Hey all, been doing my Papa daycare and getting the garden all planted out and finished up. I may have gone a bit overboard- ya all like veggies? I could overnight them to ya! Body is doing good, I'm hoping they fixed the knee right this time- 6th times a charm. Not so good news on the shoulder. I told him I still had very little overhead range of motion and can no longer throw. He said that is normal for what I had done and will probably remain that way. So much for my pitching career with the Giants. Anywho it's still attached and I can use it, so press on. Luckily I'm ambidextrious and can throw with my left when need be.
Dram- sorry to hear man. I loath smoking, I could go on for days about smoking. I smoked for years, seen a lot of family die from it. It's one of those deals that makes no sense, not one of those people were stupid or wanted to die. For me I loved smoking, I started when I started going to bars at 21. Everyone smoked, it was a natural progression to be part of the crowd. At first I hated it, then I just did it when I drank (thats a novel in itself), then it became a part of me- like socks, drinking water, or needing to eat- no extra effort at all. Your aware of what smoking does to people but it doesn't feel like it's doing anything to you when your doing it- that right there is the biggest problem and why folks continue to do it. It's a patient killer. I've always been an athelete but it took 20-25 years before I started to see the effects it had on my performance. I kinda always strived to be a "successful smoker"- bound and determined not to let it effect me- lol. I was the guy you didn't know smoked. It took a 7 day stay in the hospital for what they thought was a heart problem 7-8 years ago for me to finally quit. The hospital is not kind to smokers who are in for heart problems. No smoke breaks, no patches, gum or e cigs- it's cold turkey right then and there, no warning no prep time. For a smoker who is out of their element in an already unfamiliar stressful situation- it's not a good deal. Your scared and stressed out now add withdrawls and your whole body revolting against ya. It is pure hell, however it worked, I haven't smoked since and never will again. My wife just quit within the last 6-7 months or so. I guess/hope the grandkids and I's nagging finally took it's toll. I hope she makes it, it's a rough go for her. Smoking has taken a toll on her she has the early symptoms of copd. A friend of mine who was active, traveling and enjoying life being recently retired last year, is now pretty much homebound for the remainder of his time. He found out a few months ago he has full blown emphasema and is on oxygen 24/7, his entire look has changed and he's going down hill at a run, it's hard to watch. Harder knowing that could very well have been me down the road.
On the upside- Have any of you east coast folks ever travelled on the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW)? Dram has no idea what he's done to my head with those sailing videos!!!!!!! I'm a lost cause now whose on a mission! Rather than sail the world right off I was thinking of buying a patio boat or cabin cruiser up north. Start out in Maine or somewheres near there and run it down the eastern side of the ICW to the key's. Once I got there I could sell the boat. Which should be easy enough since I would try to find a freshwater boat which are pretty sought after down there. Next trip I thought about starting at the great lakes and going down to New Orleans than over to Galveston and back again to Florida. It looks like you could do one 3000 mi plus loop if you wanted and had the time and dough- neither of which do I have. What a great way to see America on the cheap. New York, Philedelphia, Norvolk, Chesapeake, Washington DC, Charleston, St. Augustine, New Orleans and on and on. Throw a couple scooters on board and your set. Ughh told you - I'm a bit obsessed about this.