I'm going to repeat the below for one last time in reply to you, if you followup with a reply that repeats the same thing you've said for the past 500 posts I'm going to put you on ignore like I did with scoop.
The Beale Ciphers are not only solvable, they've been solved at least once, and possibly more than once.
But you'll have to wait for my book if you want the proof of that. No spoilers on this site.
I know they can be decoded, but after 200 years I have no clue if the treasure would be there still . I only look at being the one who decoded the ciphers to start and one day if I get a chance to find what is left over from people digging everywhere for 200 years or so well that would be nice . The first page will show a epitaph/death poem on it if decoded right . I may publish some of the first page then when someone else decodes it, that will prove I did it first .