Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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I was surprised to see a blown hydraulic line force them back to port. With a rig like he has owning replacement hose/fittings and small compression unit to make replacement hoses would be a must on my boat. If something can break, it might and having replacement parts is good business in my opinion. It also seem odd that with the quality of GPS units available, why are they hunting for the gold like they do. If they find it and are sure it was a good clean out, why not return to the same spot by using the GPS? If it was there, I'm sure they didn't suck up every bit of it the first time.

I was surprised to see a blown hydraulic line force them back to port. With a rig like he has owning replacement hose/fittings and small compression unit to make replacement hoses would be a must on my boat. If something can break, it might and having replacement parts is good business in my opinion. It also seem odd that with the quality of GPS units available, why are they hunting for the gold like they do. If they find it and are sure it was a good clean out, why not return to the same spot by using the GPS? If it was there, I'm sure they didn't suck up every bit of it the first time.
Just the reusable fitting and some hose would work ! But nothing ! Not goina work ..
I think he spiked his cons to win the bet ....

owning replacement hose/fittings and small compression unit to make replacement hoses would be a must on my boat.

We have a couple compression units and lots of spare hose and fittings onboard, as well as a welder, rod, spare steel. There is very little that we have to leave anchor for, especially since the skiff can bring out most spare parts from shore.

Just the reusable fitting and some hose would work ! But nothing ! Not goina work ..
I think he spiked his cons to win the bet ....
I doubt it, just got lucky. My guess with gold price fluctuating he sold his gold immediately from last clean out. Like Sean said it was his worst gold count of the season.

I'm calling BS on Emily's last take. Made for TV folks. At her weigh in.. I first thought no way that pan held over 30 oz. And she wouldnt make it. And watch it close as weighing. I have it on dvr and had to do a double check. They are first filling a small plastic jar then it cuts back to the larger glass jar with more gold. The plastic jar seems to fit w the gold shown in the pan. Then wallaa. Bigger glass jar w 30+ oz. Fake.
I know nothing about gold mining except my observations about the show. It takes hours to do Emily's clean outs according to her. She might weigh the gold in the plastic and for the TV show dump the gold in the glass jar to get the final count. Because the guy wasn't dumping the pan he was dumping the plastic bottle in the glass jar. The reaction shot would still be fake though.

I couldn't believe she left the payoff with a weight on it outside his house. A check that size? No effing way, you HAND it to the s.o.b. I don't care how much butthurt you two have. I couldn't believe that one.
I believe a lot of the show is staged except for the gold mining part, because the production company isn't going to deal with troy ounces of gold getting stolen. No way she left the check outside I have to agree with you on that one, but I still say that whole deal is FAKE the drudge is till production's or Zeke's. I think Discovery learned it is best to pay the show personalities at the end of the season. Remember the Anchor Management team last season where the one guy was dead broke and living in a homeless camp crapping in a bucket then amazingly the whole Anchor Management team left on the same day (production either paid them or give them a plane ticket home). I believe after that broke on the beach scene was shot Scott Meisterheim got his check which he bought a plane ticket home. On top of that a guy on the show committed suicide don't think they would let that happen twice

Also you see on Gold Rush and Bering Sea Gold people switch camp like from Todds to Parkers or Wild Ranger to Eroica, because Discovery doesn't want to deal with contracts and new personalities or it is part of the show's script.

I still cannot believe how dumb Vernon Adkison is.To have spent about a million dollars on a fleet of garbage boats (could be BS though) when he could have bought The Christian Rose/AU Grabber for half of that. He is selling twenty-four claims on his Facebook page seventeen for $40,000 each and seven for $80,000 each. Weren't most claims going for less than $40,000 at the public auction end of the first season? Don't know how broke he is considering he looks like he was on vacation at a very nice house and went ice dredging for winter. Under the Ice will have another season

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I don't know of anyone that has ever got over 1ozt off all of Vernon's claims, several people have tried. But they are all too far out for most types of operations. The design I have could operate them fairly well, although they are a little shallow. But why would people drive 15 to 30 miles from Nome, directly over thousands of ozt, in order to work low grade claims.

I could design a suitable operation to be able to work those claims, but why bother. That area has far worse sea conditions than offshore Nome and no proven gold to be worth it.

The auction was for 10-year leases, those are a different breed. But they were going for about that rate, $300 to $2000 per acre.

Well I finally got a good laugh when toad Hoffman got kicked off his ground. I was bustin' a gut, when he proudly pulled out a few tiny diamonds, and the claim owner told him they were worth very little.:laughing7:

Parker is going to hit the 1k oz mark. Everyone is leaving, but the weather doesn't look that bad, you would think they should mine every day that they could.:dontknow:

Thumbs up for Dustin hanging on the side of the cliff drilling a core, too bad he only took one.....going to have to get lucky.:thumbsup:

If Emily has another good year, maybe she can get her nose fixed. I bet she comes back through the ice, and loses her ass.

I hope Zeke makes it back next season, it was good to see him diving again.

The Pomrenkes killed again, they are the best part of both shows.

It's a conundrum of sorts. The producers want to inject drama because the actual drama would be boring to those who don't understand the expense and hard work necessary to pull gold out of the ground or off the bottom of the sea, all the while helping one another be successful. So, we get the "mentally challenged", and dramatic. I have never seen actual miners act the way some of these guys do. It is actually embarrassing at times, because all the loony left wingers who are doing everything in their power to stop any real efforts to make a living from mining are laughing their butts off at some of the antics displayed by some of these guys. It plays well for their agenda. Otherwise, the program would seem more like a documentary and it might light a fire of ambition under the couches the potatoes are sitting on. The "actors" in these shows are also making a good living in a community where regular jobs are far and few between. What would you do if you needed a job in Nome, and all the dredges were already staffed? The bright side for me is separating the pickers and nuggets of usable information from the black sands of pseudo-drama. The successful miners, the ones who are actually making money, get their expenses covered for playing along, plus they get to keep more gold by not having to pay expenses with it. Those guys are dumb alright...:BangHead:

We have a couple compression units and lots of spare hose and fittings onboard, as well as a welder, rod, spare steel. There is very little that we have to leave anchor for, especially since the skiff can bring out most spare parts from shore.

Thanks for clearing that up. I've been telling my wife all season that it is unbelievable that spare parts are not kept on board with the tools to make the repairs.

Thanks for clearing that up. I've been telling my wife all season that it is unbelievable that spare parts are not kept on board with the tools to make the repairs.

I really find it hard to believe that Hank, with those big shippimg containers on board, and him having a lifetime's experience working heavy machinery didn't have a spare hose for every part on that excavator.

Exactly, but that seems to have been the trend for all the breakdowns on both Bering Sea and Gold Rush. It's good to know that we were scratching our heads in wonderment at the lack of planning. More drama scripted by Discovery writers.

It's a conundrum of sorts. The producers want to inject drama because the actual drama would be boring to those who don't understand the expense and hard work necessary to pull gold out of the ground or off the bottom of the sea, all the while helping one another be successful. So, we get the "mentally challenged", and dramatic. I have never seen actual miners act the way some of these guys do. It is actually embarrassing at times, because all the loony left wingers who are doing everything in their power to stop any real efforts to make a living from mining are laughing their butts off at some of the antics displayed by some of these guys. It plays well for their agenda. Otherwise, the program would seem more like a documentary and it might light a fire of ambition under the couches the potatoes are sitting on. The "actors" in these shows are also making a good living in a community where regular jobs are far and few between. What would you do if you needed a job in Nome, and all the dredges were already staffed? The bright side for me is separating the pickers and nuggets of usable information from the black sands of pseudo-drama. The successful miners, the ones who are actually making money, get their expenses covered for playing along, plus they get to keep more gold by not having to pay expenses with it. Those guys are dumb alright...:BangHead:

Most reality shows where the cast is the same season to season happen like this. First season is the season with highest amount of honesty and truth. This is because any production company doesn't want to spend a lot of money on any one show because most shows never make a profit. In the second season the show is scripted, but the talent isn't getting paid that much so their lives are somewhat the same. Third season everything is different the money is coming in and the actors playing the characters (talent) get the "trickle down economic" effect where they're now live way beyond the means of their character and the whole show is scripted.

Bering Sea Gold SEason 1
Under the Ice Season 2
Bering Sea Gold Season 3
Under the Ice Season 4
Bering Sea Gold Season 5

Also where was Scott's Under the Ice equipment (production will give it to him next season so he can mine with it) or diving gear so he could buy a plane ticket home? Like I said the only part I believe is real is the actual gold getting dug up, everything else is scripted. Also where is the talk about Scott's Child Support or Zeke's medical bills? Guaranteed they're getting paid now.

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Most reality shows where the cast is the same season to season happen like this. First season is the season with highest amount of honesty and truth. This is because any production company doesn't want to spend a lot of money on any one show because most shows never make a profit. In the second season the show is scripted, but the talent isn't getting paid that much so their lives are somewhat the same. Third season everything is different the money is coming in and the actors playing the characters (talent) get the "trickle down economic" effect where they're now live way beyond the means of their character and the whole show is scripted.

Sadly, you accurately describe the downward spiral that impacted most of the shows I like, including Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars, Pawn Stars, and American Restoration. The one show that hasn't been polluted yet is Deadliest Catch, although they tried, because there is no scripting the Bering Sea.

This reminds me why my friend Red Wilcox is producing a spoof show to have some fun at the expense of the gold reality shows! The pilot show is on vimeo and it's called Gold Men. Funny in a painful sorta way ;) he has an agent and several networks interested!

And yes that's the same Red Wilcox who sells the Gold n Sand and is partners with Mike Pung on the Gold Cube :D

This reminds me why my friend Red Wilcox is producing a spoof show to have some fun at the expense of the gold reality shows! The pilot show is on vimeo and it's called Gold Men. Funny in a painful sorta way ;) he has an agent and several networks interested! And yes that's the same Red Wilcox who sells the Gold n Sand and is partners with Mike Pung on the Gold Cube :D

Here's the teaser.......

And I'm not sure what this is........ :laughing7:

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Yup, that's the stuff :)

apparently some people are easily amused


Sadly, you accurately describe the downward spiral that impacted most of the shows I like, including Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars, Pawn Stars, and American Restoration. The one show that hasn't been polluted yet is Deadliest Catch, although they tried, because there is no scripting the Bering Sea.

PawnStars is just painful to watch. The whole show is scripted now, because no one with any common sense will sell there. You know the pawnshop is selling the items for a huge profit. I think Storage Wars was always scripted. Deadliest Catch the only thing that is scripted is the crab count, because when you mention it to anyone of the boat captains they get pissed and tell you that it has to do with the size of the boat and how many your license allows. Also the crew is decided on who will make good TV, not scripted but that is casting.

PawnStars is just painful to watch. The whole show is scripted now, because no one with any common sense will sell there. You know the pawnshop is selling the items for a huge profit. I think Storage Wars was always scripted. Deadliest Catch the only thing that is scripted is the crab count, because when you mention it to anyone of the boat captains they get pissed and tell you that it has to do with the size of the boat and how many your license allows. Also the crew is decided on who will make good TV, not scripted but that is casting.
Hay just watchin you have o remember that this world is full of people with zero common since! And it seems even more with no sense at all ! Or there would not be any pawn shops anywhere but just look around at all the pawn your title places and check advance , pawn shops ect.. Truth is this world is full of idiots !!! People with any kind os sense are not all

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