Cricketts and Chipmunks??

The laws are there to protect kids from careless, reckless, and irresponsible behavior. What doesn't make sense about that?

Just looked it up NHTSA.Gov suggets up to 100lbs now in a booster seat. So when I was a Jr in HS I should still have been in a booster seat? I am not saying the laws are bad I am saying some of the reccomendations and laws are a little off and overboard. I agree a 6 year old should be in a booster or safty seat to keep them safer at very minium a seat belt. So why do we pile them onto a schoold but and have nothing for them?

I think I'd have to go with D.
A. A school guarded by the NRA.....just because they are NRA members doesn't mean they have the stomach to respond with deadly force
B. A school were the children of Obama attend....can't go with this. If they protect anyone it will only be focused on Obama's kids unless the people that make the calls are the same ones that made the calls concerning help for our people in Benghazi. In that case, nobody will get help.
C. A school were no guns are allowed.....we already know this will never work but I'm sure they are still printing signs
D. Following RJC around with his him with my kid any day. And my kids could also watch his back. :)

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Just looked it up NHTSA.Gov suggets up to 100lbs now in a booster seat. So when I was a Jr in HS I should still have been in a booster seat? I am not saying the laws are bad I am saying some of the reccomendations and laws are a little off and overboard. I agree a 6 year old should be in a booster or safty seat to keep them safer at very minium a seat belt. So why do we pile them onto a schoold but and have nothing for them?

That's a good question. Lets start up a thread on booster seats. With 3 young kids I'd be more than happy to participate. Never mind that they can't be in the front seat until they are teens. Again, laws requiring car seats (and seat belts for that matter) lower deaths by hundreds a year. One would have thought both were just "common sense" but the truth shows otherwise.

This is the law in MA btw which seems pretty reasonable

Children must ride in federally approved child safety seats until they are at least until they are at least eight years old or over 57 inches tall.

Children older than eight or taller than 57 inches must wear safety belts.

My 10 year old does not use a booster but always uses seat belt of course. She also is in the back and never in the front seat.

Picker, does this mean my son was illegally riding shotgun when he was younger? He always rode shotgun, in a booster seat and belted in of course in my old pickup. No airbag on his side as well. Should I have had him ride in the bed of the pickup instead? It is a standard cab. LOL just joking! :laughing7:

Picker, does this mean my son was illegally riding shotgun when he was younger? He always rode shotgun, in a booster seat and belted in of course in my old pickup. No airbag on his side as well. Should I have had him ride in the bed of the pickup instead? It is a standard cab. LOL just joking! :laughing7:

Exactly. Strap the car seat into the bed of the truck - much safer!! Maine hot this weekend??

It sure was hot, I was at Popham beach on saturday and went to drift in beach by Tenants harbor today. Can you believe I didn't bring my detector to either beach? I know it's pathetic.
Did you come up to Maine this weekend?

No but will be up next weekend. If your in the Scarborough area, let me know.

It sure was hot, I was at Popham beach on saturday and went to drift in beach by Tenants harbor today. Can you believe I didn't bring my detector to either beach? I know it's pathetic.
Did you come up to Maine this weekend?

Isn't that blasphemy?

No but will be up next weekend. If your in the Scarborough area, let me know.
I think my wife is on call next weekend. So I will be tied to close by. If it changes I will let you know. There is a chance it might change.

Following RJC around with his him with my kid any day. And my kids could also watch his back.

Thank you packer your words are much appreciated.I'll say if it came to it I wouldnt disappoint your trust in me either.

Just looked it up NHTSA.Gov suggets up to 100lbs now in a booster seat. So when I was a Jr in HS I should still have been in a booster seat? I am not saying the laws are bad I am saying some of the reccomendations and laws are a little off and overboard. I agree a 6 year old should be in a booster or safty seat to keep them safer at very minium a seat belt. So why do we pile them onto a schoold but and have nothing for them?

Maybe overboard - AS more information comes to light the laws change. I believe them to be reasonable.

Did you mean to say pile them on a school bus without belting them in? If so, in NJ seat belts are mandatory on all school buses. So, at least here, the laws are consistant.

NF, in Maine there are no seat belts on school buses.
I must ask, are there any laws you disagree with?
A serious question...

Pa no seat belts on school buses. Still my point is made NJ the belts are mandatory so a stranger and drive your kidnergardner around with just a seat belt no problem but you get caught doing it big fines.

Pa no seat belts on school buses. Still my point is made NJ the belts are mandatory so a stranger and drive your kidnergardner around with just a seat belt no problem but you get caught doing it big fines.

You know how many lives saved and injuries averted from these laws. I am missing how in anyway they can be bad? Plenty of people who only buckle so they won't get a ticket whose lives have been saved during accidents. You think they complain now about an unjust law. How many folks in accidents wish they could go back in time and buckle up?? Do we just say tough luck it was his choice he didn't buckle?? I guess I've known to many folks who have lost their lives to be that flippant.

You know how many lives saved and injuries averted from these laws. I am missing how in anyway they can be bad? Plenty of people who only buckle so they won't get a ticket whose lives have been saved during accidents. You think they complain now about an unjust law. How many folks in accidents wish they could go back in time and buckle up?? Do we just say tough luck it was his choice he didn't buckle?? I guess I've known to many folks who have lost their lives to be that flippant.
I rolled a little Toyota truck in freezing rain years ago when I was in high school. I had a seatbelt on and it did save me. It also kept me back from the windshield just enough as a steel sign post (no sign on it) came through the windshield and destroyed the dashboard right in front of my face. I just missed getting speared in the face with that post. It is a weird feeling being suspended upside down by the seat belt though. I always wear one in my vehicles now. Just not when plowing roads.

You know how many lives saved and injuries averted from these laws. I am missing how in anyway they can be bad? Plenty of people who only buckle so they won't get a ticket whose lives have been saved during accidents. You think they complain now about an unjust law. How many folks in accidents wish they could go back in time and buckle up?? Do we just say tough luck it was his choice he didn't buckle?? I guess I've known to many folks who have lost their lives to be that flippant.

I'm not saying they are bad, but why the double standard.

NF, in Maine there are no seat belts on school buses.
I must ask, are there any laws you disagree with?
A serious question...

Dram, you take everything i say to the absolute.

If I say I eat meat I must like all meats, right?

Here I said I believe the seat belt laws to be reasonable. So, you take that to mean i agree with all laws?

I said the passage of the jersey gun Laws was a big yawn, so that means I agree with them? No! Figuratively speaking, when it comes to gun laws, here in Jersey we've already got life without parole. With these laws, what's another life sentence? Meaningless for all but a very few. We're already screwed! More gun laws? Yawn.

I pointed out that the tea partiers didn't have to file for tax exemption, you jump right to the extreme that i'm excusing the IRS. And, that i'm blaming the tea party groups - neither true.

But to answer your question, there are plenty of laws i disagree with. We can start with the 25 MPH speed limit extending seven miles beyond anything with any semblance to civilization in Bridgewater West Virginia. Talk about a speed trap? Any idea what the fine is for doing 70mph in a 25 is there? Don't ask! Friendly folks there. One of the nicest officers I've ever gotten a performance award from. But they are dead serious about their revenue collection! And, the only thing better than collecting that fine is collecting it from a Yankee on a fast bike!

In the end we agreed to double the fine and call it a parking ticket - in deference to my home state's ridiculous insurance surcharge law for things like speeding tickets. Apparently, the officer's testimony that I could have gotten away, but didn't even make him chase me played a large roll in the plea bargain.

Like i said plenty of laws i don't like.

I'm not saying they are bad, but why the double standard.

Sure I agree. But obviously that in no way would invalidate the seatbelt law. If a cop pulls over a car for spreading and the person says - but I was following a car that was going even faster yet you didnt pull them over - does that mean you won't get a ticket? It's actually a logical fallacy.

You know how many lives saved and injuries averted from these laws. I am missing how in anyway they can be bad? Plenty of people who only buckle so they won't get a ticket whose lives have been saved during accidents. You think they complain now about an unjust law. How many folks in accidents wish they could go back in time and buckle up?? Do we just say tough luck it was his choice he didn't buckle?? I guess I've known to many folks who have lost their lives to be that flippant.

Are you saying you have lost a lot of friends because they were not wearing seat belts? I don't think you are old enough to have been driving pre seat belt laws. Did you know them in your previous life? Or are you reaching for an excuse to post?
Personally I have known a couple of people saved by not wearing seatbelts, and the law in itself is overreach to protect you from yourself! It is a good idea, It is a terrible law! And making it a primary offense is merely a reason to let police pull you over.

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