Basic signs and symbols you have found

Any advise what to do next? What did I overlook?

Any ideas what I should do on my next trip here?

Besides take pictures from all four directions--N,S,E,W.

What did I over look or fail to see?

I would appreciate some help .

Thank you. Barton


  • 194SPIDER.webp
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Looks like a frog, with crown you say or maybe paw.
Frog have symbols, probably sun-shadow symbols .. follow the sun
View attachment 1168796
* Picture is blurry, so, i dont know if more things there
* Ignore trash of small rocks over ground
* Where looks the frog? What's there? .. not forget to search his twin (black frog)

Take more pictures:
View attachment 997199
* Walk a semicircle taking photos, do it at different distances
* Take each photo at least 2 times to avoid blur/movement
* Delete bad photos, then look and save photos with more symbols & better angle

Hello Widomanmx,

I honestly feel your correct that there are triangles there like you showed.

Art / owl / Nevada---showed me a cache site at another location
Since this is a place to learn I will share what he showed me
There is a Black face ( Dog )--man's darker nature--greed--desire for money
There is a White face ( man )---Love, Grace, good,compassion
The Balance of the two--is the most likely area of a cache site
So you will have black and white eagles, black and white triangles, black and white diamonds
So your triangles--while correct--are probably empty
The triangles --and there will be triangles--off the black face will be empty--and may even be trapped
Where the black and white triangles blend together is where you have the highest probability of a cache

Art did not say this--it is simply my interpretation of what he showed me; LOOK FOR OPPOSITES

This is said with the best of intentions--to helpeveryone

Hello Barton, I believe that what you have is several different trails headed different directions, you might try choosing one that is knee high which I believe indicates measure by the vara or pace ( 33 Inch ) follow in the direction as the symbol indicates, Knee High = 189.5 feet, Waist high =1320 feet 0r 1/4 mile, THEY, in my estimation was very accurate in distance and direction, shoulder high = 1 1/4 mile. I believe that you must work each one separate and because its a head and NOT a profile its the start ( head of the trail ) Just my thoughts.

Just another thought about your site, because of the number of scattered rocks it could be a quarry, I believe the method they used was to go to a area that had stones and carve out the symbols they needed then load them up in a cart and took them where they were needed. Thom posted several Bells ( 6 / 8 ) aprox 8 inches wide and aprox. 40 inches high that was racked up that that supported that theory. Works for me

Hello Dsty,

Your response triggered some questions in my mind. The first is you said:'... because its a head and NOT a profile its the start ( head of the trail ).'
What does a profile view mean? Are there other--views than head and profile which have different meanings that your willing to share?

Also what can you tell me about diamonds and pentagons laid out in the grass--or the outlines are formed by rocks?

Thank you for your help. Barton

What does a Black Shadow heart mean? Does it give distance or direction?

What does the black shadow Diamond mean--you can see on the side of the stone?


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Diamonds represent God...

Barton I would look under at the bottom for a small map, be sure and put everything back as you found it, sometimes they would use those type of boulder's to indicate what to look for and generally they would put it near the center of a 600 ft X 600 ft diamond laid out with marked corner boulder, are there other boulders in the area. You sure don't give a person much to work with.

Spanish Markers

What did I over look or fail to see or understand??

Do you see Spanish Markers or information I overlooked?


  • 2015-06-08 00.29.45a.webp
    2015-06-08 00.29.45a.webp
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I am still trying to go through this forum from the start and am only 50 pages in but wanted to post this. I am new to this the last few weeks and the cobwebs really came off my eyes this past weekend. In my area there are many many trails over the entire country. This is too much information for me to digest but I am starting. I've seen some neat posts on here but this one has a biblical reference right out of Revelations. Pretty wild.
Thanks for the help


Hello Barton, I believe that what you have is a yard, Lot's of information and I believe you should measure the distance and get the degrees between all of the Markers on paper use a scale ( 1/8 th inch = 1 foot ) is a good one for a yard ( = many carvings ) If the distance between the carvings don't match the 33 inch then it don't fit

Barton, take info above^^^ with a grain of salt.

image.webpany ideas, anyone?
image1.webpLooks like a "T" or something with a D next to it

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We have found a suspected rocks signs. How can i send to you pictures fir your analysis?*

We have found a suspected rocks signs. How can i send to you pictures fir your analysis?*

1. Start Your Own Thread.

2. Learn how to use forums so that you can post images.

3. Be patient and remember that the vast majority of folks here will only be familiar with signs that are common in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE.

Remember confirmation and paradolia...

I notice a lot of great posts on this you read through some of them, the most important ones are,
confirmation, and paradolia. It is easy to become excited about a new find, but, (I am not pointing out anyone in particular, so please don't assault me), not every strangely shaped stone or pile of stones are clues to buried treasure. Take time to read the thread, even though it is long, it is worth it. Get hold of every book, dvd, or anything else that you can find, and take it all with a grain of salt. Treasure hunting books are there to make money for the author and the publisher. The spanish, jesuits, outlaws, etc., had to be able to find their way back to thier cache, and didn't make it so difficult that it was lost forever to them. Symbology was a huge part of thier clues, and it is quite abundant in certain areas.

I guess what I am saying is, do a lot of reflecting on what you see. Ponder it, study it, and then ponder it again. Does it meet the criteria of a true mark, carving, or monument?

I have a friend that has spent well over a half million dollars in search of one treasure, and with nothing to show for it. He has now lost his wife and family. One in 1000 ever find what they are looking for....

It is easy to get all worked up when hunting treasure, but a TON of money can be spent doing so, and there isn't always a treasure at the end of the rainbow. Keep searching, for there are treasures much more important than wealth to be found while you are searching for those gold and silver bars...

I will quit rambling for now.....

hello good day to all...please help me on how to upload photos in this site because I want to identify of what I do.?i have a lot of photos of treasure sign and symbols in my help me...

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