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Well. then again, Kace, maybe Icehouse didn't actually posts photos of the Beale treasure vault.

Not if those were 1/4 mile away! I think those pics were on here before... unless I saw them somewhere else.

I skimmed through this thread again and didn't see any vault or contents photos.


...there MAY be a book at a later point for posterity.

*Yawn* Sounds like the book will be a long mind-numbing exercise in delusional deciphering with lots of pictures of rocks, followed by nothing found. Expect low Amazon ratings.

Who would be interested in a book when the ending is known ? Kind of like watching a murder mystery on tv that starts by showing the murder, kind of makes the rest of the show redundent.

Yeah, Kace is right, bad example. The right question to ask is, who would be interested in a book that goes nowhere?

...and another set of photos from Icehouse.
From these it is easy to recognize Beale's "excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground...Roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone,and are covered with others".

Just like the description of Beale's treasure vault in Bedford county in the Beale Papers...oh, I forgot, Icehouse claims its not in Bedford county.

Fishing, you guys do nothing else here, but try to get information out of others and drive them out when you don't get your way! Is that a mod in your pocket or you just happy to see me?

LOL, no wonder no one comes here anymore. This is not the place you go to put out a presentation. This is the place to find your nemesis.

Masterpoe and you seem to "come around here" and never place a "presentation" but act like those two grumpy old men in the Muppet Show balcony with your comments that add nothing to the discussion.
"Its time to put on makeup,
its time to light the lights
Crypto and Masterpoe
are on the Muppet Show tonight"

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The key and the date of its 1st publication comes from the code, and is verified by the code.
The doi was written and signed in 1776. John dunlap, a philly printer printed hundreds of copies of the unsigned doi on july 5, 1776, which were distributed to the 13 colonies, public officials, etc...
Justintime has a Dunlap DOI that he found in an iron stove he bought at a Pennsylvania flea market that has a cropped top that was shown on the Beale episode of John Gates show, and had the initials "TJB".
Is your copy cropped with initials like Justintime's or is it Justintime's copy?

Did anyone see To Tell The Truth last night?

There was a guy on there who bought an original DOI at a Nashville Thrift Store for $2.50! lol! He said he sold it for a little over $470k


Quote Originally Posted by Icehouse View Post
The key and the date of its 1st publication comes from the code, and is verified by the code.
The doi was written and signed in 1776. John dunlap, a philly printer printed hundreds of copies of the unsigned doi on july 5, 1776, which were distributed to the 13 colonies, public officials, etc...


REALLY? Can not be because on your infamous bealemystery site you say you have to use the Declaration of Independence that is in the Job Print Pamphlet. The DOI of the Job Print Pamphlet is not the same as the DOI of July 4, 1776. That is what I have tried to explain to you but you do not get it!!! The DOI in the Job Print Pamphlet came from a published copy in an 1878 History Book. This is the foundation of your work on your bealemstery site and since the foundation does not hold up your "GOLDEN KEY" is USELESS. IF you can not figure this out there is no way in Hell you could ever decipher the Beale Cipher Codes.

Cipher As stated before, c1, c2, and c3, are used at the same time as 1 single code along with clues provided in the supposed c2 decipherment story, along with clues in the rest of the information concerning the Beale codes as originally provided are used in breaking the code. The broken code itself isn't really open for intetpretatation...
The story within the papers and the supposed deciphered c2, are a fiction story, that includes very real clues that when used in conjunction with the numbers in c1, c2, and c3, are in their total, a very real code, that leads you to a very real treasure...
"After decoding the Beale ciphers and working it to a final draft, I found a cipher within the ciphers"- Rev John L Piper
December 12, 2016/ Nick Pelling's CYBER MYSTERIES

"After decoding the Beale ciphers and working it to a final draft, I found a cipher within the ciphers"- Rev John L Piper
December 12, 2016/ Nick Pelling's CYBER MYSTERIES

Yes, but the Good Reverend has been working on his draft since 2014, now four years and still working on it. What the hey good reading fantasy all the time.

There is that cipher within the cipher coincidence with Team BEALE MYSTERY's claim- could the Rev be the famous code breaking 20101 that 81618/Legrand and Icehouse refer to as "the man who solved the Beale codes" that led them to the open/unopened (depending on Icehouse's ever changing version) Beale treasure vault below the water table.

... We are not backing up nor waiting on you.
In the end i know well a number of you will become quite silent. Fact.
After silencing 81618/Legrand your failing to confirm any of your many claims or getting anyone here to join or play the BM TEAM games, you have "become quite silent". Fact. :thumbsup:

After silencing 81618/Legrand your failing to confirm any of your many claims or getting anyone here to join or play the BM TEAM games, you have "become quite silent". Fact. :thumbsup:

It is just like the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT by FINDERSKEEPERS at Dent's Run. Dennis set a deadline of his GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT for APRIL here it is JULY. NO ANNOUNCEMENT. Same with all of this by 81618,20102 and 10201 and all the other numbers with their GREAT ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT ARE GOING TO SHAKE THE WORLD. I have not heard or felt so much as a tiny fart.

Masterpoe and you seem to "come around here" and never place a "presentation" but act like those two grumpy old men in the Muppet Show balcony with your comments that add nothing to the discussion.
"Its time to put on makeup,
its time to light the lights
Crypto and Masterpoe
are on the Muppet Show tonight"
Johnny Carson laughter & applause "track". here...

There is that cipher within the cipher coincidence with Team BEALE MYSTERY's claim- could the Rev be the famous code breaking 20101 that 81618/Legrand and Icehouse refer to as "the man who solved the Beale codes" that led them to the open/unopened (depending on Icehouse's ever changing version) Beale treasure vault below the water table.

It is just like the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT by FINDERSKEEPERS at Dent's Run. Dennis set a deadline of his GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT for APRIL here it is JULY. NO ANNOUNCEMENT. Same with all of this by 81618,20102 and 10201 and all the other numbers with their GREAT ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT ARE GOING TO SHAKE THE WORLD. I have not heard or felt so much as a tiny fart.
Well, it CAN be a ART, you known...

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