Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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This is # 939. Now, who is the Liar.

And this is post # 935
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And post #996

I said earlier to post by Treasurenet rules yet you ignore my request. Next time you insult FK or any member you lose right to post for awhile.
Samuel FK, members are not obligated to answer your questions, FK is under no obligation to answer your questions either if he chooses not to so stop badgering him.
If members are bored with thread feel free to move to another thread, if your going to post then please post by our rules or you will lose the right to post for awhile.

And post #996
Honest Samuel, Your Lucky Treasure Hunter Found your posts before I did.
You wouldn't be back here Till November.
I've Reached My Limit at Giving Warnings in FinderKeeper's. Threads

Honest Samuel, Your Lucky Treasure Hunter Found your posts before I did.

You wouldn't be back here Till November.

I've Reached My Limit at Giving Warnings in FinderKeeper's. Threads

Honest Samuel is on vacation, we are tired of giving warnings and some members don't listen. Please post by TreasureNet rules or lose the right to post.

Samuel, you can read with out logging in and posting, if you join under new names to return to post your timeout will be doubled each time you do.

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Ya know Dennis, it sounds like you are working a rock shelter of sorts, and the blue clay would have been highly valued, not for it mineral content, but for the production of pigments, and a local guide, like in the story would likely know of a ready made camp such as a rock shelter, sources of (red, blue, green )clays have always been a valued commodity through time, even into the 20 th century, it sounds like a interesting site, ya know, in your home town I worked the sr 879, (lick run site, phase 2 and 3,just south of dents run, same prehistoric trail system, very cool

Thank You Loco oro, I worked inside this cave for 5yrs and I would like to know who built the wall inside it and made rooms , There are skeletons inside it that look to be human , with animal bones to. We think this site was used for 100's if not 1000's of years by human. We did everything to get the state to look at it. Ya we have a lot of questions to. Thanks for the post :notworthy:

There is a meteor that landed in Lick Run and the state will not let us look for it :dontknow:. WE have many sites in Clearfield and Elk County to check out this summer.

My first time posting on this thread , but this shelter sounds interesting , do you have any pics of the inside walls and such? would be interesting seeing them.

cave 2.webpScan_20180203.webpScan_20180308.webpScan_20180308 (6).webpQUOTE=sawmill man;5794609]My first time posting on this thread , but this shelter sounds interesting , do you have any pics of the inside walls and such? would be interesting seeing them.[/QUOTE]

The 1st picture is the front of the cave opening, main cave to right. you can see the burn marks top of right of center. 2nd picture is 3' long burn marks, smoke is going to back of cave to a air shaft that was their before the dozer caved in the celling. 3rd Was the first time we got gold readings with our GPL. 4th is me drilling in to the back wall in room #3.


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I fixed your Pics

bone 3.webpIMG_0215[1].webpLeft Cave 4.webpLeft Cave 5.webp

Pictures of what we think are human bones and a walking stick with a coin on it, and it looks like the bark was shaved from the upper top of it. The top of the walking stick is to the right. You will see a lot of black hair , could be Indian hair. I see a white finger bone in picture #2. Could be a foot and heel bone in #1 picture. There is so much going on in this part of this cave that a human had to live in here. The back of the cave is far back were it is much higher to stand. We took these pictures with a 25' extension on our video cam with zoom out full way. This was 100% black inside and we figure the bones were 35' from were we were laying.


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View attachment 1583196View attachment 1583198View attachment 1583199Not sure what we have in #1 photo, could be a tree root or dead dried skin. Looks like straw or animal hair is under it. We think this was taken about 12" from the cam. Note the red stone in the picture behind the walking stick, this stone is not from this area. The skeleton is behind the walking stick so we could only get parts of it , if it is a skeleton at all. Many silver coins in this area. The white stuff on the walking stick with the coin on it , we think is leather. We think this was the area his hand would be and a knife was in this leather. The bark on the upper part of the stick was cleaned away so this would not rub against his skin.

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WE have 10yrs of video tape from day one about this site. Its a great story and we are working with film companys now that want to do a TV series on it. The good part is , most of the filming is done, they want to use our footage on the series so NO SCRIP, NO FAKING ANYTHING. Its all real with a great ending and many twist and turns in it. No way could we tell it all in a 1hr TV show or movie , to tell it right this has to be a series. Ya a lot of reenactments for the civil war part needs to be done, but we have enough footage on DCNR and the FBI to finish the show. This will not be your average boring TV show , No Way, This is as good as it gets, Then you will see why I could not talk about it. Thank You

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Thanks for the pics, very interesting. wish you guys all the best.

If our lawyer does not get some kind of response back from the FBI by May 15 th we will hold a New Conference in Washington DC with the Network News. I hope they come out before then and tell the story.

Will this newest tv series you have in production delay the May 15th news conference?

Can somebody point me to the two pictures showing a coin?

Left Cave 5.webpLeft Cave 4.webpcave coin 1_LI.webpcave coin 3_LI.webp
Can somebody point me to the two pictures showing a coin?

I know it's hard to see them but we took this from video and with the lights we had attached we could see the high shine easy. There are a lot more in the cave. They are coins or rings or some kind of high grade shinny metal. This is the best I can do.

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Will this newest tv series you have in production delay the May 15th news conference?

That's not up to me now. Its up to the FBI, TV company, and my lawyer. I want to tell what I know and I will IF I CAN, Things change from day to day and I have no say in it. The Film crew pay for info and not sure if its better to talk or not. FBI is still doing the investigation so they say NO. Then my lawyer says Hold off until we get the OK. So not sure now.

Hi, Did you know that caves and old mines have vast amounts of falling dust in them . It would not take long from the time the coin was dropped to have a fine layer of dust settle on it. Either over time or the cave being disturbed only increases the amount of layers . Live in area that vast amount of caves and mines . Wet or dry makes no difference. . Please explain how a coin remains so shiny ? TP

Scan_20180427 (9).webpScan_20180427 (7).webpScan_20180427 (5).webpIn the first picture you can see the metal bracing we used in room 3, Picture 2 is room 2 after 3 yrs of water running through it. Picture 3 is taken on first week inside left side of room 1.

Scan_20180427 (11).webpPicture if one of our core holes we did . This one goes down 8' but we did drill down to 12' with a 2 3/4" core bit. Its a slow process and it takes 2 days to drill one hole 8' deep.

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