A reply, just received from my academic advisor....
Hi Scott,
I did not know that Julie was broken into. I’m guessing from what you said that it was the Humane Society that was broken into
I do not know what would be involved in all-day collection site set-up. My best guess is that it would simply require permission from the right people. I would start with Brenda Adams, Coordinator of Student Life (Brenda.Adams@ung.edu; 678-717-3622; Student Center 315). If she is not the right person, I feel sure that she would be able to tell you who to contact.
Good luck.
Dr. Ringger
Perhaps this requires a follow-up....
Just sent an email to Brenda Adams, to wit:
My name is Scott Xxxxxx and I'd like to inquire what would be necessary to have a Collection site set up on Campus for a few hours to collect donations for The Humane Society of Northeast Georgia.
I once was involved with a Group Project in Dr. Ringger's class that benefited the Shelter.
As you may have probably heard, the shelter was broken into recently and a large donation jar was taken.
I wish to continue to help the Shelter by this Collection of Donations on Campus, if possible.
I can meet with you on Mondays and Wednesdays after 12 noon when I am on Campus.
Thank You for your attention to my query.
Best of Wishes,
Scott Xxxxxx
And how 'bout an Olympic pin from the '96 Atlanta Olympics for the tube?
View attachment 1293625
(Let me know if this pic shows up for y'all...)
Can no one answer the question of who can view "Personal Pages?"
If all you have to be is a registered user, I'll start a thread on my Personal Page.
Itching to further the adventure with the next clues!
Y'all did get the first set of clues figured out, right?
Soon, we will travel to the next site and it's significance!
By the way....
Today, I spoke on the phone with Bill Kokaly, from Congressman Doug Collin's office,
about how to receive my "Cold War Service" certificate from the Army.
He also gave me contact numbers of State Reps to petition for the creation of a Georgia Cold War Veteran license tag.
I mean, Really? There's Vietnam tags, Desert Storm tags, even the generic "Veteran" tag that I posted a pic of awhile back... But no Cold War tags.
I wanna change that....
I misspoke........
WILL change that!
Nobody whom has donated to the tube wants their goods back!
I say,
"Let the tube be buried!"
If y'all help me figure this out, with the pictures and such, well, we'll "get on our way, John!"
(a change of videos, 'cause the first one showed printed lyrics.)
BOO! Are lyrics scary?
So, I changed the video to the same song.
Without posted lyrics....
I Volunteered to fight and die for America.....
Some 40 years ago.
Would I volunteer again for America today?
You have to ask?
A Veteran and Patriot's Oath is for life! Or Death!
If you are interested in lyrics, here ya go....