Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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Mr Parada,
You don't even know the correct date when Scully wrote his story. You don't know of an archive where your story was supposedly found. (What's the name of the archive) You don't know the names of the Pinkerton agents. (Pinkerton Co. says they have no record of this) You say people were looking for the gold long before Scully. (Who?)

The origin of the story is by Susan Gardner for Treasure Magazine in 1973. This is the earliest record of this story. There is nothing before this. Nothing in any newspaper. Nothing exists. If you disagree, then it's time to offer up the proof rather than continue to defend a debunked position! In my opinion you are simply trying to get a treasure hunting television show out of a debunked treasure legend and that's like kicking a dead horse!

I see from the info you posted you have not done any research if you think Susan was the first person to write this story, GET REAL it goes back way before she was a writer. You can do better than this, and some members believe what you post :laughing7:

.... We worked with DCNR , FBI and the Gov. of Nova Scotia. ..

"Worked" being defined as making a big enough stink , that they answer their phone and listen to you, or come out to look at somewhere you're claiming a treasure exists. Right ?

.... We have over 15 workers and we have many partners with some of the best equipment out there....

And this has what to do with the existence of a treasure ? I can hire 15 workers, and buy a bunch of equipment too. Does that mean there is, of necessity, a treasure ? No.

... WE are under contract with a film company now and have many offers from major film companys. ...

Well then you are in a perfect position for success. Because Hollywood wants sensationalism . Hollywood loves the "cliff-hangers". That sells ratings after all. Hollywood wants passion from their actors . Which you are showing quite well (and to be commended for). If it doesn't have components of skeletons, conspiracies, double-crosses, ambushes, tips-of-icebergs, etc... then: It doesn't sell.

Thus yes: You've fulfilled your goal. But .... no treasure :sadsanta:

.... , DCNR said do not talk about some things, now the FBI says stay quiet for now. My lawyer says stop talking until ....

Ah yes, there it is. It amounts to: "We have most certainly found a treasure. But durned that red tape. And "Be patient. The unveiling to follow soon"

OK , and you want us to believe your story is real. :laughing7: If you are 1/2 of what you say , were have you been the last 5 yrs. You must not get out much. We have a mason lodge right across from our site in New Ross. I know the members . Tell me you don't know about Oak Island either :laughing7: because its just 14miles from our site . Don't come on this site and make statements you know nothing about. Check with the mason lodge in New Ross, NS.

Yup. Here it is. The classic bait-&-switch (albeit sincere). So now: Instead of talking about the pro's & con's of whether a treasure exists, we are fed a red herring. We are now talking about whether or not someone's masonic ranking is higher than another person. How many miles away you are from such & such. What someone else's character is like. The date & origin of a legend. Etc....

I see from the info you posted you have not done any research if you think Susan was the first person to write this story, GET REAL it goes back way before she was a writer. You can do better than this, and some members believe what you post :laughing7:

Dennis ..... I'm calling you out! SHOW US YOUR PROOF!!! You have no documentation on this treasure legend before 1973 and you only know of Susan Gardner because I just told you!
You have none. You're just a loudmouth furniture salesman from Curwensville that's dead broke and trying desperately to get a TV show based upon nothing but you being a nuisance to everyone and giving treasure hunters a bad reputation! If you're so successful then why was your home put up for Sheriff's sale for non-payment of your taxes last Fall. Yeah, I know a whole lot about you and how you've tried to intimidate young metal detectorists that you find detecting sites that you think are yours. How you put up illegal trail cameras and how you've threatened people. You want to piss me off then this is going to get real very fast! I'll expose all of your lies and secrets publicly.

Who are your producers, NAME THEM. I'm betting that you don't have any!
You just keep weaving your web of lies!

I'm calling you out....Now are going to man up and provide proof and sources or are you going to slink away?

I am going to man up and state that there is no gold at that location.

I see from the info you posted you have not done any research if you think Susan was the first person to write this story, GET REAL it goes back way before she was a writer. You can do better than this, and some members believe what you post :laughing7:
I do not believe your story. If you are a successful treasure hunter as you claim, you be rich and have the bond money. Keep in touch.

Hay we are not a small treasure hunting business. We do this full time. We have many lawyers in USA and in Nova Scotia. We worked with DCNR , FBI and the Gov. of Nova Scotia. We have over 15 workers and we have many partners with some of the best equipment out there. We don't just give up info after we spent a lot of money and time on a hunt. WE do not take money from investors. WE spend our own money. WE are under contract with a film company now and have many offers from major film companys. The film companys say do not tell anything, DCNR said do not talk about some things, now the FBI says stay quiet for now. My lawyer says stop talking until we see what the FBI is doing. But its hard to keep quiet on some things when we think its a major find. WE do not back down on any claim we made over the years or we would of removed them from our web page . If we locate something major and can't dig it up, we move on. If we can't make any money from it , we let it set until we find a way some time in the future. A lot of people ask what happen in Dents Run and we will tell it all when we can , When ???? I was going public 2 weeks ago if the FBI didn't but they made a small statement that they did not find what they were looking for????? that could play out to be anything. Maybe they were looking for union gold and found confederate gold, or Spanish gold ?????? Maybe they were looking for 2 tons of gold and only found 1 ton. We have major people working on this and when they say its time to talk , we will do a major news event on CNN and other major networks. I am staying quiet for now but you will see my crew or the FBI doing a statement with in 3 weeks . There is a lot going on that the public does not know about and I am doing everything I can to tell it all. This story will not just go away, I have to much money and time in it and it will be told soon. Hang in there.

You're working so hard that you have time to sit by your computer all day just waiting for the next post in these threads. You do realize that you're the laughing stock of the treasure hunting community for making one bogus claim after another! Tell me Dennis have you even read the report that I posted? What was the real name of Dents Run in 1864?

Tell us Dennis, about all the treasures that you and your group have found.

Tell us Dennis, about all the treasures that you and your group have found.

He can't tell us. Because the FBI, his lawyers, the police, & the DCNR have told him to "keep quiet". But not-to-worry: He will be going public "shortly".

Another reason why big-ticket big-game-cache hunters can't reveal their finds, is that they fear the IRS, claim-jumpers, thieves that will target their homes, kidnappers, etc.... But rest-assured: They have teams that are finding treasures all the time.

.... You have no documentation on this treasure legend before 1973 ....

....Who are your producers, NAME THEM. I'm betting that you don't have any!

And even if :

A) he could show you names, dates, places, events, that DID pre-date 1973, that still doesn't necessarily equate to the truth of any treasure being there. Not saying it's not a valid point to debate origins of legends (to debunk them). But just saying: The "faithful" love to devolve into side debates like this. Because once they can show some earlier origin than 1973, then presto: In their mind's eyes, a treasure most certainly exists.

B) Same for any media who's shown interest in this: Even if Dennis does indeed have media interest (thus seeming to make you eat crow), then ask yourself: Does THAT mean : "Certain treasure" ? Again: No.

So these are two rabbit trails that Dennis would most certainly like to pursue. Rather than the bigger issue of: Is there a treasure.

I think you guys put way too much effort in bunking or de-bunking these know how much my life is going to change wether something is found or if nothing is found? 0.0%

I'm heading there next weekend for a week of detecting and fishing...I'll bring a bar crucible is getting hungry.

Tedyoh are you going to take me WITH YOU UP THERE ?

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Tedyoh are you going to take me WITH YOU UP THERE ?
I don't own the camp so's simple directions to dents Run, 80 east, exit route 255, get on route 555 at the split, 18 miles on the left.

I have been up there quite a few times with my horses. Would like to go there and take some of my quads

Dennis ..... I'm calling you out! SHOW US YOUR PROOF!!! You have no documentation on this treasure legend before 1973 and you only know of Susan Gardner because I just told you!
You have none. You're just a loudmouth furniture salesman from Curwensville that's dead broke and trying desperately to get a TV show based upon nothing but you being a nuisance to everyone and giving treasure hunters a bad reputation! If you're so successful then why was your home put up for Sheriff's sale for non-payment of your taxes last Fall. Yeah, I know a whole lot about you and how you've tried to intimidate young metal detectorists that you find detecting sites that you think are yours. How you put up illegal trail cameras and how you've threatened people. You want to piss me off then this is going to get real very fast! I'll expose all of your lies and secrets publicly.

Who are your producers, NAME THEM. I'm betting that you don't have any!
You just keep weaving your web of lies!

I'm calling you out....Now are going to man up and provide proof and sources or are you going to slink away?

Ok its easy to see who you are now. Nothing you posted is correct , NICE TRY. Just as I thought. Calling me out :laughing7: your not worth my time. I only post to real treasure hunters on this site , the rest can think what they want. I don't Care what you think :hello:

... I don't Care what you think :hello:

Yes. It is quite apparent you do not care what your fellow man thinks about you, and your treasure claims. ::)

Might be time to perk up and be a little introspective.

Yes. It is quite apparent you do not care what your fellow man thinks about you, and your treasure claims. ::)

Might be time to perk up and be a little introspective.
I don't care what you think either , SORRY :occasion18:

I should thank you all for posting on this site
, the post are keeping this Dents Run Treasure
of all other sites. Its when the posting stops is when things go down hill.
. AS TRUMP would say , it doesn't matter if its good news or bad news as long as its in the news every day . :hello2:

I think you guys put way too much effort in bunking or de-bunking these know how much my life is going to change wether something is found or if nothing is found? 0.0%

I'm heading there next weekend for a week of detecting and fishing...I'll bring a bar crucible is getting hungry.
Make sure you pay your federal income taxes when selling your bar.

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