Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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This Dents Run Gold is about the biggest bunch of baloney that I've ever witnessed.... I smell a scam here! This was totally debunked by an historical archaeologist that says, The men never existed anywhere in the historical record of the United States Army, the weights and measures were wrong for gold, the place names were modern and not the names of the locations at that time period, Pinkerton's have absolutely no record of this in their archives and the very first mention of it is in 1973 in an article in Treasure magazine. The legend apparently appeared nowhere before that. Now you're telling everyone that you know more than the archie does ....... Let's see your research or don't you have any? The Archie has plenty of research apparently!


I'm reminded of a quote from Noble prize winner for literature, George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950, when reading your post. It states: "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance".

This Dents Run Gold is about the biggest bunch of baloney that I've ever witnessed.... I smell a scam here! This was totally debunked by an historical archaeologist that says, The men never existed anywhere in the historical record of the United States Army, the weights and measures were wrong for gold, the place names were modern and not the names of the locations at that time period, Pinkerton's have absolutely no record of this in their archives and the very first mention of it is in 1973 in an article in Treasure magazine. The legend apparently appeared nowhere before that. Now you're telling everyone that you know more than the archie does ....... Let's see your research or don't you have any? The Archie has plenty of research apparently!


Honest Samuel:

That's the silliest post on TN this year.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo


Here's your answers right here by one of the leading professional treasure hunters in America!
Don't you think he'd be after this if it existed?

Hay Tedyoh, We are going to need a lot more CROW to feed them all, :BangHead: get ready.

Just because some experts couldn't find info on this hunt , doesn't mean it didn't happen . It just shows they don't know what they are doing. That said , there is a good part to hunt. President Lincoln did not report it missing and had all paper work destroyed. WHY, it was just 3 weeks before the battle of Gettysburg and he didn't know if the Confederate Army got it or not. He didn't want the public to know they lost a lot of gold . The army did not look for it , there is no REWARD for it , SO THIS NEVER HAPPEN . GREAT , Guess what , the bars were not refined so there are no markings on them , GREAT. SO under common law , IT IS ABANDON . and if no markings are on it , The FINDER gets it all unless the FED or State file a claim. This is why DCNR could not dig it up and it was on their land. Come on GET REAL MEMBERS. Why didn't they just dig it up, its because I am the finder and have a claim. YA the law department in Harrisburg did offer us a digging permit with a smaller bond . This was done after we left the site after DCNR dug at the site. BUT They wanted us to sign off our rights to anything found and give it to the Museum Commissioners in Harrisburg. They wanted us to erase our complaints we filed by the State Police, FBI, and remove all bad wording we posted in TN. and never talk about what DCNR did to us over the years. If we agree to that we would get to dig it up. But we get nothing back, NO finders FEE, or REWARD. Yet we pay for the dig and reclaim the land. :BangHead: There is a lot more to this story we can not tell yet. But it gets a lot better :occasion14:

Define soon??

They leave the definition un-defined. Therefore they never have to get pinned down. "Soon" could be tomorrow. Could be next week. Could be next year. And each time, they can simply repeat: "Big news will break".

Just because some experts couldn't find info on this hunt , doesn't mean it didn't happen . It just shows they don't know what they are doing. That said , there is a good part to hunt. President Lincoln did not report it missing and had all paper work destroyed. WHY, it was just 3 weeks before the battle of Gettysburg and he didn't know if the Confederate Army got it or not. He didn't want the public to know they lost a lot of gold . The army did not look for it , there is no REWARD for it , SO THIS NEVER HAPPEN . GREAT , Guess what , the bars were not refined so there are no markings on them , GREAT. SO under common law , IT IS ABANDON . and if no markings are on it , The FINDER gets it all unless the FED or State file a claim. This is why DCNR could not dig it up and it was on their land. Come on GET REAL MEMBERS. Why didn't they just dig it up, its because I am the finder and have a claim. YA the law department in Harrisburg did offer us a digging permit with a smaller bond . This was done after we left the site after DCNR dug at the site. BUT They wanted us to sign off our rights to anything found and give it to the Museum Commissioners in Harrisburg. They wanted us to erase our complaints we filed by the State Police, FBI, and remove all bad wording we posted in TN. and never talk about what DCNR did to us over the years. If we agree to that we would get to dig it up. But we get nothing back, NO finders FEE, or REWARD. Yet we pay for the dig and reclaim the land. :BangHead: ...

What ? This is the "breaking news" we've all been waiting for ?? Dude, this is all just continued suppositions & theories. Continued claims. Continued conspiracies. Continued "big bad govt. keeps us from digging it up". Continued "a little more to the right. A little more to the left". And continued NO TREASURE FOUND !

.....There is a lot more to this story we can not tell yet. But it gets a lot better :occasion14:

Yup, there it is: The continued cliff hanger of "any day now" and "soon", blah blah

[TABLE="class: hrecipe, width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 10%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 90%"][/TD]
[TD="class: title, bgcolor: #ffffcc"]FAMOUS KENTUCKY CROW[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #ffffcc, colspan: 2"]1 lg. feathered crow
4 c. cow manure
1 pt. Old Crow Kentucky Bourbon

Mix one cup Old Crow Kentucky Bourbon with 4 cups cow manure until pastry. Pack the manure around the crow. Bake in preheated oven 2 hours at 375 degrees. Gently crack the manure crust and remove crow. Throw crow away. Serve manure with LARGE shot of Old Crow Kentucky Bourbon.

[TABLE="class: dk, width: 100%"]
[TD="width: 200"]Share:[/TD]

In 1862, the Union started paying troops with "greenbacks" - paper currency. The CSA used their paper currency also.

River travel was by far the best way to get around the frontier. In 1826, there was already a large and growing amount of travel on all rivers, especially between the Allegheny mountains and the Mississippi, and in the settled areas west of the Mississippi.

Prominent rivers traveled of course include the Ohio, Cumberland, Tennessee, Monongahela, Missouri, Red - and on and on.

No one ever said they were going to pay them in gold bars or coins. The story said it was headed to the Phil. Mint and I think they needed gold in the vaults before they could print more green backs to pay the troops.

I promise that I will visit professor Tom in the old folk home every time that I visit his state to find treasures that he did not recovered. # 528. I was not making comments to the jerks who called in the FBI. No, I was giving you all members advice, if you locate treasures on governments properties, you all are in a heap of trouble. Hire a good lawyer to deal with all types of governments. That is what I do. Do not contact the FBI or you may be arrested, off to jail and we will never hear from you all again. The jerks would not have problems with the state and the FBI if they took my advice. If they found treasures, the state and the federal government will take it all. Good hunting and good luck and remember if found treasures, pay your state and federal income taxes like I do, or off to jail you will go.

Correct. It just implies that "a treasure was located". But nothing was located. So what's the point ? :icon_scratch:
A treasure may had be located with metal detectors but, not recovered. I need to get drunk to get over all the insults aim at me.

A treasure may had be located with metal detectors but, not recovered....

That's the ticket. "Found" and "located", but .... simply not recovered yet. But rest assured: It's right here in this general vicinity. Eh ?

.... I need to get drunk to get over all the insults aim at me.

No no no, we need you to keep us all honest. If it wasn't for your balanced input: We'd all be lawless miscreants, not paying our taxes !! :notworthy:

No one ever said they were going to pay them in gold bars or coins. The story said it was headed to the Phil. Mint and I think they needed gold in the vaults before they could print more green backs to pay the troops.

Finders-keepers, what's the point of all this , if no treasure is there ?

All the contingencies needed, to allow a treasure legend to possibly be true, can FOREVER be dreamed up. Does that make the legend true ? No.

I am drunk and feeling no pains and it is way past my bedtime. Tomorrow is another day.

Just because some experts couldn't find info on this hunt , doesn't mean it didn't happen . It just shows they don't know what they are doing. That said , there is a good part to hunt. President Lincoln did not report it missing and had all paper work destroyed. WHY, it was just 3 weeks before the battle of Gettysburg and he didn't know if the Confederate Army got it or not. He didn't want the public to know they lost a lot of gold . The army did not look for it , there is no REWARD for it , SO THIS NEVER HAPPEN . GREAT , Guess what , the bars were not refined so there are no markings on them , GREAT. SO under common law , IT IS ABANDON . and if no markings are on it , The FINDER gets it all unless the FED or State file a claim. This is why DCNR could not dig it up and it was on their land. Come on GET REAL MEMBERS. Why didn't they just dig it up, its because I am the finder and have a claim. YA the law department in Harrisburg did offer us a digging permit with a smaller bond . This was done after we left the site after DCNR dug at the site. BUT They wanted us to sign off our rights to anything found and give it to the Museum Commissioners in Harrisburg. They wanted us to erase our complaints we filed by the State Police, FBI, and remove all bad wording we posted in TN. and never talk about what DCNR did to us over the years. If we agree to that we would get to dig it up. But we get nothing back, NO finders FEE, or REWARD. Yet we pay for the dig and reclaim the land. :BangHead: There is a lot more to this story we can not tell yet. But it gets a lot better :occasion14:

Where is your research???
I suppose that Lincoln had the men's names wiped from every record including their family bibles!
If Lincoln had all the paperwork destroyed how did you find out about it? Oh yea ..... Francis Scully .... The guy who ripped off the story and completely changed it!
You're delusional! and You've never found anything that you have claimed....Let's see the pictures of all of your supposed finds!

I am just saying this. Gold bars may have been shipped BUT IT WAS NOT PAYROLL GOLD !!! PLEASE be REAL !!!

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