This is # 939. Now, who is the Liar.
And this is post # 935
"Keep the discussion civil, respectful and on topic.
Posts should be suitable for all ages, on topic, concise, and courteous.
If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner.
Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone.
All members are equal, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, or experience. Never take a superior tone with, or "talk down" to, anyone."
And post #996
I said earlier to post by Treasurenet rules yet you ignore my request. Next time you insult FK or any member you lose right to post for awhile.
Samuel FK, members are not obligated to answer your questions, FK is under no obligation to answer your questions either if he chooses not to so stop badgering him.
If members are bored with thread feel free to move to another thread, if your going to post then please post by our rules or you will lose the right to post for awhile.
And post #996
Honest Samuel, Your Lucky Treasure Hunter Found your posts before I did.
You wouldn't be back here Till November.
I've Reached My Limit at Giving Warnings in FinderKeeper's. Threads