Thanks TGF. My wife is taking it far. She's known him for most of her life. Once the news comes I think it will hit her hard.
Her parents both smoke and her mother is diagnosed with copd too. Both my parents smoked. My mother who I have zero contact with has copd as well. It's all around us. I have never smoked and neither has my wife. I just can't understand paying all that money to stink and kill yourself.
Thanks again for the prayers. It's going to be a rough weekend for my wife as she goes to work at 8 am tomorrow and will work straight through until 12 pm on Saturday...on top of it all.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Peer pressure..... Friends are doing it..... Wanting to rebel. Once the choice is made, addiction takes over. I smoked for a few years quit cold turkey, was very tough to do. I shook for a week!
Cigs are compared to heroin addiction. There have been numerous people die....from NOT having heroin! Withdrawals can be deadly. Sucks I know. Coffee? I have seen people wig without it.

I know, it's just hard for me to understand it. The only thing I've ever been "addicted" to is soda. I just see the bad effects without the perspective of being addicted.

I know, it's just hard for me to understand it. The only thing I've ever been "addicted" to is soda. I just see the bad effects without the perspective of being addicted.

I have known people that without a Coke or a Pepsi....get nuts! The caffeine I'll guess.
Sorry I guess I'm not helping much.
I'am sorry for the bad news and hope everyone is OK. Prayers are sent.

I have known people that without a Coke or a Pepsi....get nuts! The caffeine I'll guess.
Sorry I guess I'm not helping much.
I'am sorry for the bad news and hope everyone is OK. Prayers are sent.

Thanks OV, I appreciate the prayers as well. I hope my son really takes note of all this and never starts smoking. That's the good that will come of all this.

Ok, a year and two months ago or so we watched my wife's grandmother die at the local hospital...cause of death, copd from years of smoking...tonight we stayed as long as we could with someone who is a close friend of my wife's family. He was a rough character but had good points as well. At the same hospital we watched him go downhill tonight. He likely will pass tonight. Cancer...could someone please explain to me why people choose to smoke?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


Without going into politics, much,

I'm sorry to hear of your distress.

My Mom died of lung cancer from smoking.
Her Dr. told her to smoke to relieve tensions.
Back in the 60's.

I remember going to see the doctor as a child, and the Dr. smoked while he examined me.

Here comes the politics.

The tobacco is a large industry.
Always has been. Always will be.
A quick study will show one that through out history,
tobacco has played a significant role in where we are today....

Tobacco is an addictive drug.
Lobbyist have a virtual "Carte Blanche" to persuade congress to just tax the hell out of it.
"Keep it legal!"

Follow me so far?

Now then,
Is not alcohol a "drug" also?
Again, lobbyists and their swag influence.

How many die from cancers attributed to tobacco every day?
How many have died due to alcohol?

My Pap, for one...


How many have EVER died from this?

Not really politics...

More again of a social commentary, Feel me?

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You are correct sir!
I didn't mention alcohol because I like the scotch, the whiskey and the beer.
Dangerous stuff, DUI deaths, domestic disputes and just plain drunken craziness!!


"I still don't get it..."

"And you probably never will...Because it's too easy for you. Don't 'Over-think it,' you fossil!'"


"Look, Son, you're, I say, you're chasing too big of quarry."

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I have a strong desire to hike a new mountain this weekend.
With neither compass or map.
At night.
What phase is the moon in this weekend?





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Yeah, Ole "All nighter Scotty" here agin'.

Much to consider this weekend....Gonna move on an all....

But, Y'all know that ole Scotty's got this, right?

Expanding my Searches of Colleges to include International transfer student opportunities....
I'd really like to study in Germany....Perhaps Austria? (Austria has mountains, right?) :laughing7:

Ah! Um wieder in meine Heimat!



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Been there;.
Done that.

But, for the next few days,

It is just me and Nature!

(Did anybody mention them bears?)

Well the suits are probably going to get me now. I just read that Obama sent out to all public schools that transgender students can use the bathroom they. "Identify " with or the schools will not get any federal aid....... So I found a website you can email the president. I did. I asked him if he or his wife were LGBT...... Just stop the madness and let people be people...... Ok no knocking at my door.........yet......... Geeeshhh let it go already dude!

Dram I don't know what my vices are, maybe good food. I love to eat some good supper. I don't drink alcohol, you would see it again real quick because of all my stomach ailments. I don't drink sodas. Stopped cold turkey about 4 years ago , just wanted to see if I could. I only drink water, Gatorade and Lemonade. Lots of water . Never smoked. That nicotine draws you in and hooks you and that tar destroys your lungs. Pure nicotine is quite poisonous. My wife's father was born in 1899! Yeup that's right. He was 65 when she was born. A smoker, he died of lung cancer, but not like you think. He died in 74. He coughed a piece of lung up in the back of his throat and asphyxiated on that. It was a horrible scene. My one grandfather suffered dearly from arthritis. My joints ache and pain me often. But what scares me grandmother died of Alzheimer's and I called my mom for Mother's Day. I'm rather estranged from her. I harbor some bad feelings but I'm not going to live in yesterday. My mother said my aunt now has Alzheimer's ...... Uh oh that's two. With this TBI I suffered in the war I get worried. But I keep it to myself. Because I'm the jokester I told my wife " well I guess I'll meet new friends everyday !" I hope the best for your family my friend!

Hey fowledup where ya hiding buddy ? How's that body repairing? And Dram how's your leg repairing? Us old beat up guys got to stick together you know? Haha

Dram I don't know what my vices are, maybe good food. I love to eat some good supper. I don't drink alcohol, you would see it again real quick because of all my stomach ailments. I don't drink sodas. Stopped cold turkey about 4 years ago , just wanted to see if I could. I only drink water, Gatorade and Lemonade. Lots of water . Never smoked. That nicotine draws you in and hooks you and that tar destroys your lungs. Pure nicotine is quite poisonous. My wife's father was born in 1899! Yeup that's right. He was 65 when she was born. A smoker, he died of lung cancer, but not like you think. He died in 74. He coughed a piece of lung up in the back of his throat and asphyxiated on that. It was a horrible scene. My one grandfather suffered dearly from arthritis. My joints ache and pain me often. But what scares me grandmother died of Alzheimer's and I called my mom for Mother's Day. I'm rather estranged from her. I harbor some bad feelings but I'm not going to live in yesterday. My mother said my aunt now has Alzheimer's ...... Uh oh that's two. With this TBI I suffered in the war I get worried. But I keep it to myself. Because I'm the jokester I told my wife " well I guess I'll meet new friends everyday !" I hope the best for your family my friend!

Hey fowledup where ya hiding buddy ? How's that body repairing? And Dram how's your leg repairing? Us old beat up guys got to stick together you know? Haha

Thanks, my wife is holding up well. I think her work schedule is actually helping her keep her mind off it. She visited him today but he was incoherent and barely breathing.
Watching all this death has got me thinking and dreading my own death...someday.

On a good note, my leg is much better. Just a little sore in the right circumstance it does give me a friendly reminder that I'm pushing to hard.

I guess thinking of death, that's why I lived my life fast and furious. I always thought I'd go down fast ....... Well it was close quite a few times. I didn't think I'd see. 30! Now I'm in my 50's I don't think about it anymore. It's going to happen. So I guess I hope I'll get shot when I'm 90 in bed with a 21 year old, shot by her jealous husband! Hahaha I've been around too much death, time to live or it will consume me.......

Yeah, I think your right. Best to try to not think about it.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Joke of the day- I asked a pretty homeless lady if I could take her home. She said yes with a big smile. The look on her face soon changed when I took her cardboard box.......

Hey all, been doing my Papa daycare and getting the garden all planted out and finished up. I may have gone a bit overboard- ya all like veggies? I could overnight them to ya! Body is doing good, I'm hoping they fixed the knee right this time- 6th times a charm. Not so good news on the shoulder. I told him I still had very little overhead range of motion and can no longer throw. He said that is normal for what I had done and will probably remain that way. So much for my pitching career with the Giants. Anywho it's still attached and I can use it, so press on. Luckily I'm ambidextrious and can throw with my left when need be.

Dram- sorry to hear man. I loath smoking, I could go on for days about smoking. I smoked for years, seen a lot of family die from it. It's one of those deals that makes no sense, not one of those people were stupid or wanted to die. For me I loved smoking, I started when I started going to bars at 21. Everyone smoked, it was a natural progression to be part of the crowd. At first I hated it, then I just did it when I drank (thats a novel in itself), then it became a part of me- like socks, drinking water, or needing to eat- no extra effort at all. Your aware of what smoking does to people but it doesn't feel like it's doing anything to you when your doing it- that right there is the biggest problem and why folks continue to do it. It's a patient killer. I've always been an athelete but it took 20-25 years before I started to see the effects it had on my performance. I kinda always strived to be a "successful smoker"- bound and determined not to let it effect me- lol. I was the guy you didn't know smoked. It took a 7 day stay in the hospital for what they thought was a heart problem 7-8 years ago for me to finally quit. The hospital is not kind to smokers who are in for heart problems. No smoke breaks, no patches, gum or e cigs- it's cold turkey right then and there, no warning no prep time. For a smoker who is out of their element in an already unfamiliar stressful situation- it's not a good deal. Your scared and stressed out now add withdrawls and your whole body revolting against ya. It is pure hell, however it worked, I haven't smoked since and never will again. My wife just quit within the last 6-7 months or so. I guess/hope the grandkids and I's nagging finally took it's toll. I hope she makes it, it's a rough go for her. Smoking has taken a toll on her she has the early symptoms of copd. A friend of mine who was active, traveling and enjoying life being recently retired last year, is now pretty much homebound for the remainder of his time. He found out a few months ago he has full blown emphasema and is on oxygen 24/7, his entire look has changed and he's going down hill at a run, it's hard to watch. Harder knowing that could very well have been me down the road.

On the upside- Have any of you east coast folks ever travelled on the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW)? Dram has no idea what he's done to my head with those sailing videos!!!!!!! I'm a lost cause now whose on a mission! Rather than sail the world right off I was thinking of buying a patio boat or cabin cruiser up north. Start out in Maine or somewheres near there and run it down the eastern side of the ICW to the key's. Once I got there I could sell the boat. Which should be easy enough since I would try to find a freshwater boat which are pretty sought after down there. Next trip I thought about starting at the great lakes and going down to New Orleans than over to Galveston and back again to Florida. It looks like you could do one 3000 mi plus loop if you wanted and had the time and dough- neither of which do I have. What a great way to see America on the cheap. New York, Philedelphia, Norvolk, Chesapeake, Washington DC, Charleston, St. Augustine, New Orleans and on and on. Throw a couple scooters on board and your set. Ughh told you - I'm a bit obsessed about this.

Hey all, been doing my Papa daycare and getting the garden all planted out and finished up. I may have gone a bit overboard- ya all like veggies? I could overnight them to ya! Body is doing good, I'm hoping they fixed the knee right this time- 6th times a charm. Not so good news on the shoulder. I told him I still had very little overhead range of motion and can no longer throw. He said that is normal for what I had done and will probably remain that way. So much for my pitching career with the Giants. Anywho it's still attached and I can use it, so press on. Luckily I'm ambidextrious and can throw with my left when need be.

Dram- sorry to hear man. I loath smoking, I could go on for days about smoking. I smoked for years, seen a lot of family die from it. It's one of those deals that makes no sense, not one of those people were stupid or wanted to die. For me I loved smoking, I started when I started going to bars at 21. Everyone smoked, it was a natural progression to be part of the crowd. At first I hated it, then I just did it when I drank (thats a novel in itself), then it became a part of me- like socks, drinking water, or needing to eat- no extra effort at all. Your aware of what smoking does to people but it doesn't feel like it's doing anything to you when your doing it- that right there is the biggest problem and why folks continue to do it. It's a patient killer. I've always been an athelete but it took 20-25 years before I started to see the effects it had on my performance. I kinda always strived to be a "successful smoker"- bound and determined not to let it effect me- lol. I was the guy you didn't know smoked. It took a 7 day stay in the hospital for what they thought was a heart problem 7-8 years ago for me to finally quit. The hospital is not kind to smokers who are in for heart problems. No smoke breaks, no patches, gum or e cigs- it's cold turkey right then and there, no warning no prep time. For a smoker who is out of their element in an already unfamiliar stressful situation- it's not a good deal. Your scared and stressed out now add withdrawls and your whole body revolting against ya. It is pure hell, however it worked, I haven't smoked since and never will again. My wife just quit within the last 6-7 months or so. I guess/hope the grandkids and I's nagging finally took it's toll. I hope she makes it, it's a rough go for her. Smoking has taken a toll on her she has the early symptoms of copd. A friend of mine who was active, traveling and enjoying life being recently retired last year, is now pretty much homebound for the remainder of his time. He found out a few months ago he has full blown emphasema and is on oxygen 24/7, his entire look has changed and he's going down hill at a run, it's hard to watch. Harder knowing that could very well have been me down the road.

On the upside- Have any of you east coast folks ever travelled on the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW)? Dram has no idea what he's done to my head with those sailing videos!!!!!!! I'm a lost cause now whose on a mission! Rather than sail the world right off I was thinking of buying a patio boat or cabin cruiser up north. Start out in Maine or somewheres near there and run it down the eastern side of the ICW to the key's. Once I got there I could sell the boat. Which should be easy enough since I would try to find a freshwater boat which are pretty sought after down there. Next trip I thought about starting at the great lakes and going down to New Orleans than over to Galveston and back again to Florida. It looks like you could do one 3000 mi plus loop if you wanted and had the time and dough- neither of which do I have. What a great way to see America on the cheap. New York, Philedelphia, Norvolk, Chesapeake, Washington DC, Charleston, St. Augustine, New Orleans and on and on. Throw a couple scooters on board and your set. Ughh told you - I'm a bit obsessed about this.

The smoking thing is just tragic. I hope your wife is going to be ok. Copd is a evil killer for sure. Seems like most people I know are going through it. I grew up in a house where it was always as smoky as s bar room. Statistics would suggest that I would have started smoking as well. However it just isn't me...thank god. I'm really hoping those 18 years of being forced to breathe the second hand smoke doesn't come back to haunt me later in life. Watching all this sickness and death has me really starting to think about improving my own health. I'm only 37 and not heavy but I have high cholesterol. I am starting to change my habits. Death and suffering scares me really bad. Some would say toughen up, we're all going to die but it just scares me.

Anyways on a lighter note, I'm just as obsessed with the sailing videos as you. My wife is getting scared I'm going to buy a sailboat next! Lol
If you do come to maine to do the intercostal please let me know. We can meet up for dinner!

Look at what I picked up today...
305 Chevy v8 with a 4bbl!


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