Folks i started to do a new thread but am certain if I did so some would have problems with it and it would just lead to more back and forth bantering. I started to do that because one, while there are similarities to the Oak Island site, there is no proven connection. Two, while there is a strong connection to a Templar in the beginning, there is no actual proof that he knew of the connection. While research positively connects him to the property, and to others involved, it is unprovable as of yet if he was unknowing of the project, involved in it, and if so, whether his involvement was personal or in relation to the K. T. Our research is continuing but we will probably leave it at that, as without proof positive, and probably even with, we are not going to point fingers at any person, nor any organization. Next, We seriously got off on the wrong track. Mistakes were made. The board was hot when i arrived due to the personal mail money raising thing. Everyone was pissed, and rightly so. Several of you made comments I didn't appreciate and I'm certain i made some that offended you. I can apologize and only hope you all will accept it. The way I see it is water under the bridge. I am moving on. That is not my reason for being here. Life is too short and the Beale isn't worth it. We are trying to be considerate to the many Beale treasure fans. The ones who have worked it. I am not interested in nor do i have the time or patience for bickering. Further comments made in an inappropriate manner will simply be ignored. If there are no serious interested people here, which i should be able to judge from the future posts, I will leave you to your own devices as i have many better things to do with my life. The Beale code and it's decipherment is an in depth thing. Put it all on paper in your laps possibly 1 out of 100 might be able to figure it out. Explained, it makes sense, and the further you go the better you understand it. There are a few paths into the codes. Only 1 is correct. Another looks perfect till you are so far lost you have to return to the start. From point A, the beginning, to point B, the end, there are numerous paths, again 1 is correct. The others lead you all over the place. The reason we know this is because we have been on those false paths. You learn the code all along the journey, because the code changes throughout. You will be going along fine then bam, you can go no further, much like getting off on the false paths. I will be happy to explain working out of these false paths, and the changes in the code if I see that I am not just wasting time. The code leads you directly to the entrance. No, there isnt a set of coordinates at the end that says here it is. To begin with, you learn the key. Then you learn other things. Along the way you learn the property. Then within the code there are exact coordinates points. At each one of these the code leads you to believe this is it. End of the game. The codes path stops dead there, impossible to proceed. without the proper input from the clue buried at the coordinate, the code goes nowhere else. You miss one buried clue you are done. Most of these clues were buried on an average of 20 ft deep, laying upon bedrock. We dug a very many tons of dirt, just to aquire the many clues. Each time the code all but yelled THIS IS IT ! THE END", and it would just be another marker, another kick in the rear, but we could again proceed, as long as we found and correctly interpreted the marker. We dig several of these, dead on coordinates as listed in the code, then, we dig, nothing. No marker. Screen tons of dirt thinking we missed it. Nothing. The code had changed. Now the numbers are distances, or bearings, or both. Back up to the last marker, get the bearings off of it. Follow the distance (from numbers in code that had been coordinates before), dig a new hole, and there is the marker, 22 ft down, sitting upon bedrock. One site we were led to looked very promising. Everything in the code stopped here. This is it. We dig down, and find a near lifesize replica of the actual vault location, completly carved/cut into bedrock. This covered an area probably 100 ft by 50 ft. Within this area there was a relief carving of a 4 ft long phoenix, carved into bedrock, a quartz fish inlaid upon his back. 2 lines of bearing were also carved there, also in relief. Relief carvings and Quartz inlay into bedrock !. There was a man on his side, a hammer and chisel in his hands, chipping into the bedrock. And his dog, looking over his shoulder, along with a cryptically pointing wild turkey head upon the mans leg, and the word "DIG". Also several fish, a 16 1/2 inch bare foot, a copy of the vault system and its covering. And the traps. Many of them. Once you figure out the cachers, and their connections, remember to never believe anyone telling you that no large vault buried by this group has ever been found to be trapped, like I did. They are wrong or trying to mislead you. Literally hundreds of hours of back breaking labor by several people just to show you the vault itself was trapped. I will go into the traps in depth at a later date. I will post a pic of one of these carvings, the man and his dog, immediately after this post. I will post more when i have access to my other computer. Anyway, this site (i call the map site as that is what it is), everything on it, and every bearing derived from it, and every single dug clue from the many previous holes, along with the numbers associated (be it bearing, distance, or coordinate numbers) must all be remembered, as when you get to the final location, every single thing will line up and fit with perfection. A couple feet off, in any direction, nothing matches, and the traps end the game. I will post more later if there is any interest. If not, I will leave you to yourselves.