Glad your feeling better Scott! I was starting to wonder how you were doing. I hope you beat whatever was ailing you!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

HeyScott is that A Pike County Kentucky? Ever been out West? Like Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon????

No TGF, I was outside all the time. I have scars but never had stitches

Just ribbing you friend......I was a risk taker.... Just never "double dog dare " any of us. Maybe clumsy too. Have a laugh on me and my stitches, broken bones, scars but never really complained about it. Wasn't aloud too...... Helped me become who I became as a young man. I guess Satan ( my father) was grooming me the whole time........I have some great stories as a kid. Especially when your best friends father came home from Vietnam.... A messed up Green Beret ..... Oh the sh@t he taught us. But he lost one leg, one arm..... He was our hero, our mentor and the stuff we built well save that for another day...." We didn't dip it in the same stuff Charlie did" haha thanks Jeff. I was a survivor from 8 years old on

me too!!!!!!!!

I was a "Hell raiser...)


I think bring a couple paddles/oars, and a lot of fresh drinking water as well as citrus to prevent scurvy mate...... By the looks of it ya might be at sea fer awhile matey! Haha

Scott I missed you brother!!!!! Welcome back home!

I think bring a couple paddles/oars, and a lot of fresh drinking water as well as citrus to prevent scurvy mate...... By the looks of it ya might be at sea fer awhile matey! Haha

I'm thinking of add a tarp-sail to save fuel!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Just a quick note. Anybody see we are over 20000 posts? YEEEE HAAAA! Crispin sure started something. Uncle Bill how are you doing? Anybody hear from GMD or GIB or Backbacon, Worldtalker, lately?? Heck even Crispin??? Or Squigster ????

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Dram A-M-E-N buddy. I like it! Provision her up and make a test run south to the Sebastian inlet. I'll come meet you. We can have brunch and I'll set you up in more provisions as you continue your voyage. If you haven't named her, maybe we can have a contest here. As Scott says " winner gets a million internet points and maybe an autographed picture from Jeff Gordon. Any takers? Hahaha I'm in....

Just a quick note. Anybody see we are over 20000 posts? YEEEE HAAAA! Crispin sure started something. Uncle Bill how are you doing? Anybody here from GMD or GIB or Backbacon, Worldtalker, lately?? Heck even Crispin??? Or Squigster ????

GIB and Worldtalker stop in the political section

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I'm doing ok just laying low waiting for the ground to thaw and swing the coil.

Regards + HH



I'm doing ok just laying low waiting for the ground to thaw and swing the coil.

Regards + HH


Glad to hear it Bill, hopefully not much longer for you. The ground here is mostly thawed but I'm in no position to do much detecting. Soon I hope though!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Dram A-M-E-N buddy. I like it! Provision her up and make a test run south to the Sebastian inlet. I'll come meet you. We can have brunch and I'll set you up in more provisions as you continue your voyage. If you haven't named her, maybe we can have a contest here. As Scott says " winner gets a million internet points and maybe an autographed picture from Jeff Gordon. Any takers? Hahaha I'm in....

I'll see ya in a week! I think I'm going to need to Rain-x the windshield and invest in some really good wipers! I bet those paddles splash!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)! pool has been leaking water for a while. It's gradually getting worse. So I called a leak detection company. Guy showed up just left actually. Spent about 3 hours searching for the leak. Well he found it quick but had to rule out other spots. Nice guy. So he plugs all the jets and intakes, pushes 10 psi of air. He has this cool Geiger counter looking thing with a headset, places that on the cement and traces it to the sound right over the leak. Kind of like swinging the coil I guess. He lets me listen to it. WHOOOOSH Yeup he found it. Marks it on the cement. But this guy is thorough. So he starts putting on a wet suit and scuba gear. I said " bro what are you doing?" He says " now I get in the pool with a dye and check everything the drain, the light, everything for any small leaks." I said " man that's to cool....but a wet suit? My 9 y/o and I wouldn't use a wet suit. The water's only 68 degrees." You know cold, wet and sandy? He looks at my dive watch and says " you a military diver?" I said " was" "He says well that's the difference between you and I. I wasn't. I like my comfort!" Hahaha..... Nice guy. Good to joke like that!!!!! pool has been leaking water for a while. It's gradually getting worse. So I called a leak detection company. Guy showed up just left actually. Spent about 3 hours searching for the leak. Well he found it quick but had to rule out other spots. Nice guy. So he plugs all the jets and intakes, pushes 10 psi of air. He has this cool Geiger counter looking thing with a headset, places that on the cement and traces it to the sound right over the leak. Kind of like swinging the coil I guess. He lets me listen to it. WHOOOOSH Yeup he found it. Marks it on the cement. But this guy is thorough. So he starts putting on a wet suit and scuba gear. I said " bro what are you doing?" He says " now I get in the pool with a dye and check everything the drain, the light, everything for any small leaks." I said " man that's to cool....but a wet suit? My 9 y/o and I wouldn't use a wet suit. The water's only 68 degrees." You know cold, wet and sandy? He looks at my dive watch and says " you a military diver?" I said " was" "He says well that's the difference between you and I. I wasn't. I like my comfort!" Hahaha..... Nice guy. Good to joke like that!!!!!

So you gonna dig up the concrete? Or use the pipe liner? Any idea what caused the leak? This is one of my biggest fear with my pool.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well friends I can't take it anymore. When I post too much you know something's wrong.....I've been in the worst pain I think I have ever had in my life. Since last Friday if I could find an ice pick I think I'd stick myself in the stomach! I think I have diverticulitis. Why? I've had it before and I meet all the criteria..... Wife wants to go to her sisters birthday......I can barely move. Sick as I am I'm making my boys ball games.... I'm signing off for a few. If I have too I'm freaking crawling to the ER.....I do what I have to for the boys, but I can't take this anymore. I called the VA triage nurse she said report to the ER yesterday ...... So I guess I'll go. Later friends.

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