Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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Hi, Did you know that caves and old mines have vast amounts of falling dust in them . It would not take long from the time the coin was dropped to have a fine layer of dust settle on it. Either over time or the cave being disturbed only increases the amount of layers . Live in area that vast amount of caves and mines . Wet or dry makes no difference. . Please explain how a coin remains so shiny ? TP

Good question, But there is no dust on the walking stick or anything else. This area was sealed off and wet & damp . There is solid sand stone above 32' x 30' area. WE worked inside this cave for 5yrs and did not know this room was here. There was a small opening to it 4" x 12" and that was 12' from us. We used a 24' extension on our video cam to get pictures in this room. The objects we see we think are 35' back from the front of the cave. The 1st room of the cave had 16" of opening in the center of it were the water runs and 12" of clearance for 15' to the left and right sides. It took us many trips trying everything we could just to get these pictures. I do not make money from doing research on Indian sites and that can cost a lot to do, We just film what we see and its up to the Indian Nation Museum in NY to deal with a dig . WE sent them all the video and info we had but this was on state land and they could do nothing. Yet they kept all the pictures and video we sent them and they sent them to DCNR in Pa, now we have nothing but a few pictures to post :BangHead:.

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Rock shelters some times have a uncanny ability to preserve, anyone can google (sheeprock shelter )Huntington county, professionally dug by the professor of anthropology of juniata college, before my time, but I worked for the CRM firm he started, they found moccasins, and baskets, bundles of herbs,in a amazing state of preservation, I am still amazed the PHMC,wouldn't have been all over this, I suppose they diddnt expect any impact on the site,rock shelters would have been utilized over thousands of years, all the way into historical periods,multiple occupation levels, sounds significant from historical perspective, I worked the (mycut)rock shelter, it had occupational levels that carbon dated to middle archaic period, all the way to 20 th century goat farmer,over 7thousand years,

Probably be just FK posting back and forth with himself, everybody else has received or will receive the

If members refuse to post by our rules then they will find they cant post at all. Some for a little while others for a lot longer, doesn't matter if thread is about a treasure or unicorns.

I understand the site has rules BUT
what if this is not real ....Are you not afraid of the good members you banned that may not come back?
just a question .... I'm not trying to stir the pot .... but why not let the skeptics speak?

We already Know the story is Real.

FinderKeeper is Treasure Hunting the site.
The FBI was on Site.
TV Crews have done Stories.

That is all anyone needs to Confirm it is a Real Treasure Hunt.

You get First Hand info from FinderKeeper here, not a TV producers story.
& you's Weren't There. Guess Who I believe.

Someone who was on site,
Or someone who is either in the Dark,
Talking Out their Butts, trying to look informed,
Naysayers on Treasures or jealous, Or all of the above?

& I don't expect any Argument if anyone wishes to continue Here

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love you to death .... I won't argue as you have the power but
what if..... why not listen to the Skeptics... you banned a few good members for just thier beliefs?

No one was Banned for Being Skeptic
All members who were Banned Refused to follow our rules.
No One has the right To attack a Member
for their treasure tale , or call them a liar.

The Person who Put Boots on the ground Trumps Everyone Else.

No one has a right to Ignore Warnings From Moderators & expect to get away with It.

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love you to death .... I won't argue as you have the power but
what if..... why not listen to the Skeptics... you banned a few good members for just thier beliefs?

Members I gave timeouts to here refused to post by the rules, I warn several times to stop the insults, calling someone a liar is an attack and insult. Constant badgering and talking down to members will earn timeouts as will challenging their character.

Insulting s member right after being warn to stop insulting will earn a quick timeout, timespan of timeout depends on how many times they have been banned in the past, some are short, repeated bans get longer.

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Folks, this thread is under the microscope by two Mods, I’ve seen worse get by on other threads over the years, heed the warnings on this one, there’s not much margin for error. The members that were banned really didn’t care if they were banned, they often asked for it.

As previously suggested by a mod, there are other threads, let this one die, FK is the only one at this point that can add value. There are other means to express your skepticism with FK...private messages, his website, etc.

If you assign any value on your ability to post on this site, tread with caution. Keep in mind that you may have members that enjoy your contributions, you hurt them when you self ban.

"No one was banned for being a skeptic" ?

But the moment someone is "skeptical", that can be defined by someone else as having "called them a liar", having "attacked", "talking down" or "insulting" them. Why can't it simply be skeptical", which you're saying is allowed?

And "liar" is purposed deception. I don't think anyone here doubts that FK is very sincere in his beliefs that a treasure is there. So he's not "lying". But to say "mistaken" (and dispute their premises and notions) is not to call the person a "liar". Is it?

"No one was banned for being a skeptic" ?

But the moment someone is "skeptical", that can be defined by someone else as having "called them a liar", having "attacked", "talking down" or "insulting" them. Why can't it simply be skeptical", which you're saying is allowed?

And "liar" is purposed deception. I don't think anyone here doubts that FK is very sincere in his beliefs that a treasure is there. So he's not "lying". But to say "mistaken" (and dispute their premises and notions) is not to call the person a "liar". Is it?

When you call someone a "liar" there is nothing "open to interpretation". When you call a member a clown there is nothing open to interpretation. Our rules are clear.

Help keep the atmosphere at TreasureNet fun! Sniping, name calling, denegration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation. In extreme cases grounds for banning!

Respect our moderators. Our moderators are tasked with keeping TreasureNet family friendly, on topic, and civil. Not always an easy task. Insults, and personal attacks against our moderators will not be tolerated and may be grounds for account deletion and banning. If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post! (You've probably violated some rule below!)

Keep the discussion civil, respectful and on topic"

"Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone.

All members are equal, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, or experience. Never take a superior tone with, or "talk down" to, anyone."

It's really not that hard.

You also get banned for lying about finds as well, I believe in the past they caught people buying coins on ebay and posting them as finds. Am I correct on this?

This site gets around 1,200 to 1,500 views a day . There are a lot of members that do not post because someone will bash them. I hear about this all the time. It only takes a few members to mess things up and having fun doing it. A lot of good members here posted something real and got bashed in return. Why post your thoughts or finds , or something that you saw if some members have a hard time believing it. I been posting here for over 10yrs about this Dents Run site and I keep posting for the members that believe in what I say, I could care less if some don't , that's why I keep doing the posting. Soon I will have to stop posting about some of my sites but I will try to answer questions when I can. I like this site they way it is now :icon_thumright: Thank You Moderators
Hay members if you think the Moderators are doing a good job now , its your time to thank them now. Let them know. Thank You

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You also get banned for lying about finds as well, I believe in the past they caught people buying coins on ebay and posting them as finds. Am I correct on this?


You get First Hand info from FinderKeeper here, not a TV producers story.
& you's Weren't There. Guess Who I believe.

Just out of curiosity
If I was to post I found statues that are identical to the ones on Easter Island in Montanna.

Would you believe me?

Just out of curiosity
If I was to post I found statues that are identical to the ones on Easter Island in Montanna.

Would you believe me?

Only if you posted blurry photos where you had to describe what was there to be "seen"

When you call someone a "liar" there is nothing "open to interpretation". When you call a member a clown there is nothing open to interpretation. Our rules are clear.

Help keep the atmosphere at TreasureNet fun! Sniping, name calling, denegration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation. In extreme cases grounds for banning!

Respect our moderators. Our moderators are tasked with keeping TreasureNet family friendly, on topic, and civil. Not always an easy task. Insults, and personal attacks against our moderators will not be tolerated and may be grounds for account deletion and banning. If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post! (You've probably violated some rule below!)

Keep the discussion civil, respectful and on topic"

"Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone.

All members are equal, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, or experience. Never take a superior tone with, or "talk down" to, anyone."

It's really not that hard.

Was there repercussions to the ones that call others "Serfs" on a certain other thread? No nothing was done because it had to do with guns and which it is bias as you support every aspect of it TH. I know it's your right, but the argument was the put downs were over looked.

Hands down, best site out there, I have learned so much from members here, and my opinion is, finders, as treasure hunter said, has boots on the ground, and has national publicity, that in its self is more than most, treasure comes in all forms, I believe there is historical value to it, there are many things to look at.

Was there repercussions to the ones that call others "Serfs" on a certain other thread? No nothing was done because it had to do with guns and which it is bias as you support every aspect of it TH. I know it's your right, but the argument was the put downs were over looked.

I have no idea what thread your talking about, did you report it? You do realize mods don't read every post? Now your acusing me of being bias.

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