Bucket List

The details of the story are a little confusing. Someone owns the property. It is not that hard to find out who. Contact them. I can help. I am a realtor and I have a good friend that is an appraiser and is very good at finding out info. If you don't need any help, just go for it. I am not the least bit interested in doing anything illegal or underhanded. Honesty and the truth is always best in the long run.

The way I understand it is the owner parked it on his gf's property but she doesn't have a claim to it. And he has no heirs.
You guys do what you want. Maybe do the Frankn to her.

The player gave some to his gf, probably the least valuable. The rest he buried outside gf's house.
This is second hand info > gf to J; > J to me. J was a successful coinshooter. Not the best but real
good, I was just OK, I didn't really have time to go hunting with him every week But we both found
quite a bit, he sold most of his finds in flea markets He was always giving me things, when I gave him
stuff it got sold. So if we hit it his share will be gone within a week.

I was replying to the dog's comments. This is not the typical situation where the property owner is the cache owner.
If no heirs, his estate will eventually go to the state after a lengthy period, likely many years.
So Dog, if you want to go by the book, you would have to wait for the state to get ownership and negotiate with them. And you know how that will turn out.

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This is lastleg's deal/story. It sounds interesting and would be great one to dig up. Just trying to help a guy with a bucket list and have an adventure in the process.

Dog, Iffen I find those tubes and make the appropriate distribution I will make sure to send you pics.

Vor, No nightwork for me. I can barely see in broad daylight. :laughing7:

Dog, Iffen I find those tubes and make the appropriate distribution I will make sure to send you pics.

Vor, No nightwork for me. I can barely see in broad daylight. :laughing7:
In that case look out for big hungry snakes that can see real good day night.

The way I understand it is the owner parked it on his gf's property but she doesn't have a claim to it. And he has no heirs.
You guys do what you want. Maybe do the Frankn to her.

I am his long missing heir. Show me the loot.

This is lastleg's deal/story. It sounds interesting and would be great one to dig up. Just trying to help a guy with a bucket list and have an adventure in the process.

I would like to help because I have a big bucket that can hold a lot of coins.

Hey Dog, thanks for responding. Best wishes man. Yes, I think a personal meeting is the right thing
to do. It's been over a year now since I set foot on that place. Times a wasting.
And so our lives, if we do not find treasures before the good Lord calls us home.

John, you have been doing the right homework.

It's easy to take the wrong fork when you come to five points. Last time there I did it again and had to
drive a long way to find a turnaround. If you keep on, the wrong way, you hit the speed bumps which
slows you down to a crawl. But even that way is rewarding because you get to "the dumps". The deeper
you dig the older the glassware and even a stray piece of jewelry.

The unofficial overseer is an amigo of mine and J's. He sells original artwork and a lot more. I usually
stop to visit but sometimes he's gone. His wife likes to gamble and sometimes Luis has to go get her.
Luis has two famous Currier & Ives prints that he can't bear to sell. Kind of like a paid-up insurance
policy. I buy from Luis and get to hunt for bottles, almost to my heart's content.

Some cultures won't step foot on places where someone died. Not just the superstitious either. But
common sense says people have died just about anywhere. It's the little things a cacher learns along
the way that pay off.

It's the little things a cacher learns along
the way that pay off.

Your story on here is the kind I like. It's not in a book or magazine. You won't find it in a library. People hide stuff all the time. A lot of times they die and the "treasures" stay hidden waiting to be found. I have always paid close attention to the small "details". If you keep your eyes and mind open you may "see" things that others miss in their hurry to get nowhere fast. Find out all you can as far as how to get permission to go after this dig site. If the cards are right maybe you will get some help at the right time. Timing is everything. The spirits, angels, and God help those who help themselves. Don't ever give up. Persistence is the key.

Your story on here is the kind I like. It's not in a book or magazine. You won't find it in a library. People hide stuff all the time. A lot of times they die and the "treasures" stay hidden waiting to be found. I have always paid close attention to the small "details". If you keep your eyes and mind open you may "see" things that others miss in their hurry to get nowhere fast. Find out all you can as far as how to get permission to go after this dig site. If the cards are right maybe you will get some help at the right time. Timing is everything. The spirits, angels, and God help those who help themselves. Don't ever give up. Persistence is the key.


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It's a narrow road passing X, not heavy traffic. Big problem > no place for surveillance, seeing if anyone's
home. It sits up an incline with a circle drive like a lot of others on this road. I can't remember the sites I
used four years ago to scan without being there. Not google earth. Of coarse I'm past that now but maybe
I need to see if there is a higher vantage point to sit unnoticed when I go back.

It may be the daughter goes to work and is gone all day. That would leave time enough for a recovery but
would require a partner watching the road. A single party recovery is too chancy for a man my age. After
much consideration I am inclining to contact J to see if he wants to attempt a recovery, if not contact then
trusted hunter who did some prior research and set up a joint effort.

If either scenarios work out a portion would be set aside for the daughter on behalf of her deceased mother.
Dog and Vor, what are your thoughts on this? Frankn, your opinion is invited also as this is up your alley
as well.

Can sympathize with you on this dilemma. I always tell owners I'll split the goods 50/50 min. with them! Seems to get the "fence sitters" motivated to ok the search and that's all I need to get lookin'.If the stash is large a contract will keep you from getting stiffed and is a wise move HH.......

When stories are publish in books and magazines, there are many people seeking the treasures. I like to hear stories from family members and other people.


Swampy, It might come to where what you suggested is the right way to go. Two of the principals are no
longer living, the owner and his gf however. That makes it difficult to judge the proper procedure because
the occupier may not even know of its existence.

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