Hi All My TH'ing Friends
Lets get this back on the original subject. I was stationed at Fort Ord, CA back in 1979 through 1981 and heard the comment about a buried tank being found on the base back in the woods. What it turned out to be was a training tank pre WWII that had been driven out into the woods and found a soft spot where it sank up to its turret. The turret was later recovered for what ever reason but the body was abandoned where it not sits. The soil in the area although close to the coast is clay and once it becomes super wet it turns into soup. although the site is not quick sand if you find it in the wet time of year the ground is soft and resembles play dough. I think the US Army abandoned the tank as it was obsolete and no longer worth keeping in its inventory. This would be worth recovery as it may be worth rebuilding and placing into a Military museum. There are many items abandoned on US Military bases but a large amount of live ammunition is not an item I would be concerned about. Every US Military Base has a firing range, and many have impact areas that are marked 'Do not enter; This is an impact area' or something of the sort. If you have ever seen a sales paper for former US Military bases or property you will find a disclaimer that the property you are buying is 'where is and as is'. If you buy the property find out first what was going on there before the US Government moved out. You may end up finding abandoned US Military items including tanks buried on your land.
Just so you know Fort Ord, CA is no longer an active US Military Base but a training base for Reserves. This is a great place to spend time digging for coins, buttons, and all manner of relics. Please check in with the Officials that be and find out if it is allowable to search the area before you get busted.
Dave Mork
PS: Remember; Don't leave it in the ground!