SWR said:
Zobex said:
If it were at the time found, still a fire retarding device, why would the IJA leave two fire retarding devices on the turret top of a tank and then bury the whole mess under 8 feet of dirt. As a signal, marker, code, reminder ??
So far the "Buried Military Tank" is just a fantasy and the figment of somebodies imagination. A recent photograph of the Tank would be helpful, not just a picture of some feet
SWR, what is this, Short Witted Response ? You never seem to contribute anything of value or relevant to your own experiences or activities. You post on many boards of this forum but never a contribution. There is nothing wrong with being an Ignoramus. We are all born
--deleted-- at birth. But, normal people strive to learn, to educate themselves and develop in a constrictive, socially appropriate fashion. You act like a disruptive 5 year old at the family dinner table. That type of behavior may be accepted in your early youth but you are far beyond that. Such a character trait must be overcome. Sadly for some few they never grow out of it.
As we grow, we often are measured. This is a way in which not only others but we ourselves are able to understand our growth or lack there of. In school the most common way in which we are “measured” and represented is in the statistical fashion graphically depicted in the traditional “Bell Curve”. By it’s nature the majority of the pool being measured are found statistically in the greater center of the Bell Curve. That is where the majority or average is found. By it’s very nature, the curve is terminated in the few which exceed on one end and those who fall short on the other. You fall short in your contributions. Why that is, is only known to you. ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.’
In the future please exercise self discipline. If you have nothing of value to offer then be still and learn from those who do.