Cannon ?

Joe hunter

Bronze Member
Mar 2, 2013
Up state NY
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Not sure but I think I found a piece of cannon.It was half way up a very steep hill. ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096877.083490.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096888.238645.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096904.218371.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499096916.849125.jpg

I'm just curious what it sounded like on the ol' magic wand, was it just a big low iron tone?
I've had the pleasure of getting to dig some exploded cannonball fragments (with an archeologist), they were bottom of the scale low, so I'm just curious.

Congrats on the beautiful museum quality discovery.
You've just made all of T-net very jealous.
I voted banner because an actual cannon is far better than a lot of the stuff I've seen on that list.

It was buried at a downward angle and was very difficult to get out roots rocks you everything that makes it fun.the signal was load and very jumpy on the numbers 20s to mid fifties.I was using 12khz on the deus

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It was buried at a downward angle and was very difficult to get out roots rocks you everything that makes it fun.the signal was load and very jumpy on the numbers 20s to mid fifties.I was using 12khz on the deus

The gun probably exploded and sent that piece flying up into the air, and then came down and lodged in the dirt as you described.

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maybe joe hunter will be able to tell the story, from the recovery's at site

I can't say I know a precise fact as I can't find history of a battle.What I can tell you is at the base of this hill is a road that was built by French settlers in 1790 on an Iroquois war trail .

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First i would like to say... I hate being "that guy"... but i just cannot help it.

BUT anyway so be it...

I see nothing that indicates this is a cannon muzzle... Upon first glance this did not even strike me as a cannon part.

AND... With no disrespect to the OP's find and or those posters that have chimed in on this.

But ... IMO... repeat ... IMO...

You have found something other than a cannon. (sorry guys)

Upon seeing this thread yesterday and clicking the like button... something just did not sit right with it.

But it seemed that everyone had already decided that this was a cannon along with opinions / assertions.

So i thought about it and began scratching my head.

The reason this did not sit right to me for immediate obvious main reasons...

The main one being... the muzzle ring is incorrect... which I must add... IF REAL... would have been the reason for "failure".

Also... The age is incorrect.. of the metal that is... The rust is incorrect... Looks to have been painted or galvanized OR ? as well.

I also have 1 other major reason which I will refrain at the moment.

I will say...

This COULD BE a prototype cannon at best.,, but this was and is NOT a mass produced OR known cannon...Of any period.

IMO This could be anything from a large spectrum... from a pipe... from a Garden / decor / scale cannon... to a prototype design... to... in a REMOTE possibility... some rare one.

Whatever the case this did not even look like a cannon muzzle to me from first sight... but just went along with the masses at first.

IF this turns out to actually be a cannon... I would be surprised.

It resembles a cannon part...

But in my humble opinion it is not.

Sorry to stir the pot.

PS > This MAY BE / COULD BE... a remote possibility... Signal cannon. But ?

PSS> IF I AM INCORRECT ... I invite anyone including CannonballGuy or anyone with cannon knowledge like me to reply with some way of convincing me.

PSSS> I will now begin research on this... been awhile since I have researched an item of question here. (tis like work ya know :P )

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I will go ahead and add my "refrained" observations that lead me to believe this is not a real cannon or a cannon at all...

The parts that are incorrect for a cannon are as follows...

#1. The Astragal / Fillet is incorrect.
#2. The Swell is incorrect.
#3. The muzzle moldings / lip fillet / face is incorrect

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I'm glad I didn't mark this solved .would more photos help in determining ?I believe it was painted as well were cannons not painted?

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I'm glad I didn't mark this solved .would more photos help in determining ?I believe it was painted as well were cannons not painted?

Actually they were painted all the time... in fact they are still painted today... almost always exclusive only to iron cannon... as to prevent / slow rusting.

This is done for both a preservation purpose but also as a decorative purpose.

I might add... IF this is a cannon... the color of paint would have been IMO other than white or silver GENERALLY... but I have seen it all. heh

A garden decoration would be "generally" painted in "various" colors more so.

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I can believe a signal cannon but garden cannon doesn't fit do to the location.It also seems very heavy.Could you tell me what is wrong with the fillet,swell,and face as you did not elaborate.To me (cannonly deficient)it looks like a cannon.

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I'm still not seeing definitive proof either way as many cannons I've viewed have no or insignificant swell .

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And... Well... this is where the research truly begins.

I do have an hourly rate :P

J.k... I will use some time today and will poke around both online and in my info at home to try and help solve as to one way or another.

Maybe a relook by others here will help aid this process.

Remember... solving things like this are not always easy and can be "fooling" to any of us.

If it was an "easy" I.D.,,, myself or another here would have already posted an exact example OR info deciding it in absolute.

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Thank you for your assistance.I took this pic of the historical land marker that's two miles down the road.Dont worry I've got permission to be where I am.I also think it may have been green once upon a time ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499172666.982043.jpgImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1499172687.601374.jpg

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Well so far... All i can come up with for cannons with similiar "banding" of the neck like yours point me into the direction of a Chinese made "garden ornament"...

Theory - Perhaps this was a garden cannon which someone pushed out there to "try and fire". (i imagine a bunch of high schoolers or collage kids with cases of beer)

Here is a link to manufacturers / importers of similiar "replicas".

I will continue the search... I have only done internet so far.



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I'm not finding anything conclusive either ,I'm going to have to go back up there and find more.

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