Where is everybody ?

Well I'm tired of taking the beatings from son and honestly there's not a whole can be done. He's the biological parent of my grandson. So I was up until 3:30 last night writing to 2 of my State Representatives challenging Floridas outdated laws. In this day and age how many grandparents raise grand kids for years, only to have their child swoop in someday and remove the child from the home. That isn't right!!!! So I have asked them together let's step into the 21st century and write a new law concerning abandonment. After 2 years the parents don't participate, the grandparents have the right to petition the court for adoption or at least guardianship. I've been making decisions for him for 9 years! If LGBT can have rights, then why can't grandparents? Help me out guys. Give me your opinions. One representative (my favorite) has already responded he received my email

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I must temper my opinion with not being in your position.
Once aroused I need to think before acting, where time allows.
My first thought would be that if my son took my grandkids I'd raised so long my son would be on his own hook ever after.
Only a thought though ,that does not make it right.
My next thought would be to find out at what age a child can decide who they want to live with in Florida.
The third was mentioned before of seeking legal council.

After a night of restless sleep, I headed to class for my Mid-Term.

Oh, Boy.....

Don't look too good for the Home team, with Casey at bat....:BangHead:

I've just GOTTA pass this course!

My preliminary findings of the photo issues, re: "The Tube," are that possibly the volume of the "Crispin's Critters" thread postings precludes some images from showing up to reduce the Server Band width use.:icon_scratch:

The possibility of any particular picture showing up may be edited by somebody? :dontknow:
(Any Mods have any ideas or info?)

I have no problems with pics showing up in my Personal webpage topics...

Perhaps I should start the thread, "The Tube" on my Personal page.

Do you have to be a Charter Member to view Personal Pages?

I'm sure you probably need to be a registered user....

Suggestions, Y'all?



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Well I'm tired of taking the beatings from son and honestly there's not a whole can be done. He's the biological parent of my grandson. So I was up until 3:30 last night writing to 2 of my State Representatives challenging Floridas outdated laws. In this day and age how many grandparents raise grand kids for years, only to have their child swoop in someday and remove the child from the home. That isn't right!!!! So I have asked them together let's step into the 21st century and write a new law concerning abandonment. After 2 years the parents don't participate, the grandparents have the right to petition the court for adoption or at least guardianship. I've been making decisions for him for 9 years! If LGBT can have rights, then why can't grandparents? Help me out guys. Give me your opinions. One representative (my favorite) has already responded he received my email

My advice is to find legal help either through JAG/the Military resources or a Legal Aid at a nearby College.
Psychologically, a woman would be a better choice of retention, in front of a Judge, a Female Judge, if possible....

Find out about Florida custody laws.

As I'm sure that you have been documenting EVERYTHING, it should prove that the Bio parents are unfit and the hassles are unwarranted.

Learn the law, through a trusted expert, one that can represent you to speak the legalese necessary to bring this Charlie Foxtrot to an end!

I also like the idea of what age a child can be to decide his guardian. :thumbsup:

Not being a lawyer, this is where I would start.

Patience and a constant display of a nurturing environment goes a long way, Brother!

If I think of anything else, I'll PM you.

Good Luck and,

Always my Best Wishes!


Unfortunately RC the age is 12. I was told "if you try to take my son I'll put a bullet in your head" I laughed and asked if I could have that in writing.....

TGF, as I've mentioned before it sounds to me as your son just plays the card of taking the grandchild to control you. I seriously doubt he wants anything to do with the kid.

If after you have exhausted all other avenues I would find a way to call his bluff. Just do it at a time that's least convenient to him. Once he finds his tactics don't work anymore it'll stop. But for that to work you need your wife unconditionaly on board. If she's handing money out behind your back its a loosing least until he's twelve.
Maybe just stall this mess out until then?
But again you need your wife on board...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Unfortunately RC the age is 12. I was told "if you try to take my son I'll put a bullet in your head" I laughed and asked if I could have that in writing.....

Tapes work pretty good, too.

Just ask Tricky Dick!




Now THERE'S a can of worms, Folks!

Is anything politics not allowed or just current?

What about from 10 years ago?
20 years ago?
120 years ago?

Even used as humor? :laughing7:

I know, I know....

Don't push it, Scott!

Choreography is on point! :thumbsup:

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View attachment 1291496
"Dad! I saw crazy Scott almost get into it today with a guy at the gas station. He told a big guy to back off 'cause he hadn't had his meds since Friday and the last time that happened, he got 10-12 and that the big guy wasn't really worth 10-12. The big guy walked off and crazy Scott saw me and winked. What's that all mean, Dad?"

View attachment 1291500
"Well, Son, it means that you should be punished for using the term, 'Crazy.' You see, Son, we live in the age of PC. We now use euphemisms. Like, 'Over the Rainbow,' or 'Truly gone fishing...' Do you have any other questions, Son? No? Prepare for your punishment. Turn off your xbox for an hour."


And, I see that we have links named as attachments for the photos that I just posted on this post.

"Will the photo issue ever be resolved? Will the tube be discontinued? Will Scott Granulate? Be sure to tune in next time. And what about Billy?" (Obscure?)

Seems as though my earlier ideas are proving true.

"You start with a specific problem.
Propose multiple hypotheses. Brainstorm!
Then, eliminate all that can be eliminated through processes of logic.
That which remains, whether or not plausible, MUST certainly be at the top of the list for solutions. Wouldn't you agree, Watson?"

red green1.webp
(He's left-handed? How can you tell?)

"Oh! You mean me, right?
Ummm....I was just marveling about
how our picture showed up but the first two didn't....."

"Thank you, Watson....Sheesh!"



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What I'm looking for is assistance in possibly wording a law for grandparents rights. Currently in Florida we don't have rights! I want to change the laws!!!!!!

What I'm looking for is assistance in possibly wording a law for grandparents rights. Currently in Florida we don't have rights! I want to change the laws!!!!!!

Perhaps time spent here could be of assistance. :thumbsup:
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

I found a wealth of info by typing this into Google:
"Grandparents Rights Florida Statute Custody"

Also check into your District, and State Congressional Representatives on their position
and involvement on the issue. Don't forget the Governor!
Then think BIG!
National bills supported by many Representatives. Nationwide!
Maybe even a whole Committee dedicated to the issue!!
Google what you feel relevant to your situation. :thumbsup:
Feel me?

Who represents your Congressional District?

"If you are fighting a 'Just' cause,
SHOUT of your fight so that others may help and join in your Victory!"

©Scott 3-28-16

Stay Strong, Brother!



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Thanks DR the money train stopped. We also cut him off our AT&T family plan. His wife lied to them and had personal information sent to them. This iCloud crap is BS they used it to forward mine and my wife's emails and texts to them. I'm thinking about speaking to the security division or whoever at AT &T we all expect a level of privacy. Plus the fact he audio taped me and played it to his ex wife! I called her the next day I found out and said look I didn't say anything I haven't told you. Yes you both have been 8 months without seeing the baby. Truth hurt? And now his new wife is having a baby in September........ He can't afford what he has! You're right. He don't want the. 9 year old, but don't want him with me where he's happy either.......what a plick!!!!!!!

Thanks DR the money train stopped. We also cut him off our AT&T family plan. His wife lied to them and had personal information sent to them. This iCloud crap is BS they used it to forward mine and my wife's emails and texts to them. I'm thinking about speaking to the security division or whoever at AT &T we all expect a level of privacy. Plus the fact he audio taped me and played it to his ex wife! I called her the next day I found out and said look I didn't say anything I haven't told you. Yes you both have been 8 months without seeing the baby. Truth hurt? And now his new wife is having a baby in September........ He can't afford what he has! You're right. He don't want the. 9 year old, but don't want him with me where he's happy either.......what a plick!!!!!!!

It is unfortunate that the child has been caught up in this mess as a pawn of the user, as you said a Papa, Romeo, India, you get the rest......

Children at his age begin to put things together, especially where their place is. They need support, the ability to discuss their feelings with a trusted adult, a nurturing environment and most of all, LOVE!
Seems he is getting all of this and more from one source and one source only: YOU! :notworthy:
You will always have my respect and admiration!

Bravo, Sir! Bravo!



Computers suck!

As I left my Midterm today, I said loud enough for some to hear, "I HATE COMPUTERS!
I've never needed one in the mountains. Never needed one and never will! EVER!"

Yeah. About my midterm grade.....:dontknow:

On the brighter side, I get the use of this GPS gadget all summer.


If I can figure out how to use it.

Professor hinted at a project and my tube and.....

I think that he wants to find the tube!

Unh, unh!
No Special favors, dig?

Adventure? Yep.
Knowledge and research? Yep.

Danger and peril? Absolutely!


You find the Treasure on your own.



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The BEST LANDLORD EVER just inquired of my yardwork responsibilities....

I promised my attention in the next few days.

Life today is promising something tomorrow.
I honor my promises! :thumbsup:



And tomorrow, I play the part of a locksmith....Funny how we all are on stage, always.....

Some words....
(Pay attention, Y'all)


Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage

Cast in this unlikely role
Ill-equipped to act
With insufficient tact
One must put up barriers
To keep oneself intact

Living in the limelight
The universal dream
For those who wish to seem
Those who wish to be
Must put aside the alienation
Get on with the fascination
The real relation
The underlying theme

Living in a fish eye lens
Caught in the camera eye
I have no heart to lie
I can't pretend a stranger
Is a long-awaited friend

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside the gilded cage


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The BEST LANDLORD EVER just inquired of my yardwork responsibilities....

I promised my attention in the next few days.

Life today is promising something tomorrow.
I honor my promises! :thumbsup:



It ain't even dark today yet.
Not that dark should stop you.
(Just be careful raking leaves you don't fall out of the tree.)


My Best Landlord EVER just gave me a whole Easter ham! :thumbsup:

Love you, Brother! :notworthy:

I told him that I won't be hungry now until at least my Birthday!



I asked for a hug and we hugged!

Love your Friends!
Pray for your enemies....


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It ain't even dark today yet.
Not that dark should stop you.
(Just be careful raking leaves you don't fall out of the tree.)

It ain't about trees nor leaves, Brother.

It's about cleaning rooftop gutters.

And vertigo.....

Yet....I'm still the boss of the "blower."

I surely wish to give clues to the treasure.....Perhaps you know where it is.....Additional treasure added to the tube as we speak....Such as jewelry that I created. And some more currency? That's pretty easy to curl up. huh? Fill that tube!

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It ain't about trees nor leaves, Brother.

It's about cleaning rooftop gutters.

And vertigo.....

Yet....I'm still the boss of the "blower."

I surely wish to give clues to the treeasure.....Perhaps you know where it is.....

Scott.....Find a local handyman and borrow his gutter cleaning wand...

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