Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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OK , I can tell you this much about the story but the rest I will hold on to until we see what happens with some TV and movie offers we got. The story was not made up by Francis Scully in 1974 , he copied it from a story from the Harrisburg Archives filed in 1961. This original story was done by one of the 2 Pinkerton Agents that lived in Benezette Pa. The Pinkerton files were burned up in the great fire in Chicago but he had his paper work in his log cabin built at Trout Run in Benezette. When he died his family gave the info to the Archives. He was at the court trail and knew more about all the info on were this gold came from and were the wagons were found at. People that lived in the area have been looking for this gold way before Scully was even born :icon_scratch:. The info is filed and its real and the rest is on hold until we see what happens. So for all of you so called experts , its about time to eat some crow :headbang:

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...., its about time to eat some crow....

Nope. All you have is salacious story-origins-claims. Unless you have gold, then ... no crow. Unless there's gold, it's no better than Oak Island , Yamashita, Lost Dutchman, pearl ship, etc....

... The story was not made up by Francis Scully , he copied it from a story from the Harrisburg Archives in ....

Oh, and let's be clear : You can "one-up" the efforts of the skeptics, by showing an earlier origin. To distance yourself from "treasure-legend" camp-fire story claims. You arrive at an earlier source, to show it wasn't "made up". Ok, I got it.

But what this fails to realize, is that ALL treasure legends are based around real events, names, dates, and events. Ie.: 99% true. Hence ... who can argue with that. Right ? And just throw in a treasure (1% more), and ... presto, there's a treasure. Right ?

No amount of separating fact from fiction, in this case, is going to equal a treasure.

Eg: You can dispute tax laws, engravings on bars, FBI, names and dates of birth of stage drivers, presidential conspiracy motives, routes-of-travel, family info. given to archives, etc... Till the cows come home. None of those peripheral debates bears on the bigger picture: " Is there a treasure ?" And unless someone shows treasure , the answer is: It's only an assertion.

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I think we have to many so called experts on this site that will never eat crow or admit when they are wrong. They bash other treasure hunters and that makes them feel like they are one to, NEVER HAPPEN :occasion14:

OK , I can tell you this much about the story but the rest I will hold on to until we see what happens with some TV and movie offers we got. The story was not made up by Francis Scully in 1974 , he copied it from a story from the Harrisburg Archives filed in 1961. This original story was done by one of the 2 Pinkerton Agents that lived in Benezette Pa. The Pinkerton files were burned up in the great fire in Chicago but he had his paper work in his log cabin built at Trout Run in Benezette. When he died his family gave the info to the Archives. He was at the court trail and knew more about all the info on were this gold came from and were the wagons were found at. People that lived in the area have been looking for this gold way before Scully was even born :icon_scratch:. The info is filed and its real and the rest is on hold until we see what happens. So for all of you so called experts , its about time to eat some crow :headbang:

Mr Parada,
You don't even know the correct date when Scully wrote his story. You don't know of an archive where your story was supposedly found. (What's the name of the archive) You don't know the names of the Pinkerton agents. (Pinkerton Co. says they have no record of this) You say people were looking for the gold long before Scully. (Who?)

The origin of the story is by Susan Gardner for Treasure Magazine in 1973. This is the earliest record of this story. There is nothing before this. Nothing in any newspaper. Nothing exists. If you disagree, then it's time to offer up the proof rather than continue to defend a debunked position! In my opinion you are simply trying to get a treasure hunting television show out of a debunked treasure legend and that's like kicking a dead horse!

Where is your research???
I suppose that Lincoln had the men's names wiped from every record including their family bibles!
If Lincoln had all the paperwork destroyed how did you find out about it? Oh yea ..... Francis Scully .... The guy who ripped off the story and completely changed it!
You're delusional! and You've never found anything that you have claimed....Let's see the pictures of all of your supposed finds!
That's why Lincoln declared martial law and shut down over 300 newspapers, not cause he was a dictator but he had to hide the gold

I think we have to many so called experts on this site that will never eat crow or admit when they are wrong. They bash other treasure hunters and that makes them feel like they are one to, NEVER HAPPEN :occasion14:

I'll happily proclaim you the best treasure hunter in history IF you ever show this "gold". I will make a new post every day saying I was wrong about you, but you have to so REAL proof. You have to show us pics of you standing with your pile of "tons of gold". Until then, you're chasing pipe dreams and BS

I think we have to many so called experts on this site that will never eat crow or admit when they are wrong. ....

Sure they'll eat crow. Show us the gold. We/I will be more than happy to eat crow . Ok. We're waiting with open arms. Where's a treasure ? Tick tick tick. (crickets chirping).

Mr Parada,
You don't even know the correct date when Scully wrote his story. You don't know of an archive where your story was supposedly found. (What's the name of the archive) You don't know the names of the Pinkerton agents. (Pinkerton Co. says they have no record of this) You say people were looking for the gold long before Scully. (Who?)

The origin of the story is by Susan Gardner for Treasure Magazine in 1973. This is the earliest record of this story. There is nothing before this. Nothing in any newspaper. Nothing exists. If you disagree, then it's time to offer up the proof rather than continue to defend a debunked position! In my opinion you are simply trying to get a treasure hunting television show out of a debunked treasure legend and that's like kicking a dead horse!

Careful there holey-moley. Because here's what happens with these ghost-story camp-fire treasure legends, when the skeptic goes to point out a weakness. Eg.: in this case: The oldest origins of the story : The believer can find SOME way, where SOME component, might JUST INDEED pre-date your date. Or he can claim that the lack of records is a conspiratorial cover-up (how can you disprove destroyed records ?) And then ...... presto : In his mind, then a treasure most certainly exists.

We've seen this psychology develop @ Oak Island. Some skeptic tries to point out that to bury something this deep, was impossible with manual labor at such & such a century. But the believers merely say things like "well gee, they built the pyramids, didn't they ?" See how the debates get off track ? If there's no treasure, THEN WHAT DOES IT MATTER if names, dates, origins of earliest story-telling, inscriptions of gold bars, intentions of presidents, blah blah blah ? None of that means anything to proving merit to whether or not a treasure exists.

I'm not saying points your saying don't sink the dent story. Yes I believe it does. But just saying: Beware. Because then it detours on to rabbit trails where ... pretty soon no one's talking about if a treasure exists. They're only debating earliest date origins of stories.

That's why I was willing to grant Mr. Parada that. Because it's a non-issue.

That's why Lincoln declared martial law and shut down over 300 newspapers, not cause he was a dictator but he had to hide the gold

Yes. Exactly why NO amounts of evidence AGAINST a treasure legend, can ever effectively put it to rest. Because all the believers have to do, is to claim a conspiratorial cover-up. Then ... presto: A treasure most certainly exists.

If this is "evidence", then ... gee, I can prove unicorns and leprechauns exist, using this logic. I can say they exist, but that the government has hushed the evidence. And they rush to hide the unicorns and leprechauns in zoos that you don't happen to be visiting that day. And the camera film companies are under strict orders not to develop photographs , that would otherwise be leaked to the public.

That's why you never see leprechauns and unicorns, nor see pictures of them. But ... rest assured, ... they exist.

I do not know if this story is true or not. To those who are looking for this treasure, good hunting and good luck.

Its like I said before, some experts on this post don't know what they are doing when it comes to research . Why should I tell you more, if you want the rest of the story do your own home work. I gave you enough to get you started. Have a good day :laughing7:

Paul Harvey would give us the rest of the story

Its like I said before, some experts on this post don't know what they are doing when it comes to research . Why should I tell you more, if you want the rest of the story do your own home work. I gave you enough to get you started. Have a good day :laughing7:

As suspected. No treasure.

Here's a paper debunking the Dents Run Legend. the Dents Run Treasure Legend.pdf?dl=0

You can read here where Dennis Parada claims he found Templar Treasure

I find this interesting since I'm a Blue Lodge Mason, 32nd degree Mason, York Rite Mason, and Shriner. I am 1 of only 2 individuals in Pennsylvania to ever receive the Master Builders Award. I also belong to the Masonic Academy of Knowledge in Elizabethtown, Pa. I am a leading authority on the Knights Templar and today's Templars as they exist within Freemasonry. If any of this were true I would know about it!
The whoppers coming from Finderskeepers just keep getting bigger and bigger.

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Hay we are not a small treasure hunting business. We do this full time. We have many lawyers in USA and in Nova Scotia. We worked with DCNR , FBI and the Gov. of Nova Scotia. We have over 15 workers and we have many partners with some of the best equipment out there. We don't just give up info after we spent a lot of money and time on a hunt. WE do not take money from investors. WE spend our own money. WE are under contract with a film company now and have many offers from major film companys. The film companys say do not tell anything, DCNR said do not talk about some things, now the FBI says stay quiet for now. My lawyer says stop talking until we see what the FBI is doing. But its hard to keep quiet on some things when we think its a major find. WE do not back down on any claim we made over the years or we would of removed them from our web page . If we locate something major and can't dig it up, we move on. If we can't make any money from it , we let it set until we find a way some time in the future. A lot of people ask what happen in Dents Run and we will tell it all when we can , When ???? I was going public 2 weeks ago if the FBI didn't but they made a small statement that they did not find what they were looking for????? that could play out to be anything. Maybe they were looking for union gold and found confederate gold, or Spanish gold ?????? Maybe they were looking for 2 tons of gold and only found 1 ton. We have major people working on this and when they say its time to talk , we will do a major news event on CNN and other major networks. I am staying quiet for now but you will see my crew or the FBI doing a statement with in 3 weeks . There is a lot going on that the public does not know about and I am doing everything I can to tell it all. This story will not just go away, I have to much money and time in it and it will be told soon. Hang in there.

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Here's a paper debunking the Dents Run Legend. the Dents Run Treasure Legend.pdf?dl=0

You can read here where Dennis Parada claims he found Templar Treasure

I find this interesting since I'm a Blue Lodge Mason, 32nd degree Mason, York Rite Mason, and Shriner. I am 1 of only 2 individuals in Pennsylvania to ever receive the Master Builders Award. I also belong to the Masonic Academy of Knowledge in Elizabethtown, Pa. I am a leading authority on the Knights Templar and today's Templars as they exist within Freemasonry. If any of this were true I would know about it!
The whoppers coming from Finderskeepers just keep getting bigger and bigger.

OK , and you want us to believe your story is real. :laughing7: If you are 1/2 of what you say , were have you been the last 5 yrs. You must not get out much. We have a mason lodge right across from our site in New Ross. I know the members . Tell me you don't know about Oak Island either :laughing7: because its just 14miles from our site . Don't come on this site and make statements you know nothing about. Check with the mason lodge in New Ross, NS.

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