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Old Silver

You are incorrect in saying BDD is right. Our pal Dog has never been right.
To your point, the ownership is still in question. If you have something useful to contribute please
do so . . . NOW :icon_scratch:

I just did.

So, you're the Treasurenet judge, knowing who is right and who is wrong? I guess that makes you omniscient, which tells us who YOU THINK you are.

Just like Big dog, and everyone else, I have the right to speak my values and beliefs.

So I guess you think it's alright for the government to come in and TAKE anything that's in, or on, your land, just because they can pass a law saying they have the right. Just because you may have a legal right to something, that doesn't necessarily make it right to take it. That's what I believe and that the Useful something I contribute to this thread. Dog seems to believe the same. And you say he's never been right? Are we supposed to bow and kiss your ring?

Ah, to be a kid again. Full of piss and vinegar and knowing everything.
Things never change.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using TreasureNet

Thanks Old Silver,

That's the finest dressing down I have received lately. Unless you follow all the exchanges between
BDD, vor, ECS and the other regulars the last four years it might be hard to engage in the satirical
nature of our exchanges. Now the Dog was light on satire until we taught him to relax and enjoy
the repartee which avoids name calling which leads to cessation of posting.

If you would like for vor to enlighten you in this regard I'm sure he would be willing.

On the subject of government and land grabs there are other forums that deal specifically
with your concerns. This thread is open to any TNet member who wishes to discuss CACHES.
It's not about Dog's or your concern about subjects not brought up in my initial post. I posted
on a "probable cache" and gave factual information I was in possession of. It was going along
smoothly until Dog trotted out his usual inflammatory off subject remarks to bring attention on

Naturally, this was met with glee and appreciation because he had been silent previously and
we had assumed he might have been met with grievous frustration with not finding "caches",
which is the subject this thread is about.

Having never been called "omniscient" before I am flattered but unworthy I assure you. I am
just a simple man who fell under the allure of treasure hunting in my 20s. I consider it strictly a
hobby and not a money-making venture, unlike most devotees. I have been to the mountaintop
and found it reward enough.

It was going along
smoothly until Dog trotted out his usual inflammatory off subject remarks to bring attention on

Yeah that's it, I am starved for attention. lastleg, please enlighten me on these so-called remarks of mine.

Why Dog, don't you remember casting cold water on the idea of a recovery, by persons unknown?

At our age, I cannot remember much. Good luck

Person's unknown? Do you mean T-Net members hiding behind their username? The idea of a recovery? Do you mean trespassing and stealing? Casting cold water? By suggesting it is not a good idea? Members giving advice that goes against T-Net rules? By pointing this out you are saying that I am being inflammatory and trying to bring attention to myself? ????

I like to bring attention to good looking women treasure hunters in Connecticut. Good luck to BDD.


Dog and Silver:

The Cache Forum is pro-cache hunting, not anti-cache hunting. If you two want to start a thread about why
you should not cache hunt go ahead.

My thread is about a probable cache, not about theories, personal viewpoints and general mischief. Your
misunderstanding of how to go about an actual recovery is only mildly amusing. In the past I have gotten
all the Ts crossed, Is dotted and permission slip in hand. It was educational and fun but I found I could not
stay in the vicinity long enough to cover 300 acres of hardscrabble alone.

That one was believable, the river bend was there, the log cabin was still there but I was unable to find the
plow disc that covered the gold bars. I call that one "a possible" and is most likely still there.

A "probable" is a first person account of a known drop that remains where it was placed. A top tier cache lead.
I didn't need a pendulum holder to convince me to dig randomly and throw my joints into kilter. It took three
years of research to get to this point. Until I can a solid partner who is resourceful, one who can go through
all the records, deeds, etc, and is willing to accept a four-way split it will remain probable.

Good luck Lastleg. I like to help, but I live in Stratford, Connecticut.

I feel like I am in the middle of lastleg and Big Bad Sam (oops) John's like affair. lastleg-I have done at least a dozen separate treasure digs in the last year and a half. I have invited numerous fellow T-Net members to join me and have traveled out-of-state with some. I have been involved in a pirate treasure dig on private land as recently as a month or so ago. I have been on the hunt for some of the sites for over 25 years. Some but not all do involve dowsing as well as research, first hand accounts, LRL's, GPR, conventional detectors, and one-of-a kind devices. You don't have a clue what I have done or who you are dealing with. Just keep running your mouth about me and see where it gets you. Stick that in your @## and smoke it.

Be nice Dog, I don't want to suddenly lose you again.

I think you can count Dog out on this one.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using TreasureNet

... I am starved for attention...
If attention is what you crave
Posting insults is not the way
A show's star need not act the knave
Be cool,be calm,and behave
Better get a BURMA SHAVE

I do not care if you find treasures or not. My biggest concern is that all treasure hunters in our country do not get cheater on their coins. Most coin dealers are crooks, and pay very little. I recommend selling in coin auctions. Connecticut Sam got banned years ago for defending himself. My only concern about you if you treasure hunt in Connecticut, which I am sure you don't. Show pictures of your hunts. I left it up to you to swear and insult other writers. I like to watch history channels on T.V. I learn a lot. Good luck, BBD.

Be nice Dog, I don't want to suddenly lose you again.

Did he ever got lost, or did he just lost his mind? I could care less about him since he does not live in Connecticut. Take care.

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