Silver Member
Shortstack said:O.D.
No rant, just truth.
One of the best western historians / writers I've found is Glenn Shirley. He is / was a regular writer for Old West magazine and published many books on western history. He was possibly the first historian to debunk the "Belle Starr, Bandit Queen" idea. He showed that it was bs that BS was a gang leader and big, bad bandit. She was a camp follower who got "turned on" by bad boys. She was a Motorcycle Mama before motorcycles were invented.The dime novel writers "invented her" just like they did Wyatt Earp and Buffalo Bill Cody.
a very nice man, he loved to share is knowledge
On February 6, 2002 Glenn and Carrie Shirley attended the unveiling of the portraits of Bill Tilghman and Pistol Pete Eaton painted by Harold Holden in the state Senate chamber in Oklahoma City. This was to be Shirley's last public appearance for on February 27 he died at the age of 85
Guide to the Glenn D. Shirley Western Americana Collection