Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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gg ,i took no offense at all , and got it the first time,you have no need to clarify buddy, i did get feeling some kinda way about being made to look like a bully or what ever , this couldnt be farther from reality, and i know you didnt direct it that way, and i wasnt responding to your post , i was defending my point of view, i feel strongly about these portraying miners, or the working man in general, they are a emmbarassment to miners everywhere,and the way they do things could possibly taken as ammo for the greenies,feds, and who knows who else to further scurtinize what some of us love, how some make a living , take for instance if msha, or osha, were to see this crap, a decide to yet further regulate. and those that watch and have no clue how it is for real , this is what they see, idiots doing things that are bordering on criminal behavior, i for one have no desire to be represented by these (guys) to the masses, the public at large will be desentitised to the plight of the common miner, we have a bad enough rep as it is. we need support, not slander like these guys portray.these are not miners, and should not be what the public sees. we need to be better represented, miners big and small everywhere.i may even stretch it a lil and wonder if this isnt even part of a broader propaganda agenda. they do make miners look bad to those who are not well informed. i have no problem taking shots at these guys.

I was happy to see last night on "The Dirt" that land reclamation was a topic that was addressed by Fred and Dustin.
Wish It would have made it into an episode. That would have helped a great deal to show that the environment is taken into consideration.
Even if it is a law and a hefty reclamation bond must be posted to insure compliance for any operation that large.

Really it would be nice if that were mentioned every other episode or so on Gold Rush.
They seem to find enough air time to repeat everything else over and over.


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Well i think we should all just cool off and forget about this or it will just create hard feelings……. And we do not need that …...

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Well i think we should all just cool off and forget about this or it will just create hard feelings……. And we do not that …...

What are you talking about Keppy? Nobody here has any hard feelings towards any other forum member because of this thread!

at first i diddnt care for fred the way ,he got the claim, but since i have really gained a ton of respect for those guys, and the recliamation bits lastnight were great,and i came to realize that fred scoped that cliam, cause todd dropped the ball, and fred recoginized the value of the claim,cant blame him. and the only thing really foolish that i seen dakota boys do is when he tried that derdge contraption, good idea to dredge, but terrible execution,lol, that and they still pound those enormouse boulders through that derocker, i know its built for biguns, but why push it, maybe set them off to the side and pressure wash them bigguns, then scope up what ever slurry is left, i dont know, seems kinda risky to keep throw n them big uns through, down time to fix equip sucks!

at first i diddnt care for fred the way ,he got the claim, but since i have really gained a ton of respect for those guys, and the recliamation bits lastnight were great,and i came to realize that fred scoped that cliam, cause todd dropped the ball, and fred recoginized the value of the claim,cant blame him. and the only thing really foolish that i seen dakota boys do is when he tried that derdge contraption, good idea to dredge, but terrible execution,lol, that and they still pound those enormouse boulders through that derocker, i know its built for biguns, but why push it, maybe set them off to the side and pressure wash them bigguns, then scope up what ever slurry is left, i dont know, seems kinda risky to keep throw n them big uns through, down time to fix equip sucks!
yea them Dakota boy are good people! I think they misled us on how that really went down ! Fred didn't take that claim out from under the Hoffman's .. That was all done for the show.. Not only that but it wasn't Todd's claim to begin with..
Todd dropping the ball ?. Hmmmm I don't think he has ever pick the ball up to begin with . Dave pick it up for him last year and did a lot more than cover Todd's rear .. But I think in the end it only hurt Todd ... I think somehow in his mind he thinks he made it happen last year ! And the truth is if Todd would have just left the place Dave would have done twice what got done... Todd has some good guys but he himself is a putts! Hate to be harsh but he's not a leader he has no idea what he doing other than making a show.. He doesn't study and make plans for what he doing . I believe he thought he was gona go down there and show those folks how too mine there own Ground . Without ever considering how or where the gold was in the ground ..thinking his magic machine was far superior to anything they could ever think of... And he should have gone down there and mined part of a season there way learning there way where the gold was in there gold fields .. And made some plans from there,, Simply put he should have gone to school instead of thinking he had it all figured out...he should have know what he was up aginst instead of learning after shipping all that stuf down there.. That's not,the way a true leader leads things ..
Befor dragging all these other folks down there .. Any real man and leader would have had these things figured out long befor gambling with his friends lively hood.. Todd apears to me to have that teenage mentality of knowing everything when he truly knows nothing about what he doing mining ..Todd also ask his guys to do things he can't because he's too fat and lazy to do . Where a good leader ask his guys to do things he already done and is willing to but knows he more valuable in other areas and growing the operation .. Like how Dave handled things last year with his crew .. Dave was always part of his crew he worked with his guys and led by example . Not from the seat of a machine because he didn't want to do the dirty work.....
That's my take of The show any way

I guess this morphed into a bearing sea gold/gold rush's my thoughts.

What's wrong with Fred's fingernails? they are looking pretty sad.


The Hoffman diamond fiasco was ended by a staged accident.....they aren't finding crap,so they "accidentally" smash there machinery.

Did any one buy that as a legitimate accident?


Parker has got to thaw some ground, good luck with that. I bet he squeezes out some more gold.


Steve Reidell should thank his lucky stars that the show producer needs a clown, or he'd be panhandling.


Where's Zeke and his new food wagon/bus?


Thank goodness for the Pomrenkes, they are killing it, and seem like a couple of decent guys.

Well there all crazy !!! And so are we for waiting are time talking about them!


The Hoffman diamond fiasco was ended by a staged accident.....they aren't finding crap,so they "accidentally" smash there machinery.

Did any one buy that as a legitimate accident?



Where's Zeke and his new food wagon/bus?

You mean when the person mining the land freed up the trommel from the other location and was going to move it to mine where the Hoffman's are filming they decided to use it instead of the jig which had a low feed rate in the first place?

Say it isn't so.

Zeke will be back next episode with a wet suit on.

Emily did well, over 100oz. And Hank had a decent ending, but I suspect he still lost a lot of money.

Yes she did . Thou she didn't do any diving she is more like a small business owner than a miner or dredger..

Emily did well, over 100oz. And Hank had a decent ending, but I suspect he still lost a lot of money.
Yeah, and now she owns the dredge that zeke owned. <cough> was that with straight enough a face?

Emily did well, over 100oz. And Hank had a decent ending, but I suspect he still lost a lot of money.

Yes I should have Known they would end it with Hank having a better day then the Pomrenkes
when they decided they had to have a Competition. More reverse Editing, I suspect :unhappysmiley:

and Cool for Emily (& her nose :laughing7:) on getting zeke out of her life.

The rest of the show, almost put me back to sleep.

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Yeah, and now she owns the dredge that zeke owned. <cough> was that with straight enough a face?

well considering the word is he Gutted it before palming it off on her,
I'm not sure saying "she owns the dredge that zeke owned" is 100% accurate , But :thumbsup:

i was really happy to see some did alright ,emily, well that is improvment,glad to see hank finally got a decent cleanup,happy to see zeke back in the water,and not surprised that the others have to have money wired to get home, they should stay there. there is a clear distinction between those who are willing to learn,and willing to work,and those others who will not. those not willing to learn, and not willing to do what it takes are going home with there tails between there legs, its almost like a law of physics or somthing , nothing is easy, and laziness is rewarded with failure.

i was really happy to see some did alright ,emily, well that is improvment,glad to see hank finally got a decent cleanup,happy to see zeke back in the water,and not surprised that the others have to have money wired to get home, they should stay there. there is a clear distinction between those who are willing to learn,and willing to work,and those others who will not. those not willing to learn, and not willing to do what it takes are going home with there tails between there legs, its almost like a law of physics or somthing , nothing is easy, and laziness is rewarded with failure.
..."almost like a law of physics". - I love that! Soooo true.

Emily did well, over 100oz. And Hank had a decent ending, but I suspect he still lost a lot of money.

I'm calling BS on Emily's last take. Made for TV folks. At her weigh in.. I first thought no way that pan held over 30 oz. And she wouldnt make it. And watch it close as weighing. I have it on dvr and had to do a double check. They are first filling a small plastic jar then it cuts back to the larger glass jar with more gold. The plastic jar seems to fit w the gold shown in the pan. Then wallaa. Bigger glass jar w 30+ oz. Fake.

well considering the word is he Gutted it before palming it off on her,
I'm not sure saying "she owns the dredge that zeke owned" is 100% accurate , But :thumbsup:

I couldn't believe she left the payoff with a weight on it outside his house. A check that size? No effing way, you HAND it to the s.o.b. I don't care how much butthurt you two have. I couldn't believe that one.

I couldn't believe she left the payoff with a weight on it outside his house. A check that size? No effing way, you HAND it to the s.o.b. I don't care how much butthurt you two have. I couldn't believe that one.

Yes I kind of Doubt that was the Check.
If it was & I was Zeke, I'd tear it up & insist it was stolen
Make her put a cancel on it & write another.
just on principal :laughing7:

jeff you got a mean streak in ya bud

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