Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Most of all,
I hope you will enjoy your State's beauty,
and most especially the chance to get out.

Have fun being part of it.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have read a number of books on Spanish signs and symbols. My basic question has alway been what or where is the source material for the meaning of these signs and symbols?. Is there some master list in an archive somewhere for decoding Spanish treasure signs?. Does anyone have an original source for the meaning of these signs?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


I have seen many books and know that there are rumors of a master list that was set up by the Spanish Crown when all of this started.
But I know of no person who has a copy of it. What I know along with the knowledge of my partner has been divined by a lot of footwork and research and much common sense.
Much was acquired when I was very young by a source with hand me down first hand experience and more time on the ground than I will ever have.

I do understand why Spanish "powers that be " would never let a list like that become common knowledge.
The Spanish used the same signs the world over, whether you speak a language or not the signs will be the same from Tailand to America including Africa and the South Pacific.

The Spanish were driven out of these places and never relinquished claim to them,
apparently at some point in time they planned on coming back.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


As I have said on another forum, there was/is no tome or reference book ever that was a master list of monuments/markers by the Spanish.

There are two main sources for what we currently know:

1. From people finding them in the field, then finding what they led to (or vice versa).

2. From Charles Kenworthy's efforts. He spent great amounts of money to get copies of cedulas, redoteros, and anything relating to treasures from various Archives around the world. As he stated in a couple of his books, after spreading the word of what he was looking for, he was contacted by various archivists, who told him what they had. He figured what it was worth, and bought copies. He said that at one point he received 116 pages of documents relating to monuments and markers. That's what he based some of his books on.

If there would have been some book that was basically an encyclopedia of markers/monuments, Kenworthy would have found it and bought it.

Most modern books that show signs/symbols are just rewritten and redrawn versions of Kenworthy's books.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

No problem.

What a lot of people don't know nowdays is that Chuck Kenworthy was a multi-millionaire. He had the resources to buy anything he came across that would help him find and document treasures.

If there would have been such a book, he would have found a way to get it no matter the cost.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Mike you may be right,
But I still believe that for all of Kenworthy's money and time there were things that were not revealed.

There are new revelations that pertain to these signs that pop up from time to time and they are always a great value and proof that money can't always buy every thing. Hard work and persistence prevail where money leaves off.
The guys who put the boots on the ground (as you well know) are the ones who come out ahead.
I have seen your photos of discovery, they are awesome. And hard won.

I welcome your comments and information.
Thanks for sharing .

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


You are right about boots on the ground, but you have to remember that a book like that would be in an archive somewhere. Kenworthy had the money and connections to gain access to most any archives in the world (and gain access he did).


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

If someone sees an old man walking down the road with a bunch of paper sticking out of his pocket talking to himself, be nice to him it may be me.



You aren't alone my friend .
I think we all sit in that category from time to time.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

dsty said:
Hello folks, In Mr Kenworthy's book that I've read he states that he found maps that led to treasure but some not even which contentment they were on, the most important is thing is to remember (that I don't know how many times in other post each time you find a carving there will be several meanings) 7= seventh day he rested, it could also stand for the 7th letter of the alphabet = G, one of the G.T that I followed was 720 ( outlaw ) feet, I've seen five 7s in top of a 10 inch triangle along the top line, at that time it meant 5 churches or it could mean 5 burials that belong to the Church, why the 3 corners, why a triangle, people in the area told me it was an Indian head, and the holes they carved in limestone was Viking ceremonial baths, it may be since they had a lip around the top for soap but my thoughts were that it was a lip to hold a lid on then covered with dirt. If someone sees an old man walking down the road with a bunch of paper sticking out of his pocket talking to himself, be nice to him it may be me. Oh yea since there was 2 dots for eyes and those are the 2 large baths and there was dots at the 3 corners of the triangle I just wonder if they would put burials at the corners to make it 3+2 = 5 mmmmmmm. Would they do that or 1/2 way between the 3 corner rocks one is a turkey track turned over when they built a oil well location. have a safe day dsty


You have to remember one thing about Kenworthys Books. While he DID look for some Robber Caches, his interest was MOSTLY Spanish colonial. When you see signs/symbols/monuments/markers in his books they are not relating to Outlaws, Indians(unless specified), KGC, etc. Whatever you see in CKs Books is all Spanish, Church, and Mexican. Don't confuse him with other folks like Mary Carson, Mike Pickett, or Tom Penfield. In their books, they show Indian, and all other kinds of fru fra. CK spent his time and money researching SPANISH TREASURE.

Regarding the maps CK got. Remember how I said that everybody had to file a set of three (3) maps at one of the Palaces of Governors.
1. From a known location to the general area (could encompass hundreds of miles).
2. A little more detailed (could encompass about 25-30 miles).
3. Puts you on top of the spot.

If he got the final map, he would only have something that might cover a few hundred varas, with no starting point. If he got the middle map, there would be no starting point, and no detailed end point. If he got just the first map, it would take him from say Santa Fe to the Sierra Pinta Mountains. Where do you go from there? No idea. So.........while getting a treasure map seems great, without the set of all three, you might as well have nothing.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when CK says that a certain carving means something, it's not deductive reasoning on his part. It is because he has documented evidence that shows a certain marker meant a certain thing. That doesn't mean that a different person might not have gotten permission to use a similar marker for a somewhat different meaning. That's another reason why I say that monuments and markers are more of an individual thing than something copied from the Spanish Royal Encyclopedia Monumentia. ;D



Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Howdy all ,
Sorry if I sound course or abrasive , I ain't got no time fer simple markers , I like to eat meat , you know , the stuffs one can sink their teeth into

If I want to speculate , I'll play the commodities , exchange markets
:icon_jokercolor: :icon_king: :-*

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

awesome turtle Buddy !

Thanks for letting us peek.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

MesaBuddy said:
Howdy all ,
Sorry if I sound course or abrasive , I ain't got no time fer simple markers , I like to eat meat , you know , the stuffs one can sink their teeth into

If I want to speculate , I'll play the commodities , exchange markets
:icon_jokercolor: :icon_king: :-*

HEY Buddy,

Looks like you found a tank!


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hi Mike ,
Sure does seem that way ! , looking for a half track now ;D
Thom ,
Thanks !

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

tesoro dog said:
Thank you Tesoro ! ,
And another , I put it up a while ago :icon_jokercolor:
[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have liked this one from the first time you shared it with me.
he is the only one I have ever seen with a heart for an eye.

Awesome stuff,

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Is that a duck, owl combination face in the backround, just in front of the Turtles nose? Maybe I am just seeing things as usual. Another great find!!! TD

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