I'm tooling down Interstate 985 for the 6-8 miles from Gainesville to Oakwood heading to class. During mid-morning traffic.
Just passed a slow-poke and got back into the right lane for the exit about 1 mile away. Doing 'bout I mean the speed limit...
All of a sudden, my steering wheel starts wanting to flip-flop left to right and then...
It sounded and felt like an explosion right under my feet!
For a few seconds, I had no control of steering!
I thought, "Great. Now I'm gonna miss Class today!"
I managed to keep control and quickly hit my flashers and slowed down to pull onto the shoulder.
What the hell just happened?
Y'all ever see tire tread on the side of roads?
Funny thing, though...It still had air!
No time to cry. Always time to act!
So I change my tire on the side of the Interstate, Driver's side, of course. Semi's roaring past mere feet from me....
The "donut" that only had half as much air that was necessary due to being old and not maintained....
Dang! And I had decided to wear my white shirt today!
I would have made Chase's pit crew proud; I changed the tire and was in the classroom before the Professor!
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