When was that quote dated and where did it originate?
January 4, 1847 from the Memoirs of Jean Lafitte forgery by John Laflin.
William Cochrane, Lt Kearney, Mr Hall , Mr Campbell and those of Bolivar are also mentioned in that quote, which refers to the date of this as February 24, 1821. Why did you leave these names out of your reference?
What is pretty darn obvious is that Lafitte died in 1823 and could not write this quote in 1847, just like Beale who died in 1820 couldn't write letters in 1823.
Well at least you finally admitting John William Sherman's involvement goes beyond just being the printer of the Beale Papers job pamphlet as being the editor. What became of the manuscript from which he worked?
Now when you give a hard realistic look at Harriet Otey Buford Ward, James Beverly Ward's wife, his cousin F C Hutter, Max Guggenheimer and Charles W Button, you will discover there is NO Mathew "Mexico" Sherman, Galveston, New Orleans, or Lafitte involvement in the creation, publishing, and marketing of Ward's copyrighted Beale Papers dime novel job pamphlet.
As for Adams-Onis Treaty, we have discussed Major James Beverly Risque's involvement with Andrew Jackson's "patriots" and the damage claims payouts, but that is not mentioned in the Beale story, except for the deposit dates in the tale, which may be a clever "red herring".