🥇 BANNER Bottle with a note inside 5 to 6 inches deep in the ground.

What am I missing here? I thought Bramblefind just said that Anton married Anna Zahradnik. Was Frank Hubechek's sister's last name Zahradnik?

Also, how do we connect Frank Hubechek, the servant living in Howard ( not Chippewa Falls, but Chippewa County ), Wisconsin....to the Frank Hubechek, Saloon Owner, in Chippewa Falls? How do we know it's the same Frank, what did I miss?

You are correct: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t...de-5-6-inches-deep-ground-14.html#post5516746

I feel a headache coming on.

My brain is oatmeal, can't even remember my own name now, lol. May be time to stand back and let things percolate for awhile. Sigh.

I've actually emailed two researchers that have some CCC expertise. Just heard from the second one this morning:


You've gotten my attention. I'll look into this and send you the info I have on the Rochester CCC camp.

Thanks for sending this along.


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I was going to suggest her, she wrote a book that has lots of pictures of the rochester ccc camp
it's called ''Hard work and a New Deal''
There is a pdf file ''Friends of indian hills'' that is her
worldcat says they have that book at my local library

another auther of many books on the ccc is Robert W. Audretsch
he is the one that wrote the book that i was talking about that has the rolls from Minnesota and Iowa
in alphabetical order.

According to Linn county census records which were taken every 5 years Anton and Anna Holets
lived in Ely all theer lives untill his death in 1939.

The key to solving this whole thing is the ccc rolls we find these men in rolls for Company 1774-v
then we look for promotions if that is even listed, then we look for names that are on one roll and not the next
then we search those names in newspapers, census, and death records.

The government archives that someone suggested ordering also has a sectin on ccc deaths, injuries and investigations.

Robert W. Audretsch, is alive and living in colorado, with the help of some other guys he wrote lots of books on the ccc
I believe his area of expertise is the grand canyon though, he was a park ranger there, man talk about a dream job.

According to Linn county census records which were taken every 5 years Anton and Anna Holets
lived in Ely all theer lives untill his death in 1939.

If they lived in Ely, MN, then why were they in the Linn County, IA census? Were they just listed as relatives?

ANA!!! Ely, Iowa, not Ely, Minnesota!

They were in Ely Iowa, there is a Ely Minnesota company 1774-v was there and so were alot of different company's it almost looks a place
they went to enroll and train for the ccc, one list i have also says they were in virginia which brought fourth the question virginia the state or was there a town named virginia
in Minnesota, well i found Virginia Minnesota right close to Ely Minnesota, but yes it looks as though Anton and Anna Holets lived their whole life in Ely Linn county Iowa.

I'm still stuck on Iowa. I missed this before but Anton Holets' wife was Anna Zahradnik.

OK, I've just spent a couple of hours on Iowa Census sites trying to wrap my head around this, and instead, I feel like it has wrapped my head around a telephone pole!

For what year's census did you find that information, Bramblefind. I've been using the Linn County 1925 census and I'm not seeing what you are seeing. (its tough, because this site doesn't show a wife's maiden or father's name)

Anna Holets: https://www.familysearch.org/search...:anna~ +surname:holets~&collection_id=2224537
Anna Zahradnik: https://www.familysearch.org/search...na~ +surname:ZAHRADNIK~&collection_id=2224537

You show Anna Zahradnik, born 1879 as spouse to Anton Holets, who was born 1872


I tried to follow up on that using familysearch.org:

I find an Anna Zahradnik, born 1858, wife of Frank Holets, who was born 1863
I find Anton Holets, born 1873, wife Anna, who was born 1880 (don't know her maiden name)
I find an Anna Zahradnik, born in 1880, wife of Joseph Zahradnik, who was born in 1858


They were in Ely Iowa, there is a Ely Minnesota company 1774-v was there and so were alot of different company's it almost looks a place
they went to enroll and train for the ccc, one list i have also says they were in virginia which brought fourth the question virginia the state or was there a town named virginia
in Minnesota, well i found Virginia Minnesota right close to Ely Minnesota, but yes it looks as though Anton and Anna Holets lived their whole life in Ely Linn county Iowa.
Yes, I think it is going to be imperative that we include the state when referring to Ely, to avoid confusion.

FWIW, Ely & Virginia, MN are a helluva long way from Iowa, even with modern transportation.

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So we know a little about Frank Hubacheck
We know a little about Anton Holets
We have established Zahradnik as an actual name and related to the others
Nothing at all solid on Frank Rolland - Roland - Rowland
Nothing in the census abour Arty Kendy - Although there are Kenndy's - Kenndey's - and Kendi's living in and around Rochester Minnesota today

I think I am ready to see some ccc muster roll's

I've actually emailed two researchers that have some CCC expertise. Just heard from the second one this morning:


You've gotten my attention. I'll look into this and send you the info I have on the Rochester CCC camp.

Thanks for sending this along.


nice and if Barb, dosent have info on names,maybe she knows someone
organization who does

Yes, that was it, Anna Zahradnik. And we're assuming that Yoheadrick was a *******ization of Zahradnik, right? At least for now. So now we have Frank Hubechek, Joe Holets, Anton Holets, Joe's wife, and Anton's wife...all mentioned in the note.

Now, speaking of crazy theories, lol...I have one that's been in the back of my mind from the beginning. And that is that Frank Rolland and Frank Hubechek could have been the same person. Perhaps Frank H. was using Rolland as an alias, and that is what the writer of the note meant by " they are the same, talk same ". Is it possible that the writer was describing a hold up/robbery, where he recognised Frank from somewhere else (Iowa)?

The census I was asking about would be the 1920 and 1930 censuses. For both Holets and Frank Hubechek.

ive wondered about a hold up else where too, maybe NWme was a younger boy
@ the earlier dates maybe if there was an earlier holdup, it was in iowa

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I did find another frank hubachek but i distiguised him from our frank because his wifes name was stella

but yeah you guys found the same things i did, frank was born in the late 1870's in linn co. iowa and remains there until about 1906
he is then in wisconsin untill about 1917- 1919
1920 census has him in osceola iowa
1930 Bigham trail North Dakota
1940 eldarado North Dakota
you cant get the 1950 census until 2022 but we find him buried in wadena Minnesota in 1951

But the note said Frank hubachek salonist chippewa falls.
maybe the frank with the wife named stella was related.

Perhaps his first wife died and he remarried. Not at all uncommon. Could still be the same person.

dont think so his wife and one of his sons, and one of his daughters are buried in the same cemetery in wadena Minnesota.

the stella that the other frank Hubacheck was married to, her maiden name was sobleska, and one of anna Zahradnicks brother married a sobleska
so maybe there is a family connection there but this is hard for me my family search is broken and they are telling me have to install some other
browser, which i am not going to do, ive been doing this bouncing back and fourth from family search index to findagrave.

the whole anton anna thing gets super confusing it all started back in the 1700's in austria when josef married annastasia, and they named one of their kids Anton
they wore those names out down through the generations, heck the Anna Zahradnik that married Anton Holets had a brother named Frank Anton Zahradnik

So I am putting these names on hold for now looking for ccc rolls, and i dont want butter or jam.

when i do find the names i am looking for i am going to have to have ancestry.com and one of the
pay to play newspaper sights newspaper archives.com is the best but newspapers.com has some stuff that
the other doesnt so your not complete without both, I have messed around on chronicling america and it just wont do.

Also I beleive the larger and well established ccc camps had newsletters.

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