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The supposed c2 "broken" code isnt broken. It is designed to look as if it is. The authors knew if put out as such, everyone would drive themselves mad in trying to break c1 and c3, alone and seperately. There are many clues in the supposed broken codes words along with the rest of the beale info as originally provided, but the story related by c2 is just that, a story. Fiction. The numbers of c2, along with c1 and c3, ALL are important to solving the code. You can try for the rest if eternity to break c1 and c3, it can not be done as they are but two seperate parts of a large code. Once broken you will understsnd the supposed mistakes in c2 are not mistskes at all. The vault is concrete. It could be 6 ft below the surface of the ground. The bottom surface of the ground. Parts of it at least, are in wooden kegs, 2 ft tall. 1 of which was repaired. Icehouse could be referring to a vault. It could just as easy be referring to cold beer. There are clues in all the words of the papers associated with the codes. There are several clues within this thread. No, the vault wouldnt be anywhere near the location you mention. Not even close. Our location isn't merely something in our mind. The property is listed by name in the code. Also included in the code, once you figure out the property, are several sets of exact coordinates. I will go into all that in a reply to everyone here as soon as i can make time to do it as it will be quite a long post.

These exact coordinates of yours, what year were they given because the magnetic north has moved some 7 to 9 degrees since then? How could you have exact coordinates? So I ask again what year were these coordinates given? 1819-1823 1861-1865 or before 1819?

Folks i started to do a new thread but am certain if I did so some would have problems with it and it would just lead to more back and forth bantering. I started to do that because one, while there are similarities to the Oak Island site, there is no proven connection. Two, while there is a strong connection to a Templar in the beginning, there is no actual proof that he knew of the connection. While research positively connects him to the property, and to others involved, it is unprovable as of yet if he was unknowing of the project, involved in it, and if so, whether his involvement was personal or in relation to the K. T. Our research is continuing but we will probably leave it at that, as without proof positive, and probably even with, we are not going to point fingers at any person, nor any organization. Next, We seriously got off on the wrong track. Mistakes were made. The board was hot when i arrived due to the personal mail money raising thing. Everyone was pissed, and rightly so. Several of you made comments I didn't appreciate and I'm certain i made some that offended you. I can apologize and only hope you all will accept it. The way I see it is water under the bridge. I am moving on. That is not my reason for being here. Life is too short and the Beale isn't worth it. We are trying to be considerate to the many Beale treasure fans. The ones who have worked it. I am not interested in nor do i have the time or patience for bickering. Further comments made in an inappropriate manner will simply be ignored. If there are no serious interested people here, which i should be able to judge from the future posts, I will leave you to your own devices as i have many better things to do with my life. The Beale code and it's decipherment is an in depth thing. Put it all on paper in your laps possibly 1 out of 100 might be able to figure it out. Explained, it makes sense, and the further you go the better you understand it. There are a few paths into the codes. Only 1 is correct. Another looks perfect till you are so far lost you have to return to the start. From point A, the beginning, to point B, the end, there are numerous paths, again 1 is correct. The others lead you all over the place. The reason we know this is because we have been on those false paths. You learn the code all along the journey, because the code changes throughout. You will be going along fine then bam, you can go no further, much like getting off on the false paths. I will be happy to explain working out of these false paths, and the changes in the code if I see that I am not just wasting time. The code leads you directly to the entrance. No, there isnt a set of coordinates at the end that says here it is. To begin with, you learn the key. Then you learn other things. Along the way you learn the property. Then within the code there are exact coordinates points. At each one of these the code leads you to believe this is it. End of the game. The codes path stops dead there, impossible to proceed. without the proper input from the clue buried at the coordinate, the code goes nowhere else. You miss one buried clue you are done. Most of these clues were buried on an average of 20 ft deep, laying upon bedrock. We dug a very many tons of dirt, just to aquire the many clues. Each time the code all but yelled THIS IS IT ! THE END", and it would just be another marker, another kick in the rear, but we could again proceed, as long as we found and correctly interpreted the marker. We dig several of these, dead on coordinates as listed in the code, then, we dig, nothing. No marker. Screen tons of dirt thinking we missed it. Nothing. The code had changed. Now the numbers are distances, or bearings, or both. Back up to the last marker, get the bearings off of it. Follow the distance (from numbers in code that had been coordinates before), dig a new hole, and there is the marker, 22 ft down, sitting upon bedrock. One site we were led to looked very promising. Everything in the code stopped here. This is it. We dig down, and find a near lifesize replica of the actual vault location, completly carved/cut into bedrock. This covered an area probably 100 ft by 50 ft. Within this area there was a relief carving of a 4 ft long phoenix, carved into bedrock, a quartz fish inlaid upon his back. 2 lines of bearing were also carved there, also in relief. Relief carvings and Quartz inlay into bedrock !. There was a man on his side, a hammer and chisel in his hands, chipping into the bedrock. And his dog, looking over his shoulder, along with a cryptically pointing wild turkey head upon the mans leg, and the word "DIG". Also several fish, a 16 1/2 inch bare foot, a copy of the vault system and its covering. And the traps. Many of them. Once you figure out the cachers, and their connections, remember to never believe anyone telling you that no large vault buried by this group has ever been found to be trapped, like I did. They are wrong or trying to mislead you. Literally hundreds of hours of back breaking labor by several people just to show you the vault itself was trapped. I will go into the traps in depth at a later date. I will post a pic of one of these carvings, the man and his dog, immediately after this post. I will post more when i have access to my other computer. Anyway, this site (i call the map site as that is what it is), everything on it, and every bearing derived from it, and every single dug clue from the many previous holes, along with the numbers associated (be it bearing, distance, or coordinate numbers) must all be remembered, as when you get to the final location, every single thing will line up and fit with perfection. A couple feet off, in any direction, nothing matches, and the traps end the game. I will post more later if there is any interest. If not, I will leave you to yourselves.

Question: If we get in to your blog and get to deciphering by your method when we get to the alternate routes how will we know? We can not dig 20 to 30 ft deep holes 40 to 50 feet wide for the hidden direction locators as you claim you have already dug 13 of these holes and removed the items to lead you to the next one. My question is simple how are we going to decode by your method if all the directional locators have been removed by you and your team?

Question: If we get in to your blog and get to deciphering by your method when we get to the alternate routes how will we know? We can not dig 20 to 30 ft deep holes 40 to 50 feet wide for the hidden direction locators as you claim you have already dug 13 of these holes and removed the items to lead you to the next one. My question is simple how are we going to decode by your method if all the directional locators have been removed by you and your team?

On #161 he says they replaced everything but documented the locations.

#126 says one barrel they found HAD been repaired according to him... so they found one repaired barrel and one in good shape.

#79 says the vault Has Not been opened.

Do you think just posting pics and what clues they found in all of that digging would be better than hearing more opinions of the ciphers at this point? He says cipher 2 wasn't even real or used if I read it right.

I'd rather see what was found to this point including the clues instead of cipher talk that always is open to interpretation. He says it's not in Bedford County.

That's just me though and he says they are trying to give this away for free...and let folks know they are honest.

We know they haven't found any treasure so pics and what they used or found as far as clues would show their intentions I think.

JMO and I'm just an interested observer! lol!


... he says they are trying to give this away for free...and let folks know they are honest.

We know they haven't found any treasure so pics and what they used or found as far as clues would show their intentions I think.

Icehouse seems to be chillin' after his damage control claim that altruism was their intention, after 81618/Legrand was exposed with his true intention.

Got on here to post a single reply to anyone with actual interest, and probably too smart, or too scared, to post but saw a few things needing addressed so im going to do that first.
Post 186. Kace. Concerning #126, 1 barrel had been repaired with new parts. Old replaced parts found onsite, along with ........... Concerning #79, well I think it would be hard to tell you vault was open please give money. That would be my guess. Cipher 2 is real and used. As stated before, c1, c2, and c3, are used at the same time as 1 single code along with clues provided in the supposed c2 decipherment story, along with clues in the rest of the information concerning the Beale codes as originally provided are used in breaking the code. The broken code itself isn't really open for intetpretatation. It is clear and straightforward in its information, including the false paths. It is not in Bedford Va. Sorry. No, you do not know we haven't found treasure. Supposed, hoped, but you do not know.
Post #184. Franklin. I will make it easy, no shovel needed. If you ever get this far contact me here or at the website, provide exact coordinates of your location and if correctly matching any marker site i will provide pictures, a full description, dimensions, bearing as found, lines of available bearing off of item, and weight where needed for decipherment and you can figure it out same as we did.
Post #183. Franklin. Most all map based coordinate systems are based on true north. Also, magnetic declination has been figured and charted for the concerned years, and can be adjusted accordingly should one use a coordinate system utilizing magnetic north. As with the codes, if I told you the span of years it took to plan, design, build, and use the vault you would call me mad. Not to mention the time involved in marking the site. But this can be verified within the code, and the dating of the artifacts led to by the codes.
Post #175. Carl-NC. If I was a betting man with no conscience i would take your money but i am not. Maybe someone here will take your money. Also, we were talking about dowsing, and the cachers attraction to magnetics. Lrods were used as its quite hard for an old man with bad eyes to see a aquameter vertical compass hanging below his knees, and magnetics will move a steel lrod same as it will the needle on a vertical compass. Property marker stakes were located up through the 1940s with nothing but magnetics, and a vertical compass, or lrods
And last but not least my friend ECS. Post #174. The story within the papers and the supposed deciphered c2, are a fiction story, that includes very real clues that when used in conjunction with the numbers in c1, c2, and c3, are in their total, a very real code, that leads you to a very real treasure.
Chapter 2 looks like it will be available on the website pretty soon. Maybe then, after the key is revealed (very plainly by name as listed in the code), those that are very interested, those that are unbelievers, and even the old naysayers like my friend ecs (no not bashing you), can work their way into the codes and begin to realize they are real. And they are a masterpiece.

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Got on here to post a single reply to anyone with actual interest, and probably too smart, or too scared, to post but saw a few things needing addressed so im going to do that first.
Post 186. Kace. Concerning #126, 1 barrel had been repaired with new parts. Old replaced parts found onsite, along with ........... Concerning #79, well I think it would be hard to tell you vault was open please give money. That would be my guess. Cipher 2 is real and used. As stated before, c1, c2, and c3, are used at the same time as 1 single code along with clues provided in the supposed c2 decipherment story, along with clues in the rest of the information concerning the Beale codes as originally provided are used in breaking the code. The broken code itself isn't really open for intetpretat
Sezs WHO...?

Public Service Announcement

To those interested, to those not, to the unbelievers, skeptics, code breakers, naysayers, in fact, to anyone looking at this post concerning *Thomas J Beale and his *codes. People have been trying to figure out this enigma for a very long time to no avail. This has spawned many that have spent many years beating on this thing, beating themselves, saying its a fraud, digging all over the countryside, even in cemeterys. It has brought several very questionable decipherments, books, caused many heated arguements, broken friendships, and broken laws. Most all have confronted it the same, with c2 supposedly broken, they have keyed on c1 and c3, which, can not be broken seperately and provide any actual coherent info to help anyone locate anything, much less a treasure. The authors knew this would happen, and planned it as such. The code can not be broken by any computer. Impossible. But, once you find the key, and realize how it is utilized, you can start to understand it, work through it, break it. As i said before the code is a literal masterpiece of precision, perfection and mathematical genious. And it is breakable. The solving of the very first problem posed on thebealemystery website presents you with an answer. Just a bit of elementry school rearranging of this answer will give you the key, plainly listed. This is the exact same way (except we are making it very easy compared to what we went through to locate it) that we were able to locate the key everyone hunting the Beale has searched for for years. If you are hunting the secrets of the TJB story, are just inquisitive, or disbeliever, and want the answers, they are very available within the code, and it will release its secrets. We did this the hard way. We had no people helping us along. Everything was trial and error until we learned that everything within the code that was of importance could be verified 3 ways. Then and only then did our path start getting easier. Beforehand there were many false paths very easily arrived at by the genious of the authors of the code in their well planned effort to win the game. 20102 saw the many years of everyone going nowhere in trying the same old methods that have been used by countless people in trying to work this out. Over and over, yet, with the same methods as before. The very definition of insanity. So, he approached it quite different, and was well rewarded with his work. He alone, for the most part, was able to open the secrets, what the code itself relates as the mystery, of the code of Beale. So, try something new, give it a shot.

.... We had no people helping us along. Everything was trial and error until we learned that everything within the code that was of importance could be verified 3 ways. Then and only then did our path start getting easier...
20102 saw the many years of everyone going nowhere in trying the same old methods that have been used by countless people in trying to work this out...
So, he approached it quite different, and was well rewarded with his work. He alone, for the most part, was able to open the secrets, what the code itself relates as the mystery, of the code of Beale...

Icehouse, is it "we" or "he" who allegedly "solved" the Beale codes, and if it can be verified "3 ways", who has verified any of these claims you continue to promote on this thread?

Lrods were used as its quite hard for an old man with bad eyes to see a aquameter vertical compass hanging below his knees, and magnetics will move a steel lrod same as it will the needle on a vertical compass.

Looks like I nailed that one. No, dowsing rods don't respond to magnetics (and I'll put $25,000 on that one). Dowsing is a mind trick, doesn't really work. Big Time Treasure Hunters use it when they got nothing that really works, looking for things that don't really exist. Make-believe methods for make-believe treasure hunting.

. Kace. Concerning #126, 1 barrel had been repaired with new parts. Old replaced parts found onsite, along with ........... Concerning #79, well I think it would be hard to tell you vault was open please give money. That would be my guess. Cipher 2 is real and used. As stated before, c1, c2, and c3, are used at the same time as 1 single code along with clues provided in the supposed c2 decipherment story, along with clues in the rest of the information concerning the Beale codes as originally provided are used in breaking the code. The broken code itself isn't really open for intetpretatation. It is clear and straightforward in its information, including the false paths. It is not in Bedford Va. Sorry. No, you do not know we haven't found treasure. Supposed, hoped, but you do not know.

Here's my reason for responding.. you said to everyone just give you a chance after 81... you said you were honest and upfront guys and you knew everything got started on the wrong foot. Okay.

I was really clear on post #79 that what I showed you was only part of it. That picture that you posted confirmed for me along with some of your other comments that what he told me was true as far as our talks.

He never said 'Hey, my 4 partners and I have located and opened the Beale Treasure Vault... Man it's Huge and Filled With Treasure... Could You Gift Me 50k To Get By?... Really?? Didn't Happen That Way. And while I'm on that topic, I don't take offense or think bad of folks who seek loans or investments for happens many times everywhere, everyday. What I do take offense to is deception and not telling the whole story, just telling the parts that sound good or look to bolster someone's belief.

Had you not come on here loaded for Bear and insulting me and others I wouldn't of posted anything.

He was as clear in his mind the vault has been located by the older man as are you... it was in or under a water table... you showed a photo and stated what you outlined of a miner and a dog in water and said the word Dig was by the water. That matched what he said and due to that and some other mitigating circumstances the vault couldn't be opened yet. You also said there would probably be a book for 'posterity'. I was offered the authorship of that book.

I told you before, I do not lie... I thought about what you said about just wanting a chance to prove yourselves. There is many different views on what the ciphers mean.. you've said yourself you've hit one dead end after another.. Same as everyone else. So they Are open to interpretation... which is what causes disagreements. You said you were ready to throw in the towel on more than one occasion. You said your 'Advanced Age Man was getting really close now..How would you take that if reading it from someone else... you would take it that it's still being worked on.

You're doing the same thing others have done...'We or I Solved Beale...We or I Found The Beale Vault... You take it one step further though and say to franklin 'Let Me know what You come up with and I'll let You Know If You're Right.

I'll be respectful of all concerned and not go into detail of everything and No I'm Not Hopeful a recovery by anyone won't happen. It's nothing I've ever looked for, not in my neck of the woods and I have nothing to lose or gain if it is real and recovered.

If it is real and recovered I'll get to see and read about it when it happens... that's what I'll gain... and that's it. And I'll be happy about it. If it's not real or recovered then it'll remain the way it's always been... I Still Lose Nothing and I'll Still Be Reading Theories and Hoping One Is Right...And I'll Be Happy Because I Like History and Legends and Whether You Have Or Not, I Have Learned A Lot From These Guys.

Honestly I just thought if you posted a few more photos and told of a few more clues you came across without disclosing your dig site location it would show good faith that you said you wanted from members here. That's It.


Carving pic. Man and dog. Complete with chisel, miners hat, drip of sweat on the mans nose. Turkey beak not marked but is carved broken off the turkey, down on the side of the main carving in line with the pointer coming off the word 'dig' near water level

Justintime has posted many, many photos of his "Beale vault" site on his OP threads, some also containing pictures and letters allegedly carved into rock.
The only connection to Beale is in the eye and imagination of the beholder taking that photo.
QUESTION: " 'dig' near water level", are you alluding that "TEAM BM's" Beale vault is underwater?

Icehouse, is it "we" or "he" who allegedly "solved" the Beale codes, and if it can be verified "3 ways", who has verified any of these claims you continue to promote on this thread?

Sorry, you don’t qualify to tell people how to prove there information. You have no right to tell anyone, anything. Access Denied!

These exact coordinates of yours, what year were they given because the magnetic north has moved some 7 to 9 degrees since then? How could you have exact coordinates? So I ask again what year were these coordinates given? 1819-1823 1861-1865 or before 1819?

Are you referring to the starting point to latitude in the US for the given time?

Icehouse, is it "we" or "he" who allegedly "solved" the Beale codes, and if it can be verified "3 ways", who has verified any of these claims you continue to promote on this thread?

We. 20102 is the math genious. I found and interpreted the markers. It takes input from both to break the codes. As for the claims, if one were to take all the time spent here, and use it constructively elsewhere, he could verify it for himself. Pretty simple.

Looks like I nailed that one. No, dowsing rods don't respond to magnetics (and I'll put $25,000 on that one). Dowsing is a mind trick, doesn't really work. Big Time Treasure Hunters use it when they got nothing that really works, looking for things that don't really exist. Make-believe methods for make-believe treasure hunting.

No, actually you didnt. Jr high science teaches all about magnetics. Can you please provide me with research that shows magnets will not affect steel ?. Put you two decent size magnets on a table carl, oh 3 or 4 inches apart, both positive sides pointing the same direction. Now put a steel ball bearing on the table in between the magnets. The negative side of the one magnet pushing, along with the positive side of the other pulling, will roll the ball bearing across the table till it connects with the magnet . Same thing with lrod. Drill you a 1/2 inch deep hole, a fraction or so larger than the diameter of your lrod material, straight into a workbench. Make an lrod 4-5 inches long with the bent down handle part being oh 3/4ths an inch long. Insert handle end into hole. When it stops moving, put you a decent size magnet near the tip of the rod. You can push, or pull, the lrod all around in circles without ever touching it, and, there is no 'dowsing response' as the rod is held by the table. A vertical compass works on the same principle. And it does work.

. Kace. Concerning #126, 1 barrel had been repaired with new parts. Old replaced parts found onsite, along with ........... Concerning #79, well I think it would be hard to tell you vault was open please give money. That would be my guess. Cipher 2 is real and used. As stated before, c1, c2, and c3, are used at the same time as 1 single code along with clues provided in the supposed c2 decipherment story, along with clues in the rest of the information concerning the Beale codes as originally provided are used in breaking the code. The broken code itself isn't really open for intetpretatation. It is clear and straightforward in its information, including the false paths. It is not in Bedford Va. Sorry. No, you do not know we haven't found treasure. Supposed, hoped, but you do not know.

Here's my reason for responding.. you said to everyone just give you a chance after 81... you said you were honest and upfront guys and you knew everything got started on the wrong foot. Okay.

I was really clear on post #79 that what I showed you was only part of it. That picture that you posted confirmed for me along with some of your other comments that what he told me was true as far as our talks.

He never said 'Hey, my 4 partners and I have located and opened the Beale Treasure Vault... Man it's Huge and Filled With Treasure... Could You Gift Me 50k To Get By?... Really?? Didn't Happen That Way. And while I'm on that topic, I don't take offense or think bad of folks who seek loans or investments for happens many times everywhere, everyday. What I do take offense to is deception and not telling the whole story, just telling the parts that sound good or look to bolster someone's belief.

Had you not come on here loaded for Bear and insulting me and others I wouldn't of posted anything.

He was as clear in his mind the vault has been located by the older man as are you... it was in or under a water table... you showed a photo and stated what you outlined of a miner and a dog in water and said the word Dig was by the water. That matched what he said and due to that and some other mitigating circumstances the vault couldn't be opened yet. You also said there would probably be a book for 'posterity'. I was offered the authorship of that book.

I told you before, I do not lie... I thought about what you said about just wanting a chance to prove yourselves. There is many different views on what the ciphers mean.. you've said yourself you've hit one dead end after another.. Same as everyone else. So they Are open to interpretation... which is what causes disagreements. You said you were ready to throw in the towel on more than one occasion. You said your 'Advanced Age Man was getting really close now..How would you take that if reading it from someone else... you would take it that it's still being worked on.

You're doing the same thing others have done...'We or I Solved Beale...We or I Found The Beale Vault... You take it one step further though and say to franklin 'Let Me know what You come up with and I'll let You Know If You're Right.

I'll be respectful of all concerned and not go into detail of everything and No I'm Not Hopeful a recovery by anyone won't happen. It's nothing I've ever looked for, not in my neck of the woods and I have nothing to lose or gain if it is real and recovered.

If it is real and recovered I'll get to see and read about it when it happens... that's what I'll gain... and that's it. And I'll be happy about it. If it's not real or recovered then it'll remain the way it's always been... I Still Lose Nothing and I'll Still Be Reading Theories and Hoping One Is Right...And I'll Be Happy Because I Like History and Legends and Whether You Have Or Not, I Have Learned A Lot From These Guys.

Honestly I just thought if you posted a few more photos and told of a few more clues you came across without disclosing your dig site location it would show good faith that you said you wanted from members here. That's It.


The picture i posted was in the neighborhood of 1/4th mile from the actual vault site. When this, and other pictures were taken of this area, the area had been open for several days up to several weeks, as it became a very large excavation. Incoming groundwater, rain, etc account for the water for the most part. Is the vault below the water table ? Yes, but at the same time it isnt anything that has given us much problem, maybe a bit of mud. I am sorry you believed what you were told but coming from someone who has never been to the site, knows nothing of the problems we had or didnt have, and had absolutely no authority to offer percentages, nor book deals to you or anyone else, well, what can be said ? No comment about all i can think of. And didnt mean to ruffle your feathers. Feel free to interpret the code as you see fit. Yes we hit dead ends till we learned how to verify the information within the code. If it doesn't verify 3 times, take it with a grain of salt. The code relays info in a very straighforward manner. Really no interpretation is needed but hey, if it works for you or others go for it. You will have to point me to my post regarding my advanced age man being really close now, as i cant locate it and have no idea about what you are referring to. We are telling only part of the story, enough to show anyone interested the code can be broken. That they themselves can break the code. We are showing exactly how to break the code. And i have been throwing in a few other tidbits for your enjoyment. Not, as it may seem, to offend.

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