Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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Glad I found this thread have to comment so I can keep up to date. I watch this Show weekly and dvr the ones I miss. Some day I plan to go up there and do some panning for a vacation.
im going this year and can't wait ..I'm Probably gona need a month to recover from it thou .. If I get to ill be done I'll run myself into the ground im sure . I could not imagine how much fun that will be I usally take several trips a year were I go down and stay on the river for a week and dredge usally loose a bunch of weight and just wear myself out dredging .. Get up and do it again ! Could not imagine have ing that much daylight without a total meltdown ... That has to be hard to to deal with I won't know when to quit.;)

I'm same way if I'm enjoying what I'm doing they are going to have to drag me to the tent or whatever to get some sleep. Lol that much daylight would be very weird for sure but I've always wanted to go up there and experience the gold fever of Alaska.

I would love to get up there this year but not gonna happen maybe next year. A guy a few miles away from me (couple fields away lol) goes up every year. Last year he brought home just over 7 ounces. Not sure how long he is up there but he's been doing it every year for along time.

im going this year and can't wait ..I'm Probably gona need a month to recover from it thou .. If I get to ill be done I'll run myself into the ground im sure . I could not imagine how much fun that will be I usally take several trips a year were I go down and stay on the river for a week and dredge usally loose a bunch of weight and just wear myself out dredging .. Get up and do it again ! Could not imagine have ing that much daylight without a total meltdown ... That has to be hard to to deal with I won't know when to quit.;)

if I'm gona go to nome there's no way I'm going inland ... I'm doing this for a working vacation and I can dredge down here inland with nowhere near the cost of going to nome .. So I'm gona stick with my dreams for now ! That's all this is about anyways . It not about trying to get rich !!! To me the richness ill take from it is the experience and the friendship ill make up there ....I'll be doing what ever I can to help out the fella who was kind enough to invite me and playing when I'm off work .... Until I run out of energy anyways .. Thanks thou ....

this is a good way of showing what alcohol, drugs & unchecked anger does to not just individuals but the community as well. It saddens me, & I have a hard time watching it now. For those of you planning to go there, enjoy it, but don't become a part of the soap opera.

All you have to do is register, as I am not a member.

I'm not sure where the comment went about people not paying for the leases they bid. That is not the case, most winning bidders paid for the leases. Before the sale DNR designed some of the rules to allow people to cheaply back out of their winning bids, if they won another one that was auctioned after. That way the order the leases were put to auction was less important.

If someone did make winning bids, then fail to pay the remaining amount, they forfeited their down-payment and the next place bidder could buy the lease.

Judy had guys working all last summer to build her an excavator barge, like the CR and AuG. Word is that she was cheating them out of their pay, and renegotiating their pay after the work was done. But if those rumors were true, they could easily get a workers lien against the barge.

In another 2 or 3 summers, she might get it in the water, and realize that there is not enough gold on those worthless leases to be worthwhile. I cleaned out over 600 ounces off the area that is now one of her leases, the one she calls her "honey hole", in the seasons before the lease sale.

this is a good way of showing what alcohol, drugs & unchecked anger does to not just individuals but the community as well. It saddens me, & I have a hard time watching it now. For those of you planning to go there, enjoy it, but don't become a part of the soap opera.
think at some pointe you have to realize that alcohol and drug problem exists all over this country just look around ... So if someone is looking for that kind of drama they don't need to travel to nome ! Just watch cops! I'd say there's a lot worse places then nome when it comes to druggies and drunks !! Thou iv never been there .. I'm just base ing that off what we see.... If your looking for the worsted we have to off as a country there no need to travel too far just check out dc!

think at some pointe you have to realize that alcohol and drug problem exists all over this country just look around ... So if someone is looking for that kind of drama they don't need to travel to nome ! Just watch cops! I'd say there's a lot worse places then nome when it comes to druggies and drunks !! Thou iv never been there .. I'm just base ing that off what we see.... If your looking for the worsted we have to off as a country there no need to travel too far just check out dc!

I think the saddest part of this whole series is when Steve got kicked out of the roach coach without a plate of beans and rice....very cruel

Have to admit that Emily gained a couple notches on the
"Ladder of Respect" in that last show. With a dad like she
has it's no wonder she's a bit over emotional.

She's got a long, long ways to go, but if she sinks her teeth
into the job and stops all the whining I think she'll do OK. Her
dad, OTOH, should go back to where he came from and take up
basket weaving. If I had been the diver that was down (and
running out of air) when he was sitting there rocking out with
the headphones on, odds are very high he wouldn't have made
it back to port in one piece.

Is Steve acting a little bit or his he really that crazy? That guy is an idiot or a great actor.

Is Steve acting a little bit or his he really that crazy? That guy is an idiot or a great actor.
dont know him but the camera only shows the side they want you too see! More drama more viewers.. Have too realize to most folks who know nothing about dredging the show is about the drama because they don't know any better... I don't believe the producers are targeting other dredgers or we would deal with some more realistic portions of what to takes to be a successful dredge team.. And such stuff ! But when your general audience knows nothing about what your doing .. Well then it's all fiction to them and they might as well drop some crazy actors in there to make it a little more interesting...

Makes sense. I def don't know anything about mining gold.

Hi to all on this thread, AK Au hi Rob and Andrew, we are yard mates in Nome. Read all the posts, seems most don't care for the show much but are still attracted for some reason. I can't believe how much Emily gets pounded in here. And the big nose rant, didn't know you had to have a certain look to be a miner. Looks to me like she is up there mining and getting gold and has been for several years now, more than most can say. Several others and myself have gladly given her a small hand from time to time just because she has spunk and is a good gal. Just wish some of you that trash talk people you don't know would take the time to come and visit so you would have a little more information than what Discovery chooses to show you. You have to remember a camera does strange things to people. Just look at some home films of yourself and see some of the stupid crap we do when the camera is on. Any of you that want to come to Nome and visit you will find a very helpful bunch of guys and gals and you will not be a stranger long around there. Well worth the time and cost to come up and see it yourself. It's been my experience that later in the season ( aug. and later ) like Rob said there is a demand for divers and tenders. I'm in the only blue shop building on the harbor and would be happy to help anyone, time permitting.

Thanks for speaking up! Although, I do not know anybody on the show or on this forum, I am always amazed to see "adults" name calling people, online.

Thanks for speaking up! Although, I do not know anybody on the show or on this forum, I am always amazed to see "adults" name calling people, online.
We're talking about a tv drama. During the daytime, they're called soap operas. How would you describe the steve and emily characters?

Good Lord, Steve is a loser. That whole scene with the repo man was pathetic.

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