By the way, Prince of doubt, just keep in mind that the memoirs were made public "after the Beale narration" and not before.
Now then, your pamphlet author offers two deposits that bear a total value of roughly $950,000.00 when figured on values of the period.
In the memoirs we are told of $476'000 that the commune had put away just prior to the first Beale deposit. This is "exactly" 1/2 of the total of the two alleged Beale deposits, this first deposit coming on the heals of the treaty's signing and George Graham's, (infirm Secretary of War and "Federal Banker") visit to Galveston Island. Shortly afterwards you have your fist alleged Beale deposit. The second deposit comes on the heals of the treaty's ratification and Kearny's last visit to Galveston Island, this deposit in perfect chronological order with the first deposit and Laffite's claim that at that time he, "recommended that they stick to their promise and distribute the gold to the indicated places." And Poof! In perfect chronological order we have our second alleged Beale deposit. "The memoirs were made public after the Beale narration, not before!" So how then did the alleged forger, Laflin, know? But the much bigger question, how did the pamphlet author know?


"Boom, Baby! BOOM!"

(There goes a lot of those cast iron lids!)
PS: Be very careful in how attempt to counter this info as I have a real BOMB just waiting for you, in reply to one of your "direct connections" that you and Franklin and Reb keep saying I have yet to show, but very-very clearly already have. Others are already on to this and way ahead of you.