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... The code can not be broken by any computer. Impossible. But, once you find the key, and realize how it is utilized, you can start to understand it, work through it, break it...
Just a bit of elementry school rearranging of this answer will give you the key, plainly listed...
20102 saw the many years of everyone going nowhere in trying the same old methods that have been used by countless people in trying to work this out...
So, he approached it quite different... a bit of "elementary school rearranging" until he arrived at preconceived plausible message?
Its not like that hasn't been done before by countless others who have also claimed to have correctly solved the C1 & C3 Beale ciphers.

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... ICEHOUSE. Keep up the good work. I'm listening.
Icehouse has gone silent, and I seriously doubt after being ousted for solicitation $5000 "gifts" from TN members on PM's, that you are still listening.
"Well its all over now, baby blue"- Bob Dylan

Icehouse has gone silent, and I seriously doubt after being ousted for solicitation $5000 "gifts" from TN members on PM's, that you are still listening.
"Well its all over now, baby blue"- Bob Dylan

... I will make it easy, no shovel needed.
If you ever get this far contact me here or at the website, provide exact coordinates of your location and if correctly matching any marker site i will provide pictures, a full description, dimensions, bearing as found, lines of available bearing off of item, and weight where needed for decipherment and you can figure it out same as we did...
Will you also provide pedal power work bikes from that Eldorado company?

Fishing, you guys do nothing else here, but try to get information out of others and drive them out when you don't get your way!
Is that a mod in your pocket or you just happy to see me?
All anyone of us who have been on these Beale threads posting our research for several years is to question the claim of broken codes and the discovery of Beale's treasure vault when it is constantly posted only on these threads and no where else.
That is not "fishing to get information", just requesting verification of what seemingly is unfounded claims.

All anyone of us who have been on these Beale threads posting our research for several years is to question the claim of broken codes and the discovery of Beale's treasure vault when it is constantly posted only on these threads and no where else.
That is not "fishing to get information", just requesting verification of what seemingly is unfounded claims.

Those that have no idea as to the business arrangements of others should mind their own. Anyone involved knows the agreement they themselves agreed to.
These agreements will be stood by, and if compensation was a part of them, it will be awarded at the appropriate time...
Will that include honoring the deals made by 81618/Legrand for financial "gifts" in the name of your Beale Mystery Team at the "appropriate time"?

I was trying to learn something and you guys killed another poster off .
how can you learn anything from someone if you don't listen to what they are trying to share with you.
discrediting something when you have not even heard the end game is foolish.
Ken Bauman is one of most prolific posters on this site and is always willing to share what he has learned.
Icehouse don't be discouraged some of us are listening.
Bauman was removed from this grand Team, and it appears that Icehouse has left the building by his own volition, but maybe, just maybe, he might post Episode 3 on the fantastic site they created...
but as stated many, many times by Icehouse, the only way he'll share is if you play the GAME. ::)

Bauman was removed from this grand Team, and it appears that Icehouse has left the building by his own volition, but maybe, just maybe, he might post Episode 3 on the fantastic site they created...
but as stated many, many times by Icehouse, the only way he'll share is if you play the GAME. ::)
Oh Dear!

...i really am not interested in this sociopathic back and forth go nowhere banter.
When it all comes to light, and it will shortly, dont blame me...
So far, what came to light should have remained in darkness, but was illuminated for all to see.
As for the "sociopathic back and forth" it is only you telling us to "play the game", which we haven't and most likely, will not.

So far, what came to light should have remained in darkness, but was illuminated for all to see.
As for the "sociopathic back and forth" it is only you telling us to "play the game", which we haven't and most likely, will not.


Like I've said ad nauseam it's just not right to state opinions, thoughts or beliefs as facts.

It's even more appalling to do it while hiding behind the undeserved or unearned title of Doctor, Reverend, Military Veteran or Law Enforcement Officer Badge or Background to give the erroneous impression of Honesty and Integrity which all of those honored professions typically inspire Trust among people that are naive to the subject and true purpose and intentions of those soliciting funds and backing whether that backing is financial or lending their name as a respected, long term researcher or historian on the subject to obtain financial gains.

Unfortunately, the times we live in ANYONE can get a certification as a Dr, Minister, LEO or Veteran and the people that get those in the back of the Enquirer, Online or at their local Army Surplus Store do it to fleece the unsuspecting.

That being said...I have great respect for everyone in the fields I have mentioned IF the honor of the profession or service is earned and upheld...Honestly and Truthfully.


All anyone of us who have been on these Beale threads posting our research for several years is to question the claim of broken codes and the discovery of Beale's treasure vault when it is constantly posted only on these threads and no where else.
That is not "fishing to get information", just requesting verification of what seemingly is unfounded claims.

On these threads and no where else, it's a bigger internet then just here my friend! Not to mention the sites that are only found by invite only!

Well there is one "by invite only" site that has worn out its welcome here. :evil5:

Oo ,don't cha just love a secret Beale site?
[As I mentioned last time around, recently, I put up with the awful displeasure of air travel to go to California and visit one of the Beale Titan I sites. The owners asked that I not specify which site it was, so I'll just refer to it as SSBS-- the Super Secret Beale Site.]

Titan I - Epitaph ++ Updates ++

On these threads and no where else, it's a bigger internet then just here my friend! Not to mention the sites that are only found by invite only!

That's not exactly the full guys are on more sites than Tnet. You just use your private site to collect data posted here and on other sites and bash the other sites as well as the members who don't agree with you.


Uncle Jerry Lee singing... "WHOLE lotta bashing, going ONNNNNNNNNNNNN!"

... 20102 is the math genious.
I found and interpreted the markers.
It takes input from both to break the codes.
As for the claims, if one were to take all the time spent here, and use it constructively elsewhere, he could verify it for himself. Pretty simple.
It appears that there will be no "Episode 3" from the BMT. Pretty simple.

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