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No I'am not driving.....'cause I will roam....

This is the way to go.....A bit faster.


Goals keep one alive!

"I'd rather chase goals than wimmin. Ain't never been shot by a goal....
Yeah, I'd rather chase goals other than wimmin. Aint never been shot by a goal.
You'll live longer,
And it's good for your soul...."

Scott © 2016

(Think 1930's blues riff....perhaps Kokomo Arnold?)
Jam along now Scott! You got lead guitar here.....


"Yeah, Boss, you got lead guitar and the ONLY guitar tonight!
Make it sing, Boss man, make it sing what your heart feels!"

"I'm only the 'boss' of myself, as you should be for yourself!, Brother!"






"I don't get it."

"You haven't "gotten it" for years!"

(Rim shot, anyone?)

Best, Scott

Humor or what?


"And now, for something completely off the wall and different,

Here is that one-time mop head Beatle, Paul McCartney!"



Want some more Paul?

Here ya go....


"Yes, a fine image and example of the hippy culture of today's youth, gonna vote for a Socialist."
"Why, I remember the time when you'd get shot....What?"

"Politics and such?

My bad.....

I'll stop somewhere close to here...OK?"



"Yeah, knuckle draggin' mouth breathers are my favorite. With sugar and water!"

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A question, that I've asked myself many times before when contemplating suicide, is: "WHY?"

My thoughts replied, "Why not?"

Fortunately, I was strong enough to see tomorrow...
A new day!

But, on average, 22 Vets commit suicide every day.

Yeah, it's personal....
I had no support; No one to be there...

I had the strength to beat it,
Now, I want to give the strength to other Vets who are having problems, no matter what the circumstances!

I want to be that someone who is there....

Always Strength for my Fellow Vets,


PS. No, I am not suicidal at this point nor have I been for some years...

Homicidal? That's a whole 'nother subject! :tongue3:
Traffic! Sheesh!

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No I'am not driving.....'cause I will roam....

This is the way to go.....A bit faster.


"Yeah, I'm your Pilot. Keep quiet and we'll pull this off, OK.....Maybe we'll all live, huh?"
"Prepare for a hard landing in 3-2--------"

Nah, don't much like flying. Too many stories I cannot tell....

They won't let me perform pre-flight inspections nor wear a parachute during flights.
And, despite my military credentials, I'm not allowed on the tarmac....
I've asked.....

They say that wearing a parachute during flights "un-nerves" the other passengers.
Really? :dontknow:'

I'm looking into an Amtrak pass to the farthest point and renting a pick-up truck for the journey back.....

Certainly a story yet to write....

"The Adventures of Scott."

Who gives a flyin' monkey's a$$ in Oz?"


"You better pay attention!
Tornado season is here, child and soon I'll have those Ruby Slippers again! Ha, Ha, Ha!"





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(A young 56 years old...)

"Yeah, Louie, tell 'em how we roll up in here, dig?"



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And at 3:30 in the morning, I hear a hoot owl in the neighborhood....

I step outside silently and soon learn his calls and replied!


I'm "Mountain Bound!" :thumbsup:



God Bless my old retired Spec Ops Buddies!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys. This is a shout out to my buddies that recently came through for me......HOOOOYAH !

PS god Bless Commander Ryan Zinke...... My friend! Maybe I should correct myself. Congressman from Montana Ryan Zinke!!

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And at 3:30 in the morning, I hear a hoot owl in the neighborhood....

I step outside silently and soon learn his calls and replied!


I'm "Mountain Bound!" :thumbsup:



A fellow in England was communicating with a owl near, but out of sight , for years.

One day his wife was telling the neighbors wife about his nightly routine.....
"Oh really" the neighbor said ,"my husband has been communicating with one too!"

Joke of the day- while on a tour bus in Nevada the guide says " and if you look to your left we are now passing Bunny Ranch the largest prostitution house in America" a 80 year old man in the back of the bus says " Why?"

Think about it...... Think about it ........ Dram got it hahaha


Here's a compilation of versions of Purple Rain some pretty decent talent.

Regards + HH


A fellow in England was communicating with a owl near, but out of sight , for years.

One day his wife was telling the neighbors wife about his nightly routine.....
"Oh really" the neighbor said ,"my husband has been communicating with one too!"


You owe me a wireless keyboard 'cause I just spit a mouthfull of beer on mine!

BEST laugh all week!

Thanks, RC!



PS. Someone needs a "Charter" hug....


"You don't worry about it. It's taken care of."

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I leave tomorrow for a long awaited trip to my mountains. :notworthy:

As many know, I post of my Mountain Journeys here:

In fact, I just posted the conclusion of my last trip.

Yep. It WAS back in October.....

Y'all be good this weekend and don't run with scissors or anything....:tongue3:

Be good to one another and if you love animals,


Go to your local animal shelter and at least volunteer to take some dogs outside. :thumbsup:
Take an old hair brush with you and bond with a cat.

Summertime is here, no classes and I'm again thinking of raising funds for my local shelter....



"Oh, You betcha!"

Be sure to take any plastic grocery bags, newspapers, unwanted towels, washcloths, paper towels, and, well, their "needs list" is probably more than I can imagine.

Perhaps call them first and find out what their current needs are. :thumbsup:



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Ok, a year and two months ago or so we watched my wife's grandmother die at the local hospital...cause of death, copd from years of smoking...tonight we stayed as long as we could with someone who is a close friend of my wife's family. He was a rough character but had good points as well. At the same hospital we watched him go downhill tonight. He likely will pass tonight. Cancer...could someone please explain to me why people choose to smoke?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

God be with you! As a smart azz..... Because people thought it looked cool. Look back all the way to the 1930's and you will see men and women smoking.......they thought they were cool.......I have never smoked. Can't be around others that do. I hate the smell. I'll say a prayer for you my friend....

Wife's on a cruise to Bermuda for 10 days.... Me and the kids. Granddaughter graduates VPK tomorrow. Both boys final baseball games Saturday......then maybe we can get back to fishing haha!!!

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Ok, a year and two months ago or so we watched my wife's grandmother die at the local hospital...cause of death, copd from years of smoking...tonight we stayed as long as we could with someone who is a close friend of my wife's family. He was a rough character but had good points as well. At the same hospital we watched him go downhill tonight. He likely will pass tonight. Cancer...could someone please explain to me why people choose to smoke

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Peer pressure..... Friends are doing it..... Wanting to rebel. Once the choice is made, addiction takes over. I smoked for a few years quit cold turkey, was very tough to do. I shook for a week!
Cigs are compared to heroin addiction. There have been numerous people die....from NOT having heroin! Withdrawals can be deadly. Sucks I know. Coffee? I have seen people wig without it.

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