Like I said, quit living in the past, "progress" and "evolve" forward. Here again you're still attempting to incorporate the old with the new and present. When was the last time you presented anything new to your own very thin theory that you claim to be fact, that "Ward's pamphlet was just a fictional dime novel based on the Risque family?" Been a long time since you've made any effort to build on that thin claim. You still can't establish that Ward had anything to do with the pamphlet other then to act as it's agent, just as the pamphlet suggest was the case. To this day you still can't establish that all of the required materials were indeed in grandpa Risque's fabulous library, and that Ward used those materials? To date you still can't connect any of these family members to the narration that Ward represented...
... As you attempt to point out each time you post, just claiming, "It is a fictional dime novel for parlor entertainment based on the Risque extended family" isn't good enough, you actually need to be able to backup your claims with direct connection to the narration...
One can not add something "new" to a prove a work of fiction is just that, a work of fiction.
Then again, maybe you can., throw in some new names and locations, and of course add some pirates.
Now , Bigscoop, you well know that I have discussed ALL the influences that were incorporated into the creation of the Beale story, yes events from that Risqué bloodline, but also from journals of that period, including Lewis & Clark and E F Beale, as well as newspaper stories of gold, silver, and jewelry found in a cave to the Swift mine and other treasure legends, that I have backed up to the narration.
Where are your pirates and sea voyages in the narration?
Also, as you well know, I have listed all those who were involved in the creation, copyright, printing, publishing , advertising, and sale of the 1885 Beale Papers.
...and who have you claimed was the "unknown author" of the Beale Papers?
Is it still Jackson Ward Alderman Thomas J Beale of Richmond, born a freeman of color in 1823?
You can't prove this current theory as well as your earlier theories, so you go on the attack when questioned, and disparage others.
Really, have you looked into a mirror recently?