Can you access my photos by right clicking and opening in a new tab?

Does anyone else have problems with my photos?

I want to correct issues before I continue with clues.

I run a "Clean Game," and I want everybody to have the same opportunity to follow clues.

My Best Wishes Always,



"For some unknown reason, I like your post. Very much.
Perhaps a vain attempt at humor....Perhaps.... Anyway, Thank you! By the way, how many card tricks do you know? Wanna learn some?"

Dang! I didn't say that! I'm sorry!



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RC brother you are too funny! We finished with 14 Bass and 1 Talapia. Man that's funny.....Scott I always have problems with your attachments as well my friend. Awhile back RC explained it and I was nodding uh huh uh huh same with me..... A fishing magician. Oh I've mastered that new mentalism trick. Steam 2.0. I think I posted a video.....I'm having a blast with that one. So my fishing buddy and I are having dinner now at Chili's wish everyone was here. If the stars align and people leave us alone I have a mountain of a surprise for him in a couple days.....I don't want to jinx it. Someone here knows there are dark forces working against us.....his 10th birthday is soon. The other day he asked me if he has a moist ache yet? I said " No, but do you want to have your birthday party at Hooters?" I got slapped..... He busted out laughing...... Somehow wife didn't see my humor. Haha

RC brother you are too funny! We finished with 14 Bass and 1 Talapia. Man that's funny.....Scott I always have problems with your attachments as well my friend. Awhile back RC explained it and I was nodding uh huh uh huh same with me..... A fishing magician. Oh I've mastered that new mentalism trick. Steam 2.0. I think I posted a video.....I'm having a blast with that one. So my fishing buddy and I are having dinner now at Chili's wish everyone was here. If the stars align and people leave us alone I have a mountain of a surprise for him in a couple days.....I don't want to jinx it. Someone here knows there are dark forces working against us.....his 10th birthday is soon. The other day he asked me if he has a moist ache yet? I said " No, but do you want to have your birthday party at Hooters?" I got slapped..... He busted out laughing...... Somehow wife didn't see my humor. Haha

If the issues are not corrected, there will be no tube. Period.



Can you access my photos by right clicking and opening in a new tab?

Does anyone else have problems with my photos?

I want to correct issues before I continue with clues.

I run a "Clean Game," and I want everybody to have the same opportunity to follow clues.

My Best Wishes Always,


For some reason Scott your pictures and videos often won't show up or play on my iPhone using tapatalk. I rarely ever use a computer to access so I miss some stuff! Lol
I have no idea why though.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

RC brother you are too funny! We finished with 14 Bass and 1 Talapia. Man that's funny.....Scott I always have problems with your attachments as well my friend. Awhile back RC explained it and I was nodding uh huh uh huh same with me..... A fishing magician. Oh I've mastered that new mentalism trick. Steam 2.0. I think I posted a video.....I'm having a blast with that one. So my fishing buddy and I are having dinner now at Chili's wish everyone was here. If the stars align and people leave us alone I have a mountain of a surprise for him in a couple days.....I don't want to jinx it. Someone here knows there are dark forces working against us.....his 10th birthday is soon. The other day he asked me if he has a moist ache yet? I said " No, but do you want to have your birthday party at Hooters?" I got slapped..... He busted out laughing...... Somehow wife didn't see my humor. Haha

Ah, you could have a hoot at Hooters!
(Sorry, I just had to play with that)!!! Lol
Sounds like a awesome day of fishing though!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

View attachment 1289165
"For some unknown reason, I like your post. Very much.
Perhaps a vain attempt at humor....Perhaps.... Anyway, Thank you! By the way, how many card tricks do you know? Wanna learn some?"

Dang! I didn't say that! I'm sorry!



Other than pinching the deck to make the bottom card be the second from the top more card tricks left/retained.
I can still throw them though ,I think.


Scott your post of Billy Jack reminds me of a high school story. First of all I was very quiet in high school. I loved and presented a persona of Billy Jack and remember that TV show Kung Fu with David Carradine? I acted like those guys, wS into meditation, studied Buddhism, received my black belt in Aiki-jujitsu, but nobody new that. Heck what else you gonna do when you're homeless on weekends? Anyway I had a friend named Rod. A real skinny long haired dude that could really play a guitar. I mean anything on a guitar..... So this jerk shows up during one of our breaks. He was a known drug head. He comes after Rod. Big crowd. I walked over and said "there won't be a fight here today" I pushed Rod away. Everybody was afraid of this guy. Rumor was his dad killed his mom and they called it suicide and he had helped. Anyway Duane was his name. So I think I'm in the clear. I back up and turn around he grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around . In slow motion I see this looping right hand, I step into it, throw up my left arm block it and catch it. With my right hand I punched him in the throat, but I grabbed his throat, I sweep his legs out from under him and slam him on the ground. I feel the air leave his body.... He's hurting bad. I can't hear anything. How do I finish this? So I kissed him on the forehead!!!!!! The crowd went crazy!!!!! I stood up and walked away, then I felt bad about it. I turned around by now he's on his all 4's choking. I reached down to help him up and he slapped my hand. I stepped back and used his face for a 40 yard field goal! His face exploded on my right foot!!!!! This time as I was walking away one of the teachers came up to me and said. " do you want to press charges?" I said " why? He can't move!" Hahaha. Yeah old Rod thanked me for saving his arse after that. I heard he showed up several times with a truck load looking for me. Funny, I finished school, I never saw him again. Heard he never made it to 25 OD'd......Karma

Well I took my little buddy deep sea fishing on a charter boat today. I was hoping for a shark. 10 minutes into it and some kid standing beside us pukes on my boy........after I catch 1 red snapper..... That's it, done, now he's sick, he's done! Trip a failure...... And I tried so hard!

In order to keep the clues for the Treasure Tube fair to all, in light of the photo issues, I have suspended all clues until the issues are resolved.
It may very well be on my end, but I wonder.....

In an attempt to work out issues, I have started a new thread on my Personal Page.

Feel free to report your experiences with photo postings. :thumbsup:

Clues to the Treasure Tube will soon be resumed!
Somehow! :headbang:

Hope all have a Blessed Easter!


Best Wishes,


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Today wasn't a total failure. There was a 6 foot nurse shark caught and released on the boat...... But my buddy was out cold....didn't see it. Good idea Scott

Dang! I still gotta buy my cap and gown!
How much?

Honors Cords?



It's OK.

I've got my music......

After a dinner of sushi and ramen,
I'll tune my box again to play. And pass the time....
Like how many a weekend starts!



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Thinking about renting or buying a cycle to travel this summer after graduation.
Something that can provide power and possibly the ability to pull a small trailer for camping gear?

What's a good choice?

Thanks, Friends!



Thinking about renting or buying a cycle to travel this summer after graduation.
Something that can provide power and possibly the ability to pull a small trailer for camping gear?

What's a good choice?

Thanks, Friends!



A Harley trike would suit me...cept for the $$$$part.
Budget wise...a Honda Goldwing(GL18?) or similar should work.
Suspension travel affects trailer-ability. Some bikes are just not up to it.
Most manufacturers claim warranty is voided by trailering while the dealer will sell hitches and such.
Liability is on whom? Perhaps the trailer manufacturer more.
A sidecar might be another option , but I don't know about warranties or insurance ect.

Well as usual I've had one hell of a week.......yeah my son. So awhile ago I went to my favorite grocery store. There was my favorite cashier. I walked up to her and she says "Hey there you are, I havent seen you in awhile but when you do come in you dont talk to me anymore." I said "Yeah you are usually really busy and i dont want to get you in trouble." She says "Yeah, I appreciate that" She says " Last time we spoke you said your wife left you." I said "Yeah she did, damn thing is, I dont know what I did wrong.......she came back" She busted out laughing......She says "Last time we spoke you promised me you were working on a new magic trick, how's that going?" I said " Yes ma'am I sure did" " I have a great mentalism trick I have perfected now I have it in my repertoire........I always have it ready but you are always busy." She says "Is it good?" I said " well this is my best one yet. I think this one will blow your shoes off!" She says "Everytime you come in here you blow my shoes off!!!!!" Well my my my......a 21 year old blonde honest to god told me that.....all my tears this past week have dried up. I'm kicked back, eating my plate of watermelon, pineapple, grapes, cantalope and honeydew........drinking my water with a big old Chesire Cat smile on my face reliving every second of that conversation in my head...........I wonder if she even knows what she said???????Wife's out of town, didnt want to be near my house this week. Of course I already spoke about the fishing trip. My grandson and I stayed at a hotel last night. Went down to the Bistro had some food. There was another beautiful young lady working there. Do you know how I know? My grandson, the one about to be 10 said "Poppy, WooHoo shes beautiful." I said " well tell her or at least ask her for her number" His face turned red....I said YES he's NORMAL.........I did the new magic trick on her, it worked beautifully........she loved it excuse me friends. I'm going to finish my fruits and water and enjoy the good times of the past 2 days, and forget the hell I've been through............blow her shoes off everytime I walk in........haha I'm going to have to get David Blaines turn a dollar into a Franklin....drop that on her register!!!!!!!


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