Well at the urge ing of several friends, I have decided to write a book about my life in third person view. I've been journaling for a long time and thought why not. May never get published but what the hell. My opening "scene has the character awakening at 0300 abruptly from a nightmare with night sweats on board his 45 Irwin....... Cursing because a 5th of Jack won't let him sleep.......going topside for a minute, then saying screw it getting cold wet and sandy and taking off on a 4 mile swim to occupy his mind.....well that's it so far

Yeah, doctor said two weeks as well. How bad was the scaring?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Oh come on bro? A soldier like me??? You know chicks dig scars..... But glory lasts forever!!!!! Haha they are there somewhere in the hairs..... Unless you shave your legs I wouldn't worry about scars :)

Was it painful? Quick recovery? I feel better today than yesterday.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Time you arrive for surgery it probably won't hurt at all.
"Look Doc. , I can dance a jig!".:laughing7:

I told one Doc. I would dance a jig for him with a prosthetic when he inquired as to why it was absent on a visit.
When I did on a following visit I told he and the the audience they were watching 'Dancing with the scars".

4-6 weeks, painful for the first week. Alot depends on how much of a repair (it's not really a repair, they trim it up to prevent it from flipping in and catching). Also depends on bone and cartledge condition and amount of Arthritis. If you've never had a problem before and the knee is in good shape, 4 weeks and you should be doing real good. 2 maybe 3 small 3/16 to 1/4 inch scars,

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Oh come on bro? A soldier like me??? You know chicks dig scars..... But glory lasts forever!!!!! Haha they are there somewhere in the hairs..... Unless you shave your legs I wouldn't worry about scars :)

You mean i probably should give up shaving my legs? And here I am, with my electrolysis appointments all made and prepaid! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Time you arrive for surgery it probably won't hurt at all.
"Look Doc. , I can dance a jig!".:laughing7:

I told one Doc. I would dance a jig for him with a prosthetic when he inquired as to why it was absent on a visit.
When I did on a following visit I told he and the the audience they were watching 'Dancing with the scars".

Today pain is mostly gone unless I put a fair amount of strain on it, or twist (turn) on my knee. I'm still hobling though. I think I kind of over did it today as it's somewhat sore now again.
Is it common for the pain to go away before surgery?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

4-6 weeks, painful for the first week. Alot depends on how much of a repair (it's not really a repair, they trim it up to prevent it from flipping in and catching). Also depends on bone and cartledge condition and amount of Arthritis. If you've never had a problem before and the knee is in good shape, 4 weeks and you should be doing real good. 2 maybe 3 small 3/16 to 1/4 inch scars,

Had X-rays on Friday and doc said very little arthritis, as well as good spacing between bones? I should have my MRI this week though. I'll be really happy to have a solid answer what is wrong.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Scars...I have them. From fights. Nose...from being punched by a guy with rings. Knife wounds....well that's self explanatory. Motorcycle wrecks? Oh yeh...
If you are luck they will make a very small incision, very little scarring.

Scars...I have them. From fights. Nose...from being punched by a guy with rings. Knife wounds....well that's self explanatory. Motorcycle wrecks? Oh yeh...
If you are luck they will make a very small incision, very little scarring.

Dang, that just sounds painful! Knife wounds? Holy crap! I'm hoping if I do need surgery the incisions are like you say, very small. I've never had any kind of surgery other than oral so I'm kinda nervous.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Dang, that just sounds painful! Knife wounds? Holy crap! I'm hoping if I do need surgery the incisions are like you say, very small. I've never had any kind of surgery other than oral so I'm kinda nervous.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Depend on what kind of surgery. Now days they are great at minimal scarring. Small knife wound, from my "youth gone wild" days. I was fast back then....thank goodness!

Depend on what kind of surgery. Now days they are great at minimal scarring. Small knife wound, from my "youth gone wild" days. I was fast back then....thank goodness!

Depending on outcome of MRI doc says it will be orthoscopic. He is fairly confident I've torn the miniscus. Hopefully not to bad.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Today pain is mostly gone unless I put a fair amount of strain on it, or twist (turn) on my knee. I'm still hobling though. I think I kind of over did it today as it's somewhat sore now again.
Is it common for the pain to go away before surgery?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

If your meniscus is torn ,has rough /torn edge or more ,no it won't go away much or for long usually, it will remind you.
Just teasing you about being fine right before surgery.
You know ,like a bum tooth quits just before you sit in the dentist chair?

If your meniscus is torn ,has rough /torn edge or more ,no it won't go away much or for long usually, it will remind you.
Just teasing you about being fine right before surgery.
You know ,like a bum tooth quits just before you sit in the dentist chair?

Yeah sitting still it's no pain...mostly. But if I step wrong, or quickly it shoots me a little reminder! Lol
It's just weird because I can feel fine, and the a slight move can be a sharp pain.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Yeah sitting still it's no pain...mostly. But if I step wrong, or quickly it shoots me a little reminder! Lol
It's just weird because I can feel fine, and the a slight move can be a sharp pain.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

The pain coming and going is usually when the tear flips into or gets pinched in the joint space. After a year or so you'll have to search to find the little scars. Surgery is a piece of cake. Ask for the earliest time available. That way- A) you don't have enough time to get yourself worked up and nervous, and B) You won't have to wait all day on an empty stomach craving food, and something to drink.

I said "Doc when I move my leg like this it hurts" he said" then don't move your leg like that!" Haha yea OV I got me a bad scar on me neck some a$$hole tried to cut my throat when I was about 15..... He came up from behind was my dad....I turned 16 not too long after this last fight and never looked back! It got real ugly real quick, but I bested his a$$. They made a mistake of placing me in Martial arts about the 4th grade. Once I had him on the ground, my Pitbull and my German Shepherd attacked his sorry ass. That's all I'm going to say about that. The rest is too painful my friends.....Dram don't worry you won't feel a thing....

Hey Dram I have a book of quotes I've kept up with over the years " Scars show us where we've been, not where we are going!" Hope that helps.

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