Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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What ? To get off one's duff and go "find" something ? As if in future tense "search " or "go look" ?

Perhaps you are not paying attention. He says he's "found" (past tense) a treasure. If you'd like the links to his quotes, just let me know.
I am letting you know that I cannot find the links that he and his crew ever found treasures in their life. Stay tune.

Quit trying to make it appear as though you found that silver! You're at the historical society and those are reproduction peralta stones behind you. You're another guy who claims to have found treasure that you don't have and tried to file a claim on top of another claim owned by a copper mining company in AZ. Everybody knows about you!
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I don't hide behind a TNet handle. Everyone out here knows me. That photo was not taken at the Historical Society wherever that is. Seems I have a new troll.

The more you post the more we know about you :occasion18:. Everything you post is so wrong and it tells us how much you do know. Hay Keep up the good work and tell us more :headbang:. Thank You

Ignore him Dennis. Just another jealous troll. At least your putting through an effort.

Ignore him Dennis. Just another jealous troll.....

Yes. We are jealous of all these Treasures you guys are finding. Proof ? Nnaahh. But rest assured : Treasures are being found.

Ignore him Dennis. Just another jealous troll. At least your putting through an effort.

Hi sgtfda , I been talking to Jack about Dents Run and he is ready to publish his book. I am glad he is doing it , its long over due. Ya I have a lot of Trolls here but hay they keep this post on top. So they do have a purpose in life because they are not real treasure hunters . Its sad to see them bashing people that are real hunters and they only hunt for people to bash. Must be a sad life. Hay I hope you hit the big one out there. Good Luck

Dennis. Just like when the Legend show was airing on History. We had about 10% haters. But you can't hate something unless you watch. Only drives up the ratings. Jacks book would be a game changer. We both know bars were found. Question is where are the rest hidden.

I don't hide behind a TNet handle. Everyone out here knows me. That photo was not taken at the Historical Society wherever that is. Seems I have a new troll.

Yep. That historical Society has silver bars just laying around.

Dennis. Just like when the Legend show was airing on History. We had about 10% haters. But you can't hate something unless you watch. Only drives up the ratings. Jacks book would be a game changer. We both know bars were found. Question is where are the rest hidden.

Sure glad I cut the idiot box's cable cord and missed all this trash on these channels.

Dennis, show up the gold and we will believe in you. Other wise, go away now.

Lets talk about the Trolls that are here to bash me. Why do you think they go out of their way to do it :dontknow:. Well I know some of them and they would like me to stay small and go away, WHY :dontknow:. One is with DCNR and they thought after 5yrs I was going to forget what they did to us and everything would stay quiet. DID NOT HAPPEN. Another one is from New Ross , NS. Canada and wanted to jump in and take everything I been working for . He bought some land and paid $100,000.00 for it and can not dig because I have the mineral rights under it. His property sits empty and he is broke. Greed set in and made him buy this land. Hay we have TROLLS when you get this big in treasure hunting. We have people that dug at our sites , we have people that want to take over our sites, we have people that want us to give them info on were our sites are so they can dig ( DCNR ). One is from New Ross and he wanted to help us at our site, but I did not trust him so he is pissed.
Its a game we all play and they try to get me to talk :icon_scratch:. Never Going to happen until we dig it up first. The last thing some want is for me to do a TV series and tell what they did to us. YA we have Trolls and they say anything they can but in the end I WIN because I know how to play the game. Have a good day.

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249831_326961770741482_1687970579_n.webp Please, no more bashing of others, it's not very nice.

I belong to a couple knife forums, a lot of fishing forums, but this is by far the most entertaining forum, glad I joined lol.


I belong to a couple knife forums, a lot of fishing forums, but this is by far the most entertaining forum, glad I joined lol.


You actually read all 613 posts??

Those who can't post by our rules after a warning will find they lost the ability to post for awhile.

"Troll" and "bashing" is defined as "anyone who says: 'Where's the proof ?' " . Got it. :icon_salut:


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