Cannon ?

Joe hunter

Bronze Member
Mar 2, 2013
Up state NY
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All Treasure Hunting
Not sure but I think I found a piece of cannon.It was half way up a very steep hill. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096877.083490.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096888.238645.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096904.218371.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096916.849125.jpg

I'm back to work today but will post more pics when I get home. I'm not going to make it back to the sight until Sunday.Ive looked into all my local history books and talked to my contacts no skirmish thus far.Ive yet to check archives at the library and there's some old timers at our small museum that I want to talk to but haven't caught up with them yet thank you all for your time and patience.

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Might not have been any skirmishes, but both French and British were in the area, with forts. I'm sure they trained. They also traveled. If the cannon cart became disabled, and they were in a hurry, maybe they disamred it and dumped it.

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ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289306.058536.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289324.450754.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289338.900729.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289356.087275.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289370.338060.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499289391.797871.jpgif anyone would like different angles or sizes please don't hesitate to ask.

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CBG and Nola...
First I will say...
Both of you have my respect as to your knowledge(s).

With that said... perhaps you will now respect mine :)

I am totally aware of the mass of produced cannon from all reaches of the world...

But one must remember...
Cannon LIKE THIS were produced ONLY in foundries.

MOST Foundries were cash cows... producing everything from kitchen utensils to cannon.
They were important and competitive.
Always looking to make the "next big thing".

But THIS particular item did not follow any traditional design.

My point to this babble is... In essence...

All cannon LIKE THIS are "related" to its predecessor.

In other words... designs did not really "jump" to a severe change.

with that babble babbled...

Like I stated before... there is the remote possibility of this being a "prototype" design.

Hence its / the "failure".

First I'd like to say I want to know weather this is the real deal or not as I don't wish to be showing it off and have someone say that's not a cannon because........your belief that it looks wrong (which I agree it's not average)would make it less likely to be decorative because they would want it to look traditional.Thats being said I hope we can get a positive Identification be it yea or nay.

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First I'd like to say I want to know weather this is the real deal or not as I don't wish to be showing it off and have someone say that's not a cannon because........your belief that it looks wrong (which I agree it's not average)would make it less likely to be decorative because they would want it to look traditional.Thats being said I hope we can get a positive Identification be it yea or nay.


PS... Great new pictures... well done.

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After reviewing your much better pictures...

I am going to say...

I am still with my original assessment...

Not a REAL cannon.

I will stay on ... Painted lawn cannon.

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All in pre flop ?maybe you should wait for me to search more before committing as your record is very good .

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After reviewing your much better pictures...

I am going to say...

I am still with my original assessment...

Not a REAL cannon.

I will stay on ... Painted lawn cannon.

Must be a dry site if some one painted the lawn.:laughing7:

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Ehhh ya only live once... screw it...

errrrrrr WAIT ! ! !

Ok... I am all in on...

Painted iron smokestack / lawn cannon / urinary tube for knights Templar.


That should cover it.

Now I can feel that the real item will fit somewhere in there. :P

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You know...

This may turn out to "be" something after all.

I mean things like this can fool the best of us.

I like the idea of you returning and doing a die hard search in the same spot and surrounding areas.

Search on ALL metal / pinpoint mode if able.

Crank up the sens and dig it all.

I would love to take my JW Fisher Pulse to the spot where you found this... For... nothing would escape it.

I think...

This would be your "next step" in this. IMO

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You know...

This may turn out to "be" something after all.

I mean things like this can fool the best of us.

I like the idea of you returning and doing a die hard search in the same spot and surrounding areas.

Search on ALL metal / pinpoint mode if able.

Crank up the sens and dig it all.

I would love to take my JW Fisher Pulse to the spot where you found this... For... nothing would escape it.

I think...

This would be your "next step" in this. IMO

I have a fisher two box hopefully it won't come to that.My body aches thinking about it.

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No more than I know about artillery I'm going with cannon too...d2

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Made it back to the hill today I started searching where I found the cannon aka lawn ornament .ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499632767.722641.jpgmy pin pointer is where I dug the ball ,the digger is in a log about a foot from the cannon hole.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499632920.749979.jpgsame thing with my second bullet.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499633028.388405.jpgthese are my relevant finds for the day .Sorry no cannon pieces I'll try again next weekend .

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Looks like someone is jealous and now wants to join in the fun with his big guns. [emoji23] I'm with CBG and it looks like cannon to me. Good luck and hopefully you will find the rest of that sucker.

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Out of courtesy, I won't disclose where your spot is, but (I think?) you've given enough info in this thread to pinpoint it down to 1,000 feet or so.
In my opinion. I could be totally wrong. (And often am, BTW).

But on the off chance that I am not, ask yourself: Why would a canon be on this "hill".
If I'm in the right area, I can't come up with any viable explanation - and that includes using it as a signalling device.
My thought process on this: Goes something like "18th/early 19th century - what would one do with a real cannon?, Would it be here if transporting it, or are there easier alternative routes?
And if not transported, then was it placed here for a purpose (i.e., defense/offense), and if so, against what kinds of targets?

Regardless, it's a cool find, and I really hope it turns out to be legit!

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Looks like someone is jealous and now wants to join in the fun with his big guns. [emoji23] I'm with CBG and it looks like cannon to me. Good luck and hopefully you will find the rest of that sucker.

I cant help but think this "jealous" thing may have been directed at me...

So... just to set the record straight...

I think I was jealous once in my life...

After seeing a dog clean himself. :P

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