Scott know upon graduation day, my heart will be saluting you from the crowd with a great big loud " HOOOYAH " from all Veterans my friend. I wish I could be there, but once against this soldiers arms are called to battle yet another demon. I would like you all to know we are once again at my wife's family serenity reunion in North Carolina.... My son tried to stop it, but my grandsons mother signed the travel to consent form, I contacted a lawyer. Due home Sunday. No worries the attorney said....we'll see. .......... My son got ugly . I contacted my Back up , a friend who's friend is a lawyer. They were having dinner. Said your travel plans sound great, and the fact that I developed myself and wife as plain people that was awesome. We endeavoured to perverer "We should be home Monday. I will continue to take care of him forever. He has been taught the natural ways of my people. Good no mother rath. I need to teach him the old ways too. We need a father of the earth spiritual wal and show us bears the great way of the right way according to ancestors we need the truth and the weigh of the shaman....... We oh great Mother Earth are ready are ready for your plains ........ . Great Spirit show us the way........ For we are your pupils!!!!!!
We ask as humble servants oh lord show us the way........,,we only ask for enlightenment. To treat as we wish to be threatened, to love as we wishe to be loved, but most importantly to care for those we can with whatever we can to seek eternal harmony, to leave behind non hate no anger only peace for humanity. Because it is only that which we seek in all lives, to collectively live and strive under the presence he almighty " god himself " god we are here to serve you!
To make you happy and we are messing that up. Honorable sir........with all the blood sweat and tears.....if today is my day, honorable sir " I'm sorry " I love you, we all treasure your kindness and fear your wrath. You gave us a great planet and we mucked it up , yeah you also gave us a demon called free will ......sorry about that one sir's not all gloom and doom. I'm sitting beside two of the most beautiful people in all my life. I pray sir , that you will enter into their daily lives and have profound every lasting effect that I hope I have. Their beautiful, need guidance , children . I've made them into warriors Good night honorable sir. I'm at a log cabin deep in North Carolina's cool, it's beautiful , we are at his Maternal grandmother's family's late, I'm exhausted ........ Listen, can't hear anything but an occasional bird, temp is warming up , chased a hog got out today, chased a Billy goat, went fishing, talked , showed off my repertoire of magic , made a new group of followers,,,,,,,, impressed a few, played games, kayaked with some young kids, taught then my love of water....... Did a lot, blew a few away with some magic, in our cabin now to say thank you lord from the very bottom of my heart that I can be a part of this ..... Thank you SIR!!!!!!! Good night sir ! I salute you !
2GF signing off
Good night
Rest easy
We got your
I'm Out