Dang......my pool has been leaking water for a while. It's gradually getting worse. So I called a leak detection company. Guy showed up just left actually. Spent about 3 hours searching for the leak. Well he found it quick but had to rule out other spots. Nice guy. So he plugs all the jets and intakes, pushes 10 psi of air. He has this cool Geiger counter looking thing with a headset, places that on the cement and traces it to the sound right over the leak. Kind of like swinging the coil I guess. He lets me listen to it. WHOOOOSH Yeup he found it. Marks it on the cement. But this guy is thorough. So he starts putting on a wet suit and scuba gear. I said " bro what are you doing?" He says " now I get in the pool with a dye and check everything the drain, the light, everything for any small leaks." I said " man that's to cool....but a wet suit? My 9 y/o and I wouldn't use a wet suit. The water's only 68 degrees." You know cold, wet and sandy? He looks at my dive watch and says " you a military diver?" I said " was" "He says well that's the difference between you and I. I wasn't. I like my comfort!" Hahaha..... Nice guy. Good to joke like that!!!!!