I can share the famous FIFTH GENERATION by Brad Andrews who also warned about fact manipulation to fit pet theories.
"Believe me, this is a very easy thing to, forcing the evidence to fit the theory"- Brad Andrews
Ah.....and yet again the quoting/referencing of another's research, as outdated as it is.

A lot of water shooting through the holes in those feet.
You're not going to debate the Poindexter information because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the Jackson information because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the Galveston Island/St. Louis connection because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate Uptown information because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the “Mexico” Sherman connection to Mexico because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the slave markets in Richmond & Lynchburg because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the Buford/slave information because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the April, 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 1817 information because you know that's all true.
You're not going to debate the chronological order of deposit dates and Treaty dates because you know that's all accurate.
You're not going to debate Risque's treaty information or his relationship with Jackson because you know this is all accurate.
And so on and so on.......in fact you've not directly provided any manner of direct rebuttal to anything that has been presented subject of this thread. So try this one...as you managed to dodge addressing the following facts before.
The Beale papers were published in 1885, some sixty years “in advance of the Memoirs”, and yet your pamphlet author apparently knew about the same two distributions of wealth referenced in those memoirs, these also being in chronological order with the dates of deposit and the treaty dates. How, dare I ask, do you account for this
COLD HARD FACT? Did your pamphlet author have a crystal ball? Did he read about them in Grandpa Risque's fabulous library? Please explain “your own” investigative summary into this? I'm in no hurry.....I'll wait as long as you need.