more or others skills to cope does not fit in with a soldier in civilian life......for reasons you too know.
That reach needs to be there from two sides,without concern of labels,publicity or dropped dimes. The risk of a label or exposure is enough to avoid contact , right?
Isolation ,as in it is on me to cope ,or don't expect others to understand or accept is something I encounter with some disabled civilians.
Things ,methods of coping lead to more and more isolation and believing no one can understand what the condition is like.
A recent death of an acquaintance , he wanted no one not having his condition near him as time ran out.
His choice.
When a trigger spurs a reaction and some one goes into action without choice , they are well trained.
No physical switch to stop the trigger though and the coping ,in some cases is isolation ,rather than risking exposure as ...add label here.
I don't have the studies or research to hazard a guess even as to if the gaps can be bridged without exposing(not the best term but ) the person needing a window into seeking support....IF the isolation can even be stepped off briefly enough.
A non related situation came up that kind of relates to getting it right first time in contacts/relationships with parties.
Two groups on same project with one feeling it was being exploited ,then abandon..ended up with the party that had abandon(left out of the info of project loop)
needing that abandon group.
Due to great effort and new leaders a tentative bridge is holding a network.
I do not see that type situation working with isolationists.
After one shot ,and confirming some one is not normal,or your reaction though not acceptable is normal ,or too much pro vs layman terms heck with that i'm better off staying on the down low. 5hose leaving/avoiding , or frustrated need understood as much as those needing attention in the first place.
A rotating doctor or other contacts does not equal a relationship with more than an institution. Right or wrong ,when some one is having trouble understanding themselves ,personal familiarity really matters or ,right or wrong ,the person is left trying to communicate their issues with strangers.
When uncomfortable with something heavy (and why else seek help) how many strangers would you or I want to share that info with?
Working going forward if needed relates. How come I see another stranger who reads my file and we go from there?
When the method does not relate to field activity , when a trigger brings involuntary field activity for example...
What good does a stranger do? None I know of ,thus avoid them, or at least don't offer them any info.
Scott look around I'm right beside you my friend.
If you get fall/winter blues also known as S.A.D. they sell special lights, not cheap though, the best natural remedy is to get out in the natural sunlight as much as possible during the day.
Regards + HH
RC wow what a post.....I usually say 3 things when I meet someone take it for what it's worth
I don't want to get to know you because when I do you're going to A hurt me, B leave me or C die on me...... So it's best we keep our distance. I don't let people inside " my circle" very easily. For gods sake I've had 6 doctors in 6 years at the VA....... Where's the quality of care there? They are " treating a chart"
The right doctor could offer a nugget. It may be worth the gamble of revolving contacts. If nothing else , an opportunity to learn about doctors
Charts don't feel or bleed though ,they just note.
I met two people that stood out as real. Don't recall any charts involved. One a physician who gained info by asking what's goin on,what else is goin on?
And the other a constantly returning Nam Vet who dealt with technology... and was a kayak fan involving folks with disabilities to compete.
Neither let go of the rope , that was /is on me.