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What has this to do with the Beale ciphers?

How is finders-keepers doing with that big bunch of gold they found . Did they put them in jail and take his gold or what ?

The difference between the Black Swan treasure and the alleged Beale treasure is that the Black Swan treasure was known to really exist, (through credible historical documentation) long before the search and recovery process was ever began. :thumbsup:

I still maintain that those National Treasure movies were that absolute worse thing to ever happen to real treasure hunting because people actually believed a great deal of what "had been created" for those movies. The same can be said of those Dale Brown flicks.

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Just like the Atocha that Mel Fisher found, through intensive research of archives and ocean currents.
Remember, Fisher gave up searching for the Beale treasure after spending time and money based on the word of a Colorado DJ amateur codebreaker who claimed he "solved" the ciphers and knew exactly the treasure vaults location.
Sound familiar?
That is the difference between real documented treasure and the treasures of lore, legend, and dime novels.

It always turns out the same, the claimants of solution "always" manufacture those solutions around areas of their personal interest. The very first sign that something is seriously astray.
That is the real reason behind why all those "solved" ciphers never contain the same solution message.

... so many claims of solution to a treasure story whose treasure can't even be established to have ever existed. I wouldn't hold my breath that said treasures will ever be found since we know that there is no chance that it came from said mine. So, if not a mine, as detailed, then from where? This is when treasure tales start to get merged for lack of any other credible source...
...and you, my friend, have contributed to unlimited unrelated unfounded connections to the presented Beale story in Ward's dime novel job pamphlet.

"I think it was a hoax. I'd love for someone to prove me wrong and show up with a couple tons on precious metal to laugh in my face. But I don't think it's going to happen. But if you go online, you can find people that will sell you software that will help you decrypt these.
Of course you have to ask yourself, if the people selling this code-cracking software know how to decipher the ciphers, then why don't they just figure the location of the treasure and go dig it themselves?"
- Professor Clay Shields, Computer Science, Georgetown University
The real Beale treasure is the books and other related items sold to those who William Friedman referred to as the "unwary reader" .
If they had this knowledge of the Beale story, why haven't they uncovered the vault and retrieved the treasure?
It is amazing that despite all the professionals who have stated that the ciphers are not real and that the Beale story is just that a story, still there are those who hold on to the belief that this treasure really exists.

The real Beale treasure is the books and other related items sold to those who William Friedman referred to as the "unwary reader" .
If they had this knowledge of the Beale story, why haven't they uncovered the vault and retrieved the treasure?
It is amazing that despite all the professionals who have stated that the ciphers are not real and that the Beale story is just that a story, still there are those who hold on to the belief that this treasure really exists.
HA! APRIL FOOL! April 1, 2013 4:01 AM

So far every comment in this thread concerning the codes has supported my position that they can become whatever anyone desires them to be. In fact, we're even seeing that the story itself can become whatever anyone desires it to be.
...and the Beale Papers was a dime novel work of fiction as noted by Lt Thomas Fawcett-" was spun by the imagination of Mr Ward".
A tip of the hat to Franklin for providing a lead to this letter. :thumbsup:

... The Beale is fiction...but, no hoax.
With that Legrand, we both agree, as do all the professional experts in their fields who examine the ciphers and those who found no historical evidence to document the Beale Party story.
As Lt Thomas Fawcett wrote to Col William Friedman on his fact finding mission to Lynchburg in 1949, "the story of gold buried in Bedford county by Captain Beale and his associates was spun from the imagination of Mr Beale".
Without any documentation outside of Ward's copyrighted dime novel of any of the events depicted within the job pamphlet, it is an obvious conclusion that the Beale Papers is a work of fiction as all the professionals of various fields quoted on this thread concur.

Just like the Atocha that Mel Fisher found, through intensive research of archives and ocean currents.
Remember, Fisher gave up searching for the Beale treasure after spending time and money based on the word of a Colorado DJ amateur codebreaker who claimed he "solved" the ciphers and knew exactly the treasure vaults location.
Sound familiar?
That is the difference between real documented treasure and the treasures of lore, legend, and dime novels.

Mel Fisher and the Colorado DJ are two separate treasure stories. Fact check.

With that Legrand, we both agree, as do all the professional experts in their fields who examine the ciphers and those who found no historical evidence to document the Beale Party story.
As Lt Thomas Fawcett wrote to Col William Friedman on his fact finding mission to Lynchburg in 1949, "the story of gold buried in Bedford county by Captain Beale and his associates was spun from the imagination of Mr Beale".
Without any documentation outside of Ward's copyrighted dime novel of any of the events depicted within the job pamphlet, it is an obvious conclusion that the Beale Papers is a work of fiction as all the professionals of various fields quoted on this thread concur.

There were quotes in that article also authenticating the Beale Treasure. How about 96 year old daughter of James Beverly Ward and Mrs. Adams saying that Mrs. MeVeigh believed the story to be true as she did her Bible. And Mrs. Admas believing the story to be true and even sent a letter to the Library of Congress 15 years earlier and Lt. Fawcett had a copy of the letter. So even with Lt. Fawcett's claim that Ward made the story up is only his thoughts. Every treasure hunt I pursue I only have one family member that supports my searches all the rest don't believe in treasure at all of any type. So when all is said and done we have put forth no proof the Beale Treasure is indeed fact. But we are still searching. While you have not placed any proof forward other than 50/50 for and against. So let us continue talking this out and try to find some research for and against and leave out personal attacks please.


Mel Fisher and the Colorado DJ are two separate treasure stories. Fact check.
Colorado DJ, Chris Widener claimed to have solved the Beale treasure vault when he saw a cartoonish wolf's head on a cipher graph that he was working on, he contacted Mel Fisher, and both came to Bedford county to recover the Beale treasure based on Widener's solution.
Douglas Pardue's November 26. 1992 article in the ROANOKE TIMES confirms this.

... So let us continue talking this out and try to find some research for and against and leave out personal attacks please.
That will work until someone questions the validity of information posted, such as the totally unrelated to the Beale story information that has been posted in the guise of fact that proves the Beale story, such as a large gold nugget found in Colorado, iron mine massacre in Texas, Cockrell's non existent gold mine, and so on.
That is NOT valid research, just pure speculation to fit ones pet theory, constitutes nothing more than misinformation.

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There were quotes in that article also authenticating the Beale Treasure. How about 96 year old daughter of James Beverly Ward and Mrs. Adams saying that Mrs. MeVeigh believed the story to be true as she did her Bible. And Mrs. Admas believing the story to be true and even sent a letter to the Library of Congress 15 years earlier and Lt. Fawcett had a copy of the letter. So even with Lt. Fawcett's claim that Ward made the story up is only his thoughts...
Those were also the thoughts of Ward's grandson, Mr Walker who was also interviewed by Fawcett, as well as several others.
Have you read all the marginal handwritten notes, ie, the one about the buried treasure hoax story that appeared in a period Lynchburg INDEPENDENT newspaper?
Many of those named and interviewed in Fawcett's letter did not believe the story to be true.

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