Mom said to me before she died,

"Be true to your passion. Make a difference my Son."

Full screen?
Well, duh!


Silent Lucidity.....

You have no idea of my people, no idea of the journey,
No idea of the pain.

Unless you've been there.

I somehow survived.
I want to help others to survive....

I've been there.




Words, again.....

"Simple Man"

Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say.
And if you do this
It will help you some sunny day.
Take your time... Don't live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman and you'll find love,
And don't forget son,
There is someone up above.

And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Baby, be a simple kind of man.
Oh won't you do this for me son,
If you can?

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.


Boy, don't you worry.
You'll find yourself.
Follow your heart,
And nothing else.
You can do this,
If you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.


Baby, be a simple, be a simple man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby, be a simple kind of man

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AU24k- Simple Man was the song my wife and our oldest son danced to at his wedding. Wasn't a dry eye in the house, still get a bit mushy remembering it- good times, great song!

How 'bout one more Concert, Brother?



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This is what I'm thinking about getting us for my buddys 10th birthday.......what does everyone think?

I like it, whatever gets them out there enjoying the outdoors. They are so "connected" with their electronics these days if it takes adding one more to the mix than so be it.
Now what is really cool about that thing for me is I love my steelhead fishing. I gotta get one, talk about cutting the learning curve way down on learning new water, woohooooo! The key to Steelhead fishing is finding the chutes, runs, and depressions. It takes many many hours to learn new water. I've got one riffle I like to fish that's fairly close by. I can go there and watch someone fish it all day and never get bit. Within 5 mins of them leaving I'll hook up, there is one chute about a foot wide that runs for about 10yds and ends in a depression. There are always one or two in that depression at the base of the run. The only tell you'll get is an ever so slight pause in your line going down stream- line pause, set rod, drag on reel starts screaming, fish-on!.........Sorry I get a bit wound up about fishing! Yep cool gizmo, lots of potential.


(Fake? Close your eyes and listen....)


Though I l am left-handed,
I taught myself to play guitar right-handed.

To play left-handed feels very familiar....I could get to like it.....

That would make me what? Amphibious?



Restring with the low E on top or just flip it without restringing?

Either way feels right!

Having to make a "nut" and a bridge to adapt for being left-handed.....

You see why I taught myself to play right-handed....

Yeah. I have hand made nuts and bridges for left-handed play and modified guitars and such....why do you ask?

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Worth a watch!


Oh, how I wish sometimes for the stage.....

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Heck yeah Scott my brother we are both amphibious! I busted a gut when I read that. That's too funny brother!!!!!! Well almost busted a gut lord knows it's hurting enough.......,fowledup thanks for the input on the fish finder buddy.

Now this kind of stuff is way beyond my abilities.
1800's craftsmanship.

Now this kind of stuff is way beyond my abilities.
1800's craftsmanship.

Now that's amazing!!! Way cool!! Thanks for posting this! Fascinating!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Now this kind of stuff is way beyond my abilities.
1800's craftsmanship.

Now, that is awesome! Thanks for posting that! I'm into that kind of stuff and have never seen those before! Imagine the time and skill it took to make those!

Hey TGF, all this talk of sail boats lately has got me thinking! I know almost nothing about sailing but have immense interest. Just looking online and found a local wooden boat building school that offers sailing lessons. At only $400 for a two week class on weekends it seems like hell of a deal. What better place to learn than on the coast of Maine?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

There you go buddy. You can be the " peg leg" Skipper! Try it out!

Hey Scott: you're back!
Your attachments are saying invalid again though when clicked....
Hey ,you're back !8-)

I'm still having problems, too.

I'll need to have my BEST LANDLORD EVER take a look soon.
Probably the web server of this site....:dontknow:

I generally right click and open in a new tab if it shows up as an attachment.

It has finally happened in my lifetime.....
Damned computers make a man feel ignorant....



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There you go buddy. You can be the " peg leg" Skipper! Try it out!

I'm going to talk to my wife about it tonight.ill have to see.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!



Too easy?


Duly noted and entered for your Journey....
twighlight zone.webp



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Dammit so much!

I've relapsed to my introversion....again....

Certainly time from Academics couldn't hurt! :thumbsup:

Nature awaits!




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How 'bout some music 'bout now?




Yeah. I'm studyin' for the midterm this weekend.
How can life be any sweeter?


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