Thank you for all your input but as i stated before, there MAY be a book at a later point for posterity. We are not hyping a book sale. There may not even be a book. Who knows at this point. We are merely trying to get the info out. If by chance we were, we would be doing exactly as we are. Who would be interested in a book when the ending is known ? Kind of like watching a murder mystery on tv that starts by showing the murder, kind of makes the rest of the show redundent.
Ice...Your example of a TV murder mystery show Is The Perfect Comparison to what I'm trying to say....Every Murder Mystery Show or Real Life Murder STARTS with Showing or Discovering a Murder or a Corpse...NOT The Murderer or Why or How the person was Murdered First...That would be impossible....After that... the Clues and Evidence are Shown that Led Up To The Murder and then Suspects are shown and What Led Detectives to the Perpetrator and Ending With Solving the Mystery and Murder. You've Got To Have A Murder Before You Can Investigate One.
In your case, Showing Photos Of The VAULT and Contents FIRST and THEN show or tell the Clues and Evidence that Led You To Its Discovery IS The Story of This Legend. If you hold back on some clues and evidence and Exact Location...I Completely Get That. I think everyone else would too. I was in No Way suggesting you post details of Everything you've said you have or to Tell The Whole Story Online.... unless you guys want to.
If I Were In Your Shoes and I Had Announced That I've Solved Beale... Found, Opened and Recovered the Vault and Contents....I'd Show Photos Of The UN-Opened Vault...Opening Of That Vault...Photos Of The Contents and I'd Answer Questions Regarding What It Was In The Ciphers/Pamphlet/DOI/?? That Led Me There. 'THERE' doesn't have to be've said the Vault was Under a Water Table in Southern Virginia...'Nuff Said On Location. You don't have to be extremely detailed in your answers until you guys decide what your long term plan is. Think of it this way... By what you've said, the Legend Is Over...You Have Solved It and Recovered The Vault.
I am a Firm Believer that on this Treasure Legend and Every Other Treasure Legend Recovery that the Recovery Team or Individual Along With The Land Owner if Applicable Should Be The Major and Primary Recipients of Any Monies That Come Their Way For The Hard Work That Went Into Its Solve and Recovery. If that comes in the form of books, movies, paid speaking engagements, leasing the recovered items to museums for traveling exhibitions (ex;Titanic-Egyptian Artifacts) and culminating in auctions of some recovered relics and the proceeds going to the Recoverers...That's the way it should be.
It's my opinion after PAYING to attend some of these things and talking with others that Paid to be there that everyone in attendance felt the same as I do. There was no negativity or resentment on any of it towards the recovery team or Paying to See and Hear More. We were all excited to See and Hear MORE of What We Had All Seen Through Photographs and blurbs in Magazines and now online. Without some of the photos being seen long before the events... I wouldn't have gone to them...I sure wouldn't of paid to go and I feel it's very safe to say nobody else there would've either.
As a Spectator Only in the BV/BC saga....Whether you're going to do a book, movie etc. or not...Without Showing the Vault and Contents Through Photographs It Really Is Coming Across As More Supposition Than A Solve and Recovery or Opening of the Vault....No different than the thousands of others.
You're Not a Spectator This Time Ice In This Legend Like Myself And Thousands Of Other Spectators and Part Time Historical Mystery Legend Players, some which have seen or heard what you guys have claimed to have recovered....Which means that what you've said is so obvious to you as a Front Line Participant Is Not Obvious Nor An Ending To The Story To Anyone Else...You get that because I know you've seen many, many people claim to have solved the ciphers and found the location of the vault. I'm sure you've seen more of that than I have and I've seen a lot of supposed solves that are nothing more than someone's belief in the end. No Photos, No Recovery of Anything and The Legend Continues with more jaded views of folks claiming solves and recoveries.
It's My Opinion Only That If You Guys Have Solved the BP's and Have Located and Opened the BV and Recovered and/or Photographed and Itemized Its Contents that the Respectful thing to do concerning your fellow Hard Core Beale Mystery Hunters since you've announced that your group has not only Solved the Ciphers But Have Opened The Vault is To At The Very Least... Post Photographs of the Vault and It's Contents.
That Is Nothing More or Less Than You Would Want or Expect As A Longtime, Avid Participant and Hunter of This Legend Yourself.